Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Change in growth and prey utilization for a native salmonid following invasion by an omnivorous minnow in an oligotrophic reservoir, 2024, Hydrobiologia (851) -
- Decomposition rates appear stable despite elevated shrimp abundances following hurricanes in montane streams, Puerto Rico, 2024, Hydrobiologia (851) -
- Novel technique for suppressing an invasive apex predator minimally alters nitrogen dynamics in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA, 2024, Hydrobiologia (851) -
- The vegetation dynamics of the monsoonal wetland of the Keoladeo National Park, India: A reassessment, 2024, Hydrobiologia (851) -
- Invasive Brook Stickleback Culaea inconstans occurrence, habitat drivers, and spatial overlap with native fishes in Wyoming, USA, 2023, Hydrobiologia (859) -
- Evidence for the importance of invasive Dreissena veligers as a novel prey item for larval fish in Lake Huron, 2023, Hydrobiologia (850) -
- Isotopic niche of New Jersey terrapins suggests intraspecific resource partitioning, and little variability following a major hurricane, 2023, Hydrobiologia (850) -
- Assessment of three methods to evaluate the distribution of submersed aquatic vegetation in western Lake Erie, 2023, Hydrobiologia (850) -
- Can big data inform invasive dreissenid mussel risk assessments of habitat suitability?, 2023, Hydrobiologia
- Seasonal variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages in paired perennial and intermittent streams in Costa Rica, 2023, Hydrobiologia (850) -
- A suction pump sampler for invertebrate drift detects exceptionally high concentrations of small invertebrates that drift nets miss, 2022, Hydrobiologia (849) -
- A landscape approach for identifying potential reestablishment sites for extirpated stream fishes: an example with Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in Michigan, 2022, Hydrobiologia (849) -
- Non-native poeciliids in hot water: The role of thermal springs in facilitating invasion of tropical species, 2021, Hydrobiologia (848) - 20
- Riparian forests buffer the negative effects of cropland on macroinvertebrate diversity in lowland Amazonian streams, 2021, Hydrobiologia (848) -
- Influence of surrounding land-use on mussel growth and glycogen levels in the St. Croix and Minnesota River basins, 2021, Hydrobiologia (848) -
- Salinity and inundation effects on productivity of brackish tidal marsh plants in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, 2020, Hydrobiologia (847) -
- Effects of experimental warming and nutrient enrichment on wetland communities at the Arctic’s edge, 2020, Hydrobiologia (847) -
- Shallow lake management enhanced habitat and attracted waterbirds during fall migration, 2020, Hydrobiologia (847) -
- Soil surface elevation dynamics in a mangrove-to-marsh ecotone characterized by vegetation shifts, 2020, Hydrobiologia (847) -
- Invertebrate communities of Prairie-Pothole wetlands in the age of the aquatic Homogenocene, 2020, Hydrobiologia (847) -
- Assessing the impact of charr research past, present, and future, 2019, Hydrobiologia (840) - 1
- Fish assemblages in a Mississippi reservoir mudflat with low structural complexity, 2019, Hydrobiologia (841) -
- Subsurface water piping prevents meromixis in a deep volcanic crater lake (Dominica, West Indies), 2019, Hydrobiologia (839) - 1
- Effect of light intensity and substrate type on siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush siscowet) predation on deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii), 2019, Hydrobiologia
- Physical, biogeochemical, and meteorological factors responsible for interannual changes in cyanobacterial community composition and biovolume over two decades in a eutrophic lake, 2019, Hydrobiologia (828) - 1
- Effectiveness of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) suppression in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho: 2006–2016, 2019, Hydrobiologia (840) - 1
- Long-term suppression of the Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) population in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, 2019, Hydrobiologia (840) - 1
- Influences of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and Mysis diluviana on Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, 2019, Hydrobiologia (840) -
