Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Effects of sulfate ligand on uranyl carbonato surface species on ferrihydrite surfaces, 2012, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (365) - 1
- Clay-catalyzed reactions of coagulant polymers during water chlorination, 2004, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (270) - 2
- EXAFS study of mercury(II) sorption to Fe- and Al-(hydr)oxides - II. Effects of chloride and sulfate, 2004, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (270) - 1
- EXAFS study of mercury(II) sorption to Fe- and Al-(hydr)oxides: I. Effects of pH, 2004, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (271) - 1
- Calcite crystal growth rate inhibition by polycarboxylic acids, 2001, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (235) - 2
- Spectroscopic evidence for ternary surface complexes in the lead(II)-malonic acid-hematite system, 2001, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (234) - 2
- Influence of a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-100) on contaminant distribution between water and several soil solids, 2000, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (229) - 2