Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Trophic transfer of fipronil residues to black-footed ferrets: Implications for ferret safety, flea control, and plague mitigation, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
- Visual interpretation of high-resolution aerial imagery: A tool for land managers, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (15) - 1
- Using structural causal modeling to infer the effects of wildfire on foothill yellow-legged frog occurrence, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
- Implications of spatial variation of eDNA detections across an invasion gradient for invasive species monitoring programs, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
- Experimental assessment of egg mat gear retention and collection efficacy, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (15) - 1
- A reproducible manuscript workflow with a Quarto template, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (15) - 1
- Identifying the forage base and critical forage taxa for Chesapeake waterbirds, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (15) - 1
- Estimating age and growth of Largemouth Bass in southwestern reservoirs using otoliths and scales, 2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 2
- Forest bird populations at the Big Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Hawai'i, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 2
- Prioritizing imperiled native aquatic species for conservation propagation, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 2
- Leveraging angler effort to inform fisheries management: Using harvest and harvest rate to estimate abundance of White Sturgeon, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 2
- Simulation modeling to assess line transect distance sampling under a range of translocation scenarios, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 2
- Assessment of potential recovery viability for Colorado Pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 1
- Environment affects sucker catch rate, size structure, species composition, and precision in boat electrofishing samples, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 1
- Validating a non-lethal method of aging endangered juvenile Lost River and Shortnose Suckers, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 1
- Natal contributions of Kokanee salmon to Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming–Utah: An evaluation using otolith microchemistry, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 1
- Trace elements in blood of sea ducks from Dutch Harbor and Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 2023, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (14) - 1
- Nonlethal tools to identify mass ovarian follicular atresia in Burbot, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- Comparison of structures used to estimate age and growth of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- Water-level fluctuations and water temperature effects on young-of-year Largemouth Bass in a southwest irrigation reservoir, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- Breeding dynamics of gopher frog metapopulations over 10 years, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- Structured decision making to rank North American Wetland Conservation Act proposals within joint venture regions, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- Comparison of indices to infer population dynamics of black brant, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- Assessing conservation and management actions with ecosystem services better communicates conservation value to the public, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Management goals for conserving White Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River basin, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 2
- How effective is the Birdsbesafe® cat collar at reducing bird mortality by domestic cats?, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Annual summer submersed macrophyte standing stocks estimated from long-term monitoring data in the Upper Mississippi River, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Population dynamics of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Henrys Lake, Idaho, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Limited land base and competing land uses force societal tradeoffs when siting energy development, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Assessment of cereal grain waste densities to aid waterfowl conservation planning in the Klamath Basin, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Behavior of female adult Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) exposed to natural and synthesized odors, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- How many Ciscoes are needed for stocking in the Laurentian Great Lakes?, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Factors influencing the post-release movements of translocated fishers: Implications for translocation success, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Retention and dimensional changes of evergreen brush piles within a flood control reservoir, 2022, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (13) - 1
- Northern bobwhite occupancy patterns on multiple spatial scales across Arkansas, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Sexual dimorphism in morphology and plumage of endangered Yuma Ridgway’s Rails: A model for documenting sex, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Are Cisco and Lake Whitefish competitors? An analysis of historical fisheries in Michigan waters of the Upper Laurentian Great Lakes, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Conservation of northwestern and southwestern pond turtles: Threats, population size estimates, and population viability analysis, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Selection of habitat-enhancing plants depends on predator-prey interactions, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Catch rates for sturgeon chubs and sicklefin chubs in the Upper Missouri River 2004–2016 and correlations with biotic and abiotic variables, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Slow recovery of headwater-stream fishes following a catastrophic poisoning event, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 2