- Molecular phylogeny of the Nearctic and Mesoamerican freshwater mussel genus Megalonaias, 2018, Hydrobiologia (811) - 1
- Estimating factors influencing the detection probability of semiaquatic freshwater snails using quadrat survey methods, 2018, Hydrobiologia (808) - 1
- Range estimates and habitat use of invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix): Evidence of sedentary and mobile individuals, 2018, Hydrobiologia (805) - 1
- Microhabitat and biology of Sphaerium striatinum in a central New York stream, 2018, Hydrobiologia (810) - 1
- The state of the world’s mangroves in the 21st century under climate change, 2017, Hydrobiologia (803) - 1
- Landscape- and local-scale habitat influences on occupancy and detection probability of stream-dwelling crayfish: Implications for conservation, 2017, Hydrobiologia (799) - 1
- Temporal genetic population structure and interannual variation in migration behavior of Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus, 2017, Hydrobiologia (794) - 1
- Amphibian dynamics in constructed ponds on a wildlife refuge: developing expected responses to hydrological restoration, 2017, Hydrobiologia (790) - 1
- An Arctic and Subarctic ostracode database: Biogeographic and paleoceanographic applications, 2017, Hydrobiologia (786) -
- A primer on potential impacts, management priorities, and future directions for Elodea spp. in high latitude systems: learning from the Alaskan experience, 2016, Hydrobiologia (777) - 1
- Patch occupancy of stream fauna across a land cover gradient in the southern Appalachians, USA, 2016, Hydrobiologia (773) - 1
- Salinity and temperature tolerance of an emergent alien species, the Amazon fish Astronotus ocellatus, 2016, Hydrobiologia (777) - 1
- Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) suppression for bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) recovery in Flathead Lake, Montana, North America, 2016, Hydrobiologia (783) - 1
- Population connectivity and genetic structure of burbot (Lota lota) populations in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming, 2016, Hydrobiologia (765) - 1
- Life history differences between fat and lean morphs of lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush) in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, 2016, Hydrobiologia (783) - 1
- Physical and chemical constraints limit the habitat window for an endangered mussel, 2016, Hydrobiologia (772) - 1
- Trophic overlap between native and invasive stream crayfish, 2016, Hydrobiologia (766) - 1
- Ontogenetic dynamics of infection with Diphyllobothrium spp. cestodes in sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) and brown trout Salmo trutta L., 2016, Hydrobiologia (783) - 1
- Behavioural response of adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to predator and conspecific alarm cues: evidence of additive effects, 2016, Hydrobiologia (767) - 1
- Habitat use of non-native burbot in a western river, 2015, Hydrobiologia (757) - 1
- Decomposition of sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus carcasses: temperature effects, nutrient dynamics, and implications for stream food webs, 2015, Hydrobiologia (760) - 1
- Ecology, culture, and management of Burbot: an introduction, 2015, Hydrobiologia (757) -
- A chronicle of a killer alga in the west: Ecology, assessment, and management of Prymnesium parvum blooms, 2015, Hydrobiologia (764) -
- Fine root productivity varies along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients in high-rainfall mangrove forests of Micronesia, 2015, Hydrobiologia (750) - 1
- Response of crayfish to hyporheic water availability and excess sedimentation, 2015, Hydrobiologia (747) - 1
- Seasonal patterns in stream periphyton fatty acids and community benthic algal composition in six high quality headwater streams, 2015, Hydrobiologia (744) - 1
- Evaluating the use of side-scan sonar for detecting freshwater mussel beds in turbid river environments, 2015, Hydrobiologia (743) - 1
- Evidence of the St. Clair-Detroit River system as a dispersal corridor and nursery habitat for transient larval burbot, 2015, Hydrobiologia (757) - 1
