Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Applications and utility of the surface elevation table–marker horizon method for measuring wetland elevation and shallow soil subsidence-expansion: Discussion/reply to: Byrnes M., Britsch L., Berlinghoff J., Johnson R., and Khalil S. 2019. Recent subsidence rates for Barataria Basin, Louisiana. Geo-Marine Letters 39:265–278, 2020, Geo-Marine Letters (40) -
- Observations of pockmark flow structure in Belfast Bay, Maine, Part 2: evidence for cavity flow, 2017, Geo-Marine Letters (37) - 1
- Observations of pockmark flow structure in Belfast Bay, Maine, Part 1: current-induced mixing, 2017, Geo-Marine Letters (37) - 1
- Observations of pockmark flow structure in Belfast Bay, Maine, Part 3: implications for sediment transport, 2017, Geo-Marine Letters (37) - 1
- Pockmark asymmetry and seafloor currents in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil, 2016, Geo-Marine Letters (36) - 6
- Character, distribution, and ecological significance of storm wave-induced scour in Rhode Island Sound, USA, 2015, Geo-Marine Letters (35) - 2
- Greenhouse gases generated from the anaerobic biodegradation of natural offshore asphalt seepages in southern California, 2014, Geo-Marine Letters (34) - 2-3
- Glaciotectonic deformation associated with the Orient Point-Fishers Island moraine, westernmost Block Island Sound: further evidence of readvance of the Laurentide ice sheet, 2012, Geo-Marine Letters (32) - 4
- Small-scale sediment transport patterns and bedform morphodynamics: New insights from high resolution multibeam bathymetry, 2011, Geo-Marine Letters (31) - 4
- More than a century of bathymetric observations and present-day shallow sediment characterization in Belfast Bay, Maine, USA: Implications for pockmark field longevity, 2011, Geo-Marine Letters (31) - 4
- Water quality and phytoplankton communities in Lake Pontchartrain during and after the Bonnet Carre Spillway opening, April to October 2008, in Louisiana, USA, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Delta lobe degradation and hurricane impacts governing large-scale coastal behavior, South-central Louisiana, USA, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- A carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur elemental and isotopic study in dated sediment cores from the Louisiana Shelf, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Holocene evolution of Apalachicola Bay, Florida, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Introduction to "northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem change and hazards susceptibility", 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Evolution and preservation potential of fluvial and transgressive deposits on the Louisiana inner shelf: Understanding depositional processes to support coastal management, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Evidence of multidecadal climate variability and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation from a Gulf of Mexico sea-surface temperature-proxy record, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- The 20th-century development and expansion of Louisiana shelf hypoxia, Gulf of Mexico, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Subsurface control on seafloor erosional processes offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 2009, Geo-Marine Letters (29) - 6
- Estuarine sediment transport by gravity-driven movement of the nepheloid layer, Long Island Sound, 2008, Geo-Marine Letters (28) - 4
- Origin of pockmarks and chimney structures on the flanks of the Storegga Slide, offshore Norway, 2008, Geo-Marine Letters (28) - 1
- Understanding shallow gas occurrences in the Gulf of Lions, 2007, Geo-Marine Letters (27) - 2-4
- Seafloor character and sedimentary processes in eastern Long Island Sound and western Block Island Sound, 2006, Geo-Marine Letters (26) -
- Character and distribution of exposed glaciodeltaic deposits off outer Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and their effects on hydrogeology and benthic habitats, 2006, Geo-Marine Letters (26) - 1
- Geochemical constraints on the distribution of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico, 2005, Geo-Marine Letters (25) - 5
- Walrus foraging marks on the seafloor in Bristol Bay, Alaska: A reconnaissance survey, 2005, Geo-Marine Letters (25) - 5
- Possible modes of coral-reef development at Molokai, Hawaii, inferred from seismic-reflection profiling, 2005, Geo-Marine Letters (25) - 5
- Dispersal forcing of a southern California river plumes, based on field and remote sensing observations, 2004, Geo-Marine Letters (24) - 1
- Birth of the modern Chesapeake Bay estuary between 7.4 and 8.2 ka and implications for global sea-level rise, 2003, Geo-Marine Letters (22) - 4
- Natural seepage of crude oil into the marine environment, 2003, Geo-Marine Letters (23) - 3-4
