Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Dynamics, variability, and change in seasonal precipitation reconstructions for North America, 2020, Journal of Climate (8) - 33
- A high-resolution 1983-2016 Tmax climate data record based on InfraRed Temperatures and Stations by the Climate Hazard Center, 2019, Journal of Climate
- Climate model assessment of changes in winter-spring streamflow timing over North America, 2018, Journal of Climate (31) -
- Attribution analysis of the Ethiopian drought of 2015, 2018, Journal of Climate (31) - 6
- Climatology and interannual variability of boreal spring wet season precipitation in the eastern Horn of Africa and implications for its recent decline, 2017, Journal of Climate (30) - 10
- Trends and natural variability of North American spring onset as evaluated by a new gridded dataset of spring indices, 2015, Journal of Climate (28) - 21
- The forcing of monthly precipitation variability over Southwest Asia during the Boreal cold season, 2015, Journal of Climate (28) - 18
- Trends in Snow Cover in the Continental United States (1950-2010), 2015, Journal of Climate (28) - 19
- The leading mode of observed and CMIP5 ENSO-residual sea surface temperatures and associated changes in Indo-Pacific climate, 2015, Journal of Climate (28) - 11
- The forcing of southwestern Asia teleconnections by low-frequency sea surface temperature variability during boreal winter, 2015, Journal of Climate (28) - 4
- Understanding recent eastern Horn of Africa rainfall variability and change, 2014, Journal of Climate (27) -
- Assessing the risk persistent drought using climate model simulations and paleoclimate data, 2014, Journal of Climate (27) - 20
- The ENSO-related West Pacific Sea surface temperature gradient, 2013, Journal of Climate (26) - 23
- Projected future changes in vegetation in western North America in the 21st century, 2013, Journal of Climate (26) - 11
- Twentieth-century global-mean sea level rise: Is the whole greater than the sum of the parts?, 2013, Journal of Climate (26) - 13
- The continuum of hydroclimate variability in western North America during the last millennium, 2013, Journal of Climate (26) -
- GFDL's ESM2 global coupled climate-carbon Earth System Models. Part I: physical formulation and baseline simulation characteristics, 2012, Journal of Climate (25) - 19
- Northern Hemisphere modes of variability and the timing of spring in western North America, 2011, Journal of Climate (24) - 15
- The dynamical core, physical parameterizations, and basic simulation characteristics of the atmospheric component AM3 of the GFDL global coupled model CM3, 2011, Journal of Climate (24) - 13
- Climatic controls on the snowmelt hydrology of the northern Rocky Mountains, 2011, Journal of Climate (24) - 6
- Changes in the timing of snowmelt and streamflow in Colorado: A response to recent warming, 2010, Journal of Climate (23) - 9
- Analysis of the Arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations, 2010, Journal of Climate (23) - 21
- Joint spatiotemporal variability of global sea surface temperatures and global Palmer drought severity index values, 2009, Journal of Climate (22) - 23
- The great 2006 heat wave over California and Nevada: Signal of an increasing trend, 2009, Journal of Climate (22) - 23
- Detection and attribution of streamflow timing changes to climate change in the Western United States, 2009, Journal of Climate (22) - 13
- Detection and attribution of temperature changes in the mountainous Western United States, 2008, Journal of Climate (21) - 23
- Attribution of declining Western U.S. Snowpack to human effects, 2008, Journal of Climate (21) - 23
- Fluctuating Arctic Sea ice thickness changes estimated by an in situ learned and empirically forced neural network model, 2008, Journal of Climate (21) - 4
- Modeled impact of anthropogenic land cover change on climate, 2007, Journal of Climate (20) - 14
- Prediction of summer maximum and minimum temperature over the central and western United States: The roles of soil moisture and sea surface temperature, 2006, Journal of Climate (19) - 8
- Methodology and results of calculating central California surface temperature trends: Evidence of human-induced climate change?, 2006, Journal of Climate (19) - 4
- GFDL's CM2 global coupled climate models. Part I: Formulation and simulation characteristics, 2006, Journal of Climate (19) - 5
- Weak simulated extratropical responses to complete tropical deforestation, 2006, Journal of Climate (19) - 12
- Trends in snowfall versus rainfall in the western United States, 2006, Journal of Climate (19) - 18
- Evaluation of temperature differences for paired stations of the U.S. Climate Reference Network, 2005, Journal of Climate (18) - 10
- Changes toward earlier streamflow timing across western North America, 2005, Journal of Climate (18) - 8
- Changes in the proportion of precipitation occurring as snow in New England (1949-2000), 2004, Journal of Climate (17) - 13
- Tree-ring-based reconstruction of precipitation in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, since 1260 A.D, 2004, Journal of Climate (17) - 19
- The new GFDL global atmosphere and land model AM2-LM2: Evaluation with prescribed SST simulations, 2004, Journal of Climate (17) - 24
- Influence of ENSO on flood frequency along the California coast, 2004, Journal of Climate (17) - 2
- Duration of the Arctic sea ice melt season: Regional and interannual variability, 1979-2001, 2004, Journal of Climate (17) - 1
- Bayesian analysis of U.S. hurricane climate, 2001, Journal of Climate (14) - 23
- Trends in Northern Hemisphere surface cyclone frequency and intensity, 2001, Journal of Climate (14) - 12
- North Pacific decadal climate variability since 1661, 2001, Journal of Climate (14) - 1
- Updated population metadata for United States historical climatology network stations, 2000, Journal of Climate (13) - 22
- ENSO and hydrologic extremes in the western United States, 1999, Journal of Climate (12) - 9
- Climate variations and changes in mass of three glaciers in western North America, 1998, Journal of Climate (11) - 9
- North-South precipitation patterns in western North America on interannual-to-decadal timescales, 1998, Journal of Climate (11) - 12
- Decadal variability of precipitation over Western North America, 1998, Journal of Climate (11) - 12
- Mesoscale disturbance and ecological response to decadal climatic variability in the American Southwest, 1998, Journal of Climate (11) - 12
- On the uniqueness of the singular value decomposition in meterological applications, 1997, Journal of Climate (10) -
- Cabauw experimental results from the Project for Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes, 1997, Journal of Climate (10) - 6
- The interplay between transpiration and Runoff formulations in land surface schemes used with atmospheric models, 1997, Journal of Climate (10) - 7
- Interannual climate variability and snowpack in the western United States, 1996, Journal of Climate (9) - 5
- Large-scale atmospheric forcing of recent trends toward early snowmelt runoff in California, 1995, Journal of Climate (8) - 3
- Climatological observations and predicted sublimation rates at Lake Hoare, Antarctica., 1988, Journal of Climate (1) - 7