- Effects of invasive European bird cherry (Prunus padus) on leaf litter processing by aquatic invertebrate shredder communities in urban Alaskan streams, 2014, Hydrobiologia (736) - 1
- Physical habitat and water quality correlates of crayfish distributions in a mined watershed, 2014, Hydrobiologia (745) - 1
- The influence of light, stream gradient, and iron on Didymosphenia geminata bloom development in the Black Hills, South Dakota, 2014, Hydrobiologia (721) - 1
- The temperature-productivity squeeze: Constraints on brook trout growth along an Appalachian river continuum, 2014, Hydrobiologia (727) - 1
- Environmental variables measured at multiple spatial scales exert uneven influence on fish assemblages of floodplain lakes, 2014, Hydrobiologia (721) - 1
- Agricultural disturbance response models for invertebrate and algal metrics from streams at two spatial scales within the U.S., 2014, Hydrobiologia (726) - 1
- Effects of a non-native cichlid fish (African jewelfish, Hemichromis letourneuxi Sauvage 1880) on a simulated Everglades aquatic community, 2014, Hydrobiologia (722) - 1
- Potential for parasite-induced biases in aquatic invertebrate population studies, 2014, Hydrobiologia (722) - 1
- Effect of light, prey density, and prey type on the feeding rates of Hemimysis anomala, 2013, Hydrobiologia (720) - 1
- Relationships between ecosystem metabolism, benthic macroinvertebrate densities, and environmental variables in a sub-arctic Alaskan river, 2013, Hydrobiologia (701) - 1
- Increasing synchrony of high temperature and low flow in western North American streams: double trouble for coldwater biota?, 2013, Hydrobiologia (712) - 1
- Summer temperature metrics for predicting brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) distribution in streams, 2012, Hydrobiologia (703) - 1
- Fish assemblage dynamics in a Neotropical floodplain relative to aquatic macrophytes and the homogenizing effect of a flood pulse, 2012, Hydrobiologia (685) - 1
- Can elevated CO2 modify regeneration from seed banks of floating freshwater marshes subjected to rising sea-level?, 2012, Hydrobiologia (683) - 1
- Do environmental changes or juvenile competition act as mechanisms of species displacement in crayfishes?, 2012, Hydrobiologia (683) - 1
- Response of an algal assemblage to nutrient enrichment and shading in a Hawaiian stream, 2012, Hydrobiologia (683) - 1
- Temporal trends in algae, benthic invertebrate, and fish assemblages in streams and rivers draining basins of varying land use in the south-central United States, 1993-2007, 2012, Hydrobiologia (684) - 1
- Fish and land use influence Gammarus lacustris and Hyalella azteca (Amphipoda) densities in large wetlands across the upper Midwest, 2011, Hydrobiologia (664) - 1
- The evaluation of a rake method to quantify submersed vegetation in the Upper Mississippi River, 2011, Hydrobiologia (675) - 1
- The biogeochemistry of anchialine caves: Progress and possibilities, 2011, Hydrobiologia (677) -
- QuickBird satellite imagery as a tool for restoration and rehabilitation of Lake Sevan, Armenia, 2011, Hydrobiologia (661) - 1
- Stoichiometric relationship between suspension-feeding caddisfly (Trichoptera: Brachycentridae) and seston, 2011, Hydrobiologia (675) - 1
- Suspended material availability and filtration-biodeposition processes performed by a native and invasive bivalve species in streams, 2011, Hydrobiologia (667) - 1
- Monitoring the dynamics of an invasive emergent macrophyte community using operational remote sensing data, 2011, Hydrobiologia (661) - 1
- Relationships among rotational and conventional grazing systems, stream channels, and macroinvertebrates, 2011, Hydrobiologia (669) - 1
- Individual growth and reproductive behavior in a newly established population of northern snakehead (Channa argus), Potomac River, USA, 2010, Hydrobiologia (661) - 1
- Effects of light and nutrients on seasonal phytoplankton succession in a temperate eutrophic coastal lagoon, 2010, Hydrobiologia (654) - 1
- Determination of biologically significant hydrologic condition metrics in urbanizing watersheds: an empirical analysis over a range of environmental settings, 2010, Hydrobiologia (654) - 1
- Diatom changes in two Uinta mountain lakes, Utah, USA: Responses to anthropogenic and natural atmospheric inputs, 2010, Hydrobiologia (648) -