- Remote ecological monitoring with smartphones and tasker, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- Gonad size measured by ultrasound to assign stage of maturity in Burbot, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- Embracing ensemble species distribution models to inform at-risk species status assessments, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- Filling knowledge gaps for a threatened species: Age and growth of Green Sturgeon of the southern distinct population segment, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- American Woodcock singing-ground survey: Comparison of four models for trend in population size, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- Comparison of specimen- and image-based morphometrics in Cisco, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- Detectability and abundance of snowy plovers at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma, 2021, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (12) - 1
- Ultrasonic Acoustic Surveys of State Endangered Northern Flying Squirrels in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 2
- Sacramento pikeminnow migration record, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 22
- The effect of size on postrelease survival of head-started Mojave desert tortoises, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 2
- A trapping survey targeting head-started alligator snapping turtles in southwest Louisiana, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 2
- Urban stream syndrome and contaminant uptake in salamanders of Central Texas, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- Carbon dioxide-induced mortality of four species of North American fishes, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 2
- Expert-informed habitat suitability analysis for at-risk species assessment and conservation planning, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- Intrinsic prey preference and selection of the giant gartersnake: A threatened predator in a nonnative prey-dominated community, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- Potential impacts of future urbanization and sea level rise on Florida’s natural resources, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- Using thermal infrared cameras to detect avian chicks at various distances and vegetative coverages, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- A comparison of Grass Carp population characteristics upstream and downstream of Lock and Dam 19 of the Upper Mississippi River, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- Roosting habitat use by sandhill cranes and waterfowl on the North and South Platte Rivers in Nebraska, 2020, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) -
- Environmental and biological factors influence migratory Sea Lamprey catchability: Implications for tracking abundance in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (11) - 1
- Population characteristics and the potential suppression of common carp in Lake Spokane, Washington, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- Characteristics for the external identification of Black Carp from Grass Carp, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- Effects of air exposure on survival of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout angled from a stream with warm water temperatures, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- An evaluation of sedatives for use in transport of juvenile endangered fishes in plastic bags, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- Evidence of limited recruitment of Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- Growth and mortality of invasive Flathead Catfish in the tidal James River, Virginia, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- Is barotrauma an important factor in the discard mortality of Yellow Perch?, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 1
- Aquatic vegetation and invertebrate communities of Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (1) - 10
- Discriminating among Pacific salmon, Rainbow Trout, and Atlantic Salmon species using common genetic screening methods, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 1
- Activity patterns of bats during the fall and spring along ridgelines in the central Appalachians, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 1
- Temporal variation in breeding season survival and cause-specific mortality of lesser prairie-chickens, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Let’s agree to disagree: Comparing auto-acoustic identification programs for northeastern bats, 2019, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 2
- Fish misidentification and potential implications to monitoring within the San Francisco Estuary, California, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- What environmental conditions reduce predation vulnerability for juvenile Colorado River native fishes?, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (10) - 1
- Accounting for surveyor effort in large-scale monitoring programs, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Population characteristics of Yellow Perch in a central Appalachia hydropower reservoir, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Inventory of lowland-breeding birds on the Alaska Peninsula, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Persistence-based area prioritization for conservation: Applying occupancy and habitat threats and risks analyses, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Designing a protected area to safeguard imperiled species from urbanization, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Efficiency of sampling sunfishes using snorkeling in clear, warmwater streams of the south-central United States, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Implications of spatially variable costs and habitat conversion risk in landscape-scale conservation planning, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Extinction risk and conservation options for Maui Parrotbill, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Nonbreeding duck use at Central Flyway National Wildlife Refuges, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Prairie Pothole Region wetlands and subsurface drainage systems: Key factors for determining drainage setback distances, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Cumulative spring discharge and survey effort influence occupancy and detection of a threatened freshwater mussel, the Suwannee Moccasinshell, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Genetic mark–recapture improves estimates of maternity colony size for Indiana bats, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Variation in age ratio of midcontinent greater white-fronted geese during fall migration, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Activity of southeastern bats along sandstone cliffs used for rock climbing, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Short-term mortality and retention associated with tagging Age-0 walleye using passive integrated transponders (PITs) in the absence of anesthesia, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 2