- Gas hydrate accumulation at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano, 1999, Geo-Marine Letters (19) - 1-2
- Sea-floor methane blow-out and global firestorm at the K-T boundary, 1999, Geo-Marine Letters (18) - 4
- Growth of a post-Little Ice Age submarine fan, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1999, Geo-Marine Letters (19) - 4
- Late Pleistocene channel-levee development on Monterey submarine fan, central California, 1999, Geo-Marine Letters (18) - 3
- Tidally generated sea-floor lineations in Bristol Bay, Alaska, USA, 1999, Geo-Marine Letters (19) - 4
- Benthic boundary layer processes in the Lower Florida Keys, 1997, Geo-Marine Letters (17) - 4
- Proposed criteria for recognizing intrastratal deformation features in marine high resolution seismic reflection profiles, 1996, Geo-Marine Letters (16) - 4
- Silt heavy-mineral distributions off the Southeastern United States, 1996, Geo-Marine Letters (16) - 2
- Evidence for gas accumulation associated with diapirism and gas hydrates at the head of the Cape Fear Slide, 1993, Geo-Marine Letters (13) - 3
- Evidence for gas accumulation associated with diapirism and gas hydrates at the head of the Cape Fear Slide, 1993, Geo-Marine Letters (13) - 3
- Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates, 1993, Geo-Marine Letters (13) - 1
- Gas hydrates from the continental slope, offshore Sakhalin Island, Okhotsk Sea, 1993, Geo-Marine Letters (13) - 1
- Comment on the mapping of iron-manganese nodule fields using reconnaissance sonars such as GLORIA, 1993, Geo-Marine Letters (13) - 4
- Geotechnical properties and preliminary assessment of sediment stability on the continental slope of the northwestern Alboran Sea, 1992, Geo-Marine Letters (12) - 2-3
- Fe-Mn nodule field indicated by GLORIA, north of the Puerto Rico Trench, 1992, Geo-Marine Letters (12) - 4
- Consolidation and erosion of deposited cohesive sediments in Northern Chesapeake Bay, USA, 1991, Geo-Marine Letters (11) - 3-4
- Seabed measurements of modern corrosion rates on the Florida escarpment, 1991, Geo-Marine Letters (11) - 1
- Return to ranger submarine slide, Baja California, Mexico, 1990, Geo-Marine Letters (10) - 2
- Sea-floor observations in the tongue of the ocean, Bahamas: An Argo/SeaMARC survey, 1989, Geo-Marine Letters (9) - 3
- Depositional history of the Lagniappe Delta, northern Gulf of Mexico, 1989, Geo-Marine Letters (9) - 2
- Pockmarks in the floor of Penobscot Bay, Maine, 1989, Geo-Marine Letters (9) - 1
- Internal tides and sediment movement on Horizon Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains, 1988, Geo-Marine Letters (8) - 1
- Sediment waves on the tiber prodelta slope: Interaction of deltaic sedimentation and currents along the shelf, 1988, Geo-Marine Letters (8) - 3
- An Angus/Argo study of the neovolcanic zone along the East Pacific rise from the Clipperton fracture zone to 12°N, 1988, Geo-Marine Letters (8) - 3
- Acoustic stratigraphy and hydrothermal activity within Epi Submarine Caldera, Vanuatu, New Hebrides Arc, 1988, Geo-Marine Letters (8) - 3
- Hydrocarbon gas in sediment of the Southern Pacific Ocean, 1988, Geo-Marine Letters (8) - 3
- Erosion and slope instability on Horizon Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains, 1988, Geo-Marine Letters (8) - 1
- Unusual bed forms on the North Aleutian Shelf, Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1987, Geo-Marine Letters (7) - 4
- Book Reviews, 1987, Geo-Marine Letters (7) - 1
- Nepheloid layers and internal waves over continental shelves and slopes, 1986, Geo-Marine Letters (6) - 3
- The impact of wave loads and pore-water pressure generation on initiation of sediment transport, 1985, Geo-Marine Letters (5) - 3
- Morphology and downslope sediment displacement in a deep-sea valley, the Valencia Valley (Northwestern Mediterranean), 1985, Geo-Marine Letters (5) - 3
- Morphology of the Ebro fan valleys from SeaMARC and sea beam profiles, 1985, Geo-Marine Letters (5) - 3
- Physiography and deposition on a distal deep-sea system: The Valencia Fan (Northwestern Mediterranean), 1985, Geo-Marine Letters (5) - 3
- An evaluation of temperature scales for silica diagenesis in diatomaceous sequences including a new approach based on the Miocene Monterey Formation, California, 1985, Geo-Marine Letters (5) - 1
- Composition and morphology of ferromanganese coatings on glacial erratics in Lydonia Canyon, United States East Coast, 1985, Geo-Marine Letters (5) - 2