- Challenges in merging fisheries research and management: The Upper Mississippi River experience, 2010, Hydrobiologia (640) - 1
- Longitudinal trends and discontinuities in nutrients, chlorophyll, and suspended solids in the Upper Mississippi River: Implications for transport, processing, and export by large rivers, 2010, Hydrobiologia (651) - 1
- Environmental conditions and biotic interactions influence ecosystem structure and function in a drying stream, 2010, Hydrobiologia (644) - 1
- Response of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to highway construction in an Appalachian watershed, 2010, Hydrobiologia (641) - 1
- Nitrogen and phosphorus in the Upper Mississippi River: Transport, processing, and effects on the river ecosystem, 2010, Hydrobiologia (640) - 1
- Headwater streams and forest management: does ecoregional context influence logging effects on benthic communities?, 2010, Hydrobiologia (641) - 1
- Shifts in the trophic base of intermittent stream food webs, 2009, Hydrobiologia (635) - 1
- Foreword: A virtual congress on palaeolimnology—Palaeolimnological proxies as tools for environmental reconstruction in fresh water, 2009, Hydrobiologia (631) -
- Long-term change in limnology and invertebrates in Alaskan boreal wetlands, 2009, Hydrobiologia (620) - 1
- Holocene climate on the Modoc Plateau, northern California, USA: The view from Medicine Lake, 2009, Hydrobiologia (631) - 1
- Dietary flexibility in three representative waterbirds across salinity and depth gradients in salt ponds of San Francisco Bay, 2009, Hydrobiologia (626) - 1
- Relationship between body condition of American alligators and water depth in the Everglades, Florida, 2009, Hydrobiologia (635) - 1
- What is "fallback"?: metrics needed to assess telemetry tag effects on anadromous fish behavior, 2009, Hydrobiologia (635) - 1
- Use of complex hydraulic variables to predict the distribution and density of unionids in a side channel of the Upper Mississippi River, 2008, Hydrobiologia (610) - 1
- Contribution of sediment fluxes and transformations to the summer nitrogen budget of an Upper Mississippi River backwater system, 2008, Hydrobiologia (598) - 1
- Organochlorine pesticide, polychlorinated biphenyl, trace element and metal residues in bird eggs from Salton Sea, California, 2004, 2008, Hydrobiologia (604) - 1
- Transport and distribution of trace elements and other selected inorganic constituents by suspended particulates in the Salton Sea Basin, California, 2001, 2008, Hydrobiologia (604) - 1
- Occurrence, distribution and transport of pesticides into the Salton Sea Basin, California, 2001-2002, 2008, Hydrobiologia (604) - 1
- A linked hydrodynamic and water quality model for the Salton Sea, 2008, Hydrobiologia (604) - 1
- Summer temperature variation and implications for juvenile Atlantic salmon, 2008, Hydrobiologia (603) - 1
- Long-term changes in the phosphorus loading to and trophic state of the Salton Sea, California, 2008, Hydrobiologia (604) - 1
- Importance of physical and hydraulic characteristics to unionid mussels: A retrospective analysis in a reach of large river, 2008, Hydrobiologia (598) - 1
- Dispersal of large branchiopod cysts: Potential movement by wind from potholes on the Colorado Plateau, 2008, Hydrobiologia (600) - 1
- Response in the water quality of the Salton Sea, California, to changes in phosphorus loading: An empirical modeling approach, 2008, Hydrobiologia (604) - 1
- Thermal, chemical, and optical properties of Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) -
- Distribution and abundance of zooplankton populations in Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Estimating biomass of submersed vegetation using a simple rake sampling technique, 2007, Hydrobiologia (575) - 1
- Predicting Secchi disk depth from average beam attenuation in a deep, ultra-clear lake, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Ultraviolet radiation and bio-optics in Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Thermal, chemical, and optical properties of Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- On the influence of substrate morphology and surface area on phytofauna, 2007, Hydrobiologia (575) - 1