- Montane-breeding bird distribution and abundance across national parks of southwestern Alaska, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Refining aging criteria for northern sea otters in Washington State, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Waterbird habitat in California's Central Valley basins under climate, urbanization, and water management scenarios, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Development of a species status assessment process for decisions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, 2018, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (9) - 1
- Long-term monitoring data provide evidence of declining species richness in a river valued for biodiversity conservation, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 2
- A case study examining the efficacy of drainage setbacks for limiting effects to wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 2
- Passive integrated transponder tags: Review of studies on warmwater fishes with notes on additional species, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 2
- Walleye age estimation using otoliths and dorsal spines: Preparation techniques and sampling guidelines based on sex and total length, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 2
- Responses of terrestrial herpetofauna to persistent, novel ecosystems resulting from mountaintop removal mining, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 2
- Understanding and finding solutions to the problem of sedimentation in the National Wildlife Refuge System, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 2
- Expanding the North American Breeding Bird Survey analysis to include additional species and regions, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Differences in breeding bird assemblages related to reed canary grass cover cover and forest structure on the Upper Mississippi River, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Indicator-driven conservation planning across terrestrial, freshwater aquatic, and marine ecosystems of the south Atlantic, USA, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Behavioral responses of Pacific lamprey to alarm cues, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Lizard activity and abundance greater in burned habitat of a xeric montane forest, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Effects of temperature, total dissolved solids, and total suspended solids on survival and development rate of larval Arkansas River Shiner, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Body mass, wing length, and condition of wintering ducks relative to hematozoa infection, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Feeding ecology of Brook Silverside, Golden Shiner, and Subyearling Pumpkinseed in a Lake Ontario embayment, 2017, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (8) - 1
- Active season microhabitat and vegetation selection by giant gartersnakes associated with a restored marsh in California, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Potential effects of drought on carrying capacity for wintering waterfowl in the Central Valley of California, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Population demographics for the federally endangered dwarf wedgemussel, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Growth, food consumption, and energy status of juvenile pallid sturgeon fed natural or artificial diets, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Identifying Kittlitz's Murrelet nesting habitat in North America at the landscape scale, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Effect of electric barrier on passage and physical condition of juvenile and adult rainbow trout, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Retention of riveted aluminum leg bands by wild turkeys, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- A new panel of SNP markers for the individual identification of North American pumas, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Effects of turbidity on predation vulnerability of juvenile humpback chub to rainbow and brown trout, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Deriving habitat models for northern long-eared bats from historical detection data: A case study using the Fernow Experimental Forest, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Population viability analysis for endangered Roanoke logperch, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- New summer areas and mixing of two greater sandhill crane populations in the Intermountain West, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Enhancing and restoring habitat for the desert tortoise, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Benefits and limitations of using decision analytic tools to assess uncertainty and prioritize Landscape Conservation Cooperative information needs, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Louisiana waterthrush and benthic macroinvertebrate response to shale gas development, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Effect of morphological fin curl on the swimming performance and station-holding ability of juvenile shovelnose sturgeon, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Age, growth and fall diet of channel catfish in Cheat Lake, West Virginia, 2016, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 2
- Evaluation of capture techniques on lesser prairie-chicken trap injury and survival, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 2
- Effects of gill-net trauma, barotrauma, and deep release on postrelease mortality of Lake Trout, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 2
- Detection probabilities of electrofishing, hoop nets, and benthic trawls for fishes in two western North American rivers, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 2
- Current land bird distribution and trends in population abundance between 1982 and 2012 on Rota, Mariana Islands, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 2
- Assessment of environmental DNA for detecting presence of imperiled aquatic amphibian species in isolated wetlands, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 2
- Annual survival rate estimate of satellite transmitter–marked eastern population greater sandhill cranes, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 2
- Tidal marsh susceptibility to sea-level rise: importance of local-scale models, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- Consolidation drainage and climate change may reduce Piping Plover habitat in the Great Plains, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (7) - 1
- Effects of high salinity wastewater discharges on unionid mussels in the Allegheny River, Pennsylvania, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 1
- Host–parasite behavioral interactions in a recently introduced, whooping crane population, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 1