- Ferrelo fan, California: Depositional system influenced by Eustatic sea level changes, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Submarine-fan facies associations of the Eocene Butano Sandstone, Santa Cruz mountains, California, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Submarine-fan facies associations of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene Gottero Sandstone, Ligurian Apennines, Italy, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Monterey Fan: Growth pattern control by basin morphology and changing sea levels, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Problems in turbidite research: A need for COMFAN, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- The Ebro Deep-Sea Fan system, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- The Laurentian Fan: Sohm Abyssal Plain, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- The Crati Submarine Fan, Ionian Sea, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Sedimentary, tectonic, and sea-level controls on submarine fan and slope-apron turbidite systems, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Turbidite facies in an ancient subduction complex: Torlesse terrane, New Zealand, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Delgada Fan: Preliminary interpretation of channel development, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- The Astoria Fan: An elongate type fan, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Aftermath of comfan-Comments, not solutions, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Miocene Blanca Fan, Northern Channel Islands, California: Small fans reflecting tectonism and volcanism, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Navy Fan, California Borderland: Growth pattern and depositional processes, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- Trench-fill submarine-fan facies associations of the Upper Cretaceous Chugach terrane, southern Alaska, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (3) - 2-4
- The continental slope off New England: A long-range sidescan-sonar perspective, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 1
- Creep behavior of submarine sediments, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 3-4
- Natural radioisotope210Pb as an indicator of origin of fine-grained sediment, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 3-4
- Transport of clays in the eastern part of santa barbara channel, California, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 3-4
- Mass movement of fine-grained sediment to the basin floor, bering sea, Alaska, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 3-4
- Turbidity currents generated by Hurricane Iwa, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 1
- Heavy minerals in surficial sediments from lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1984, Geo-Marine Letters (4) - 1
- Puzzling mass movement features in the Navarinsky Canyon head, Bering Sea, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 3-4
- Large sand waves in Navarinsky Canyon head, Bering Sea, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 3-4
- Geological interpretation of cone penetrometer tests in Norton Sound, Alaska, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 3-4
- Sonographs of submarine sediment failure caused by the 1980 earthquake off northern California, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 3-4
- Mud transportation on a steep shelf, Rio de La Plata shelf, Puerto Rico, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 1-2
- Channel systems and lobe construction in the Mississippi Fan, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 1-2
- Erosional channels on the shoreface of Nauset Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 1-2
- Stability studies of surficial sediments in the Wilmington-Lindenkohl Canyons area, eastern U.S. margin, 1982, Geo-Marine Letters (2) - 3-4
- Coincident sediment slump/clathrate complexes on the U.S. Atlantic continental slope, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 1
- Response of the suspended sediment transport system to continental shelf dynamics, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 3-4
- Ancient buried submarine trough, northwest Gulf of Mexico, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 2
- Geology and geochemistry of gas-charged sediment on Kodiak Shelf, Alaska, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 2
- Depositional sequences in clastic continental slope deposits, Gulf of Mexico, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 2
- Interaction between diapirism and sediment loading at the shelf-slope boundary, northwest Gulf of Mexico, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 2
- 210Pb method for estimating the rate of carbonate sand sedimentation, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 3-4
- Simplified method of deep-tow seismic profiling, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 1
- Storm-built sand ridges on the Maryland inner shelf: a preliminary report, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 1
- Cretaceous Arctic silicoflagellates, 1981, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 1
- Coincident sediment slump/clathrate complexes on the U.S. Atlantic continental slope, 1980, Geo-Marine Letters (1) - 1