- Seasonal and interannual variability in the taxonomic composition and production dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages in Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Local structuring factors of invertebrate communities in ephemeral freshwater rock pools and the influence of more permanent water bodies in the region, 2007, Hydrobiologia (592) - 1
- Variability of kokanee and rainbow trout food habits, distribution, and population dynamics, in an ultraoligotrophic lake with no manipulative management, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Bacterioplankton communities of Crater Lake, OR: Dynamic changes with euphotic zone food web structure and stable deep water populations, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Seasonal nutrient and plankton dynamics in a physical-biological model of Crater Lake, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Subaqueous geology and a filling model for Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Long-term limnological research and monitoring at Crater Lake, Oregon, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Measurements of spectral optical properties and their relation to biogeochemical variables and processes in Crater Lake, Crater Lake National Park, OR, 2007, Hydrobiologia (574) - 1
- Using diatom assemblages to assess urban stream conditions, 2006, Hydrobiologia (561) - 1
- The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation, 2006, Hydrobiologia (569) - 1
- Trophic structure and avian communities across a salinity gradient in evaporation ponds of the San Francisco Bay estuary, 2006, Hydrobiologia (567) - 1
- Macroinvertebrate abundance, water chemistry, and wetland characteristics affect use of wetlands by avian species in Maine, 2006, Hydrobiologia (567) - 1
- Diurnal time-activity budgets of redheads (Aythya americana) wintering in seagrass beds and coastal ponds in Louisiana and Texas, 2006, Hydrobiologia (567) - 1
- Regional processes in mangrove ecosystems: Spatial scaling relationships, biomass, and turnover rates following catastrophic disturbance, 2006, Hydrobiologia (569) - 1
- Responses of neotropical mangrove seedlings grown in monoculture and mixed culture under treatments of hydroperiod and salinity, 2006, Hydrobiologia (569) - 1
- Reproductive condition and occurrence of intersex in bighead carp and silver carp in the Missouri River, 2006, Hydrobiologia (571) - 1
- Light-mediated Zn uptake in photosynthetic biofilm, 2006, Hydrobiologia (571) - 1
- Evaluating the relative contributions of hydroperiod and soil fertility on growth of south Florida mangroves, 2006, Hydrobiologia (569) - 1
- A landscape-scale model of yellow-billed loon (Gavia adamsii) habitat preferences in northern alaska, 2006, Hydrobiologia (567) - 1
- Spatial patterns of fish communities along two estuarine gradients in southern Florida, 2006, Hydrobiologia (569) - 1
- Benthic invertebrate community structure is influenced by forest succession after clearcut logging in southeastern Alaska, 2005, Hydrobiologia (533) - 1
- Distribution and seasonal abundance of trematode parasites (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae: Crepidostomum spp.) in burrowing mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae: Hexagenia spp.) from connecting rivers of the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2005, Hydrobiologia (548) - 1
- Evaluation of and insights from ALFISH: a spatially explicit landscape-level simulation of fish populations in the Everglades, 2004, Hydrobiologia (520) - 1
- The importance of hyporheic sediment respiration in several mid-order Michigan rivers: Comparison between methods in estimates of lotic metabolism, 2004, Hydrobiologia (518) - 1
- The influence of Dworshak Dam on epilithic community metabolism in the Clearwater River, U.S.A., 2004, Hydrobiologia (513) -
- Using fish communities to assess streams in Romania: Initial development of an index of biotic integrity, 2004, Hydrobiologia (511) -
- Hydrologic variability, water chemistry, and phytoplankton biomass in a large flood plain of the Sacramento River, CA, U.S.A., 2004, Hydrobiologia (513) -
- Effects of predation risk on habitat selection by water column fish, benthic fish and crayfish in stream pools, 2004, Hydrobiologia (527) - 1
- Recent increases in sediment and nutrient accumulation in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho, USA, 2004, Hydrobiologia (525) - 1-3
- Rapid assessment indicator of wetland integrity as an unintended predictor of avian diversity, 2004, Hydrobiologia (520) - 1-3
- Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) limit food for larval fish (Pimephales promelas) in turbulent systems: a bioenergetics analysis, 2003, Hydrobiologia (495) - 1-3
- Lake-specific responses to elevated atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, U.S.A, 2003, Hydrobiologia (510) - 1-3
- Identification of linear and threshold responses in streams along a gradient of urbanization in Anchorage, Alaska, 2003, Hydrobiologia (501) -
- Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) limit food for larval fish (Pimephales promelas) in turbulent systems: A bioenergetics analysis, 2003, Hydrobiologia (495) -
- Interdecadal change in the deep Puget sound benthos, 2003, Hydrobiologia (493) -
- Chemical evolution of the Salton Sea, California: Nutrient and selenium dynamics, 2002, Hydrobiologia (473) - 1
- Inter-annual, seasonal and spatial variability in nutrient limitation of phytoplankton production in a river impoundment, 2002, Hydrobiologia (481) -
- Preface, 2002, Hydrobiologia (473) - 1-3
- Avian disease at the Salton Sea, 2002, Hydrobiologia (473) - 1-3
- Persistence of an unusual pelagic zooplankton assemblage in a clear, mountain lake, 2002, Hydrobiologia (468) - 1-3
- Persistence of an unusual pelagic zooplankton assemblage in a clear, mountain lake, 2002, Hydrobiologia (468) -
- Possible importance of algal toxins in the Salton Sea, California, 2002, Hydrobiologia (473) - 1-3
- Anadromous alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus, as prey for white perch, Morone americana, 2002, Hydrobiologia (479) -
- Aquatic vegetation and trophic condition of Cape Cod (Massachusetts, USA) kettle ponds, 2001, Hydrobiologia (443) - 1-3
- How are climate and marine biological outbreaks functionally linked?, 2001, Hydrobiologia (460) - 1-3
- Inter-annual changes in the benthic community structure of riffles and pools in reaches of contrasting gradient, 2001, Hydrobiologia (459) - 1-3
- Pleurochrysis pseudoroscoffensis (Prymnesiophyceae) blooms on the surface of the Salton Sea, California, 2001, Hydrobiologia (466) - 1-3
- Using water, bryophytes, and macroinvertebrates to assess trace element concentrations in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2001, Hydrobiologia (455) -
- Avian communities in baylands and artificial salt evaporation ponds of the San Francisco Bay estuary, 2001, Hydrobiologia (466) -
- Ecogeochemistry of the subsurface food web at pH 0–2.5 in Iron Mountain, California, U.S.A., 2000, Hydrobiologia (433) -
- New species of Rhynchelmis (Clitellata, Lumbriculidae), with observations on the Nearctic species, 2000, Hydrobiologia (428) - 1-3
- The impact of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on stream periphyton: An eleven-year study, 2000, Hydrobiologia (439) -
- Acidophilic and acid-tolerant fungi and yeasts, 2000, Hydrobiologia (433) -
- Bacteria and Archaea in acidic environments and a key to morphological identification, 2000, Hydrobiologia (433) -
- Invasion by a Japanese marine microorganism in western North America, 2000, Hydrobiologia (421) - 1-3
- Zebra mussel filter feeding and food-limited production of Daphnia: Recent changes in lower trophic level dynamics of Oneida Lake, New York, U.S.A., 1999, Hydrobiologia (411) -
- On the relative importance of pool morphology and woody debris to distributions of shrimp in a Puerto Rican headwater stream, 1999, Hydrobiologia (405) -
- Variability in bacterial community structure during upwelling in the coastal ocean, 1999, Hydrobiologia (401) -
- The effects of chlorpyrifos on cholinesterase activity and foraging behavior in the dragonfly, Anax junius (Odonata), 1999, Hydrobiologia (394) -
- The distribution and relative abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valley, Antarctica, 1999, Hydrobiologia (401) -
- Factors influencing the distribution and abundance of diaptomid copepods in high elevation lakes in the Pacific Northwest, USA, 1998, Hydrobiologia (379) - 1-3
- Temporal variation in plankton assemblages and physicochemistry of Devils Lake, North Dakota, 1998, Hydrobiologia (377) - 1-3
- Metal exposures to native populations of the caddisfly Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) determined from cytosolic and whole body metal concentrations, 1998, Hydrobiologia (386) - 1-3
- Growth and physiological responses to surgical and gastric radio transmitter implantation techniques in subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 1998, Hydrobiologia (371-372) - 0
- Effects of zebra mussels on food webs: Interactions with juvenile bluegill and water residence time, 1997, Hydrobiologia (354) - 1-3
- Branchiopod cyst resistance to fire, 1997, Hydrobiologia (359) -
- Population genetic structure of a California endemic Branchiopod, Branchinecta sandiegonensis, 1997, Hydrobiologia (359) - 1-3
- The effect of light on lake herring (Coregonus artedi) reactive volume, 1996, Hydrobiologia (332) - 2
- A comparison of solids collected in sediment traps and automated water samplers, 1996, Hydrobiologia (323) - 1
- Effects of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) density on the survival and growth of juvenile fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): Implications for North American river fishes, 1996, Hydrobiologia (324) - 2
- Effect of seasonally changing feeding habits on whole-animal mercury concentrations in Hydropsyche morosa (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae), 1995, Hydrobiologia (299) -
- Impact of flooding on the densities of selected aquatic insects, 1995, Hydrobiologia (299) -
- Declining populations of the fingernail clam Musculium transversum in the upper Mississippi River, 1995, Hydrobiologia (304) - 3
- Use of saltwater and freshwater habitats by wintering redheads in southern Texas, 1994, Hydrobiologia (279/280) - 1
- Hydrologic control of litter decomposition in seasonally flooded prairie marshes, 1994, Hydrobiologia (286) - 3
- Effects of weather and tides on feeding and flock positions of wintering redheads in the Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana, 1994, Hydrobiologia (279/280) -
- Nutrient additions by waterfowl to lakes and reservoirs: predicting their effects on productivity and water quality, 1994, Hydrobiologia (279/280) -
- Dieldrin variation in diet composition of a riverine fish community, 1993, Hydrobiologia (271) -
- The role of water exchange between a stream channel and its hyporheic zone in nitrogen cycling at the terrestrial-aquatic interface, 1993, Hydrobiologia (251) - 1-3
- A sediment suspension system for bioassays with small aquatic organisms, 1992, Hydrobiologia (245) - 3
- Growth and overwinter survival of the Asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea, in the St. Clair River, Michigan, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) - 1
- Limnological aspects of the St. Clair River, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) - 1
- Distribution of Hexagenia nymphs and visible oil in sediments of the Upper Great Lakes connecting channels, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) - 1
- Mesh-size effects on drift sample composition as determined with a triple net sampler, 1991, Hydrobiologia (209) - 3
- Heavy metals in aquatic macrophytes drifting in a large river, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) -
- The Detroit River: Effects of contaminants and human activities on aquatic plants and animals and their habitats, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) -
- Heavy metal contamination of sediments in the upper connecting channels of the Great Lakes, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) - 1
- Production of Hexagenia limbata nymphs in contaminated sediments in the Upper Great Lakes connecting channels, 1991, Hydrobiologia (219) -
- Spatial variation in basic chemistry of streams draining a volcanic landscape on Costa Rica's Caribbean slope, 1990, Hydrobiologia (206) - 1
- Changes in lake levels, salinity and the biological community of Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA), 1847-1987, 1990, Hydrobiologia (197) - 1
- Can we determine the biological availability of sediment-bound trace elements?, 1989, Hydrobiologia (176) - 1
- Tundra ponds of the Yukon Delta, Alaska, and their macroinvertebrate communities. , 1989, Hydrobiologia (172) - 1
- Diel drift of Chironomidae larvae in a pristine Idaho mountain stream, 1989, Hydrobiologia (174) - 2
- Analysis of fish bile with HPLC — fluorescence to determine environmental exposure to benzo(a)pyrene, 1989, Hydrobiologia (188) - 1
- The distribution, structure, and composition of freshwater ice deposits in Bolivian salt lakes, 1988, Hydrobiologia (158) - 1
- Assessing the bioaccumulation of contaminants from sediments by fish and other aquatic organisms, 1987, Hydrobiologia (149) -
- Distribution and habitat of Nitellopsis obtuse (Characeae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1986, Hydrobiologia (133) - 1
- Distribution of early life history stages of fishes in selected pools of the upper Mississippi River, 1986, Hydrobiologia (136) -
- Upper Pleistocene and Holocene lakes in the An Nafud, Saudi Arabia, 1986, Hydrobiologia (143) - 1
- Distribution and habitat of Nitellopsis obtusa (Characeae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1986, Hydrobiologia (133) - 1
- Use of detrended correspondence analysis to evaluate factors controlling spatial distribution of benthic insects, 1986, Hydrobiologia (131) - 2
- Ecological life histories of the three aquatic nuisance plants, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton crispus and Elodea canadensis, 1986, Hydrobiologia (131) - 1
- 137Cs as a tracer of recent sedimentary processes in Lake Michigan, 1986, Hydrobiologia (143) - 1
- Effects of a Kentucky flood-control reservoir on macroinvertebrates in the tailwater, 1985, Hydrobiologia (126) - 2
- Temporal dynamics of estuarine phytoplankton: A case study of San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Seasonal cycles of zooplankton from San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) -
- Time scales of circulation and mixing processes of San Francisco Bay waters, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Interannual variability in dissolved inorganic nutrients in northern San Francisco Bay estuary, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Environmental setting of San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Time scales and mechanisms of estuarine variability, a synthesis from studies of San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Benthic fluxes in San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Temporal fluctuations of silver, copper and zinc in the bivalve Macoma balthica at five stations in South San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Separation of solute and particulate vectors of heavy metal uptake in controlled suspension-feeding experiments with Macoma balthica, 1985, Hydrobiologia (121) - 2
- Temporal fluctuations in grain size, organic materials and iron concentrations in intertidal surface sediment of San Francisco Bay, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Culturing Selenastrum capricornutum (Chlorophyta) in a synthetic algal nutrient medium with defined mineral particulates, 1985, Hydrobiologia (124) - 1
- Time scales of change in the San Francisco Bay benthos, 1985, Hydrobiologia (129) - 1
- Evaluation and use of a diffusion-controlled sampler for determining chemical and dissolved oxygen gradients at the sediment-water interface, 1985, Hydrobiologia (126) - 2
- The ecological effect of acid conditions and precipitation of hydrous metal oxides in a Rocky Mountain stream, 1984, Hydrobiologia (119) - 2
- Water quality and the rotifer populations in the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, 1983, Hydrobiologia (98) - 1
- Seasonal changes in the chemistry and biology of a meromictic lake (Big Soda Lake, Nevada, U.S.A.), 1983, Hydrobiologia (105) - 1
- Recent geologic development of Lake Michigan (U.S.A.), 1983, Hydrobiologia (103) - 1
- Benthic phosphorus regeneration in the Potomac River Estuary, 1982, Hydrobiologia (91-92) - 0
- Plankton secondary productivity and biomass: Their relation to lake trophic state, 1976, Hydrobiologia (50) - 2
- Population dynamics of pond zooplankton, I. Diaptomus pallidus Herrick, 1973, Hydrobiologia (42) - 2-3
- Population dynamics of pond zooplankton II Daphnia ambigua Scourfield, 1973, Hydrobiologia (42) - 4