- Movements of radio-marked California Ridgway's rails during monitoring surveys: Implications for population monitoring, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 1
- Long-term monitoring of endangered Laysan ducks: Index validation and population estimates 1998–2012, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 1
- Observations of territorial breeding common ravens caching eggs of greater sage-grouse, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 1
- Migratory behavior of Chinook salmon microjacks reared in artificial and natural environments, 2015, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (6) - 1
- A reply to Jepsen, N., K. Aarestrup and S.J. Cooke. Tagging fish in the field: ethical and procedural considerations. A comment to the recent paper of D. Mulcahy; Legal, ethical and procedural bases for the use of aseptic techniques to implant electronic devices, ( Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4: 211–219), 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 2
- Surveillance and monitoring of white-tailed deer for chronic wasting disease in the northeastern United States, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 2
- Exposure pathways and biological receptors: baseline data for the canyon uranium mine, Coconino County, Arizona, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 2
- Predicting occupancy for pygmy rabbits in Wyoming: an independent evaluation of two species distribution models, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 2
- A comparison of passive and active acoustic sampling for a bat community impacted by White-nose syndrome, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 2
- Effects of recruitment, growth, and exploitation on walleye population size structure in northern Wisconsin lakes, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Brood surveys and hunter observations used to predict gobbling activity wild turkeys in Mississippi, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Toxicity of a traditional molluscicide to asian clam veligers, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Sex-biased gene flow among elk in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Assessing effects of variation in global climate data sets on spatial predictions from climate envelope models, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Food consumption and growth rates of juvenile black carp fed natural and prepared feeds, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Productivity of functional guilds of fishes in managed wetlands in coastal South Carolina, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 1
- Gear and seasonal bias associated with abundance and size structure estimates for lentic freshwater fishes, 2014, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (5) - 2
- Changes in types and area of postharvest flooded fields available to waterbirds in Tulare Basin, California, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 2
- Greater sage-grouse nest predators in the Virginia Mountains of northwestern Nevada, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 2
- Size-dependent trophic patterns of pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon in a large river system, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 1
- Behaviors of southwestern native fishes in response to introduced catfish predators, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 2
- Can reliable sage-grouse lek counts be obtained using aerial infrared technology, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 2
- Spatial education: improving conservation delivery through space-structured decision making, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 1
- Legal, ethical, and procedural bases for the use of aseptic techniques to implant electronic devices, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 1
- Evidence of songbird intoxication from Rozol application at a black-tailed prairie dog colony, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 1
- Newly documented host fishes for the eastern elliptio mussel (Elliptio complanata), 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 1
- Reliability of fish size estimates obtained from multibeam imaging sonar, 2013, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (4) - 1
- Capture and reproductive trends in summer bat communities in West Virginia: Assessing the impact of white-nose syndrome, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 1
- A national geographic framework for guiding conservation on a landscape scale, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 1
- Waste rice seed in conventional and stripper-head harvested fields in California: Implications for wintering waterfowl, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- Bird use of fields treated postharvest with two types of flooding in Tulare Basin, California, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 1
- Age, growth, and reproductive biology of three catostomids from the Apalachicola River, Florida, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- Identifying potential habitat for the endangered Aleutian shield fern using topographical characteristics, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- A simple method for in situ monitoring of water temperature in substrates used by spawning salmonids, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- A Bayesian spawning habitat suitability model for American shad in southeastern United States rivers, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- Spatial and temporal trends of freshwater mussel assemblages in the Meramec River Basin, Missouri, USA, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- Relative value of managed wetlands and tidal marshlands for wintering northern pintails, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 1
- Effects of capture by trammel net on Colorado River native fishes, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 1
- Habitat use of woodpeckers in the Big Woods of eastern Arkansas, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 1
- Autumn migration of of Mississippi Flyway mallards as determined by satellite telemetry, 2012, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (3) - 2
- An introduction to adaptive management for threatened and endangered species, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- Quantile equivalence to evaluate compliance with habitat management objectives, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- A Markov decision process for managing habitat for Florida scrub-jays, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- Diet overlap of top-level predators in recent sympatry: bull trout and nonnative lake trout, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- Patterns of acoustical activity of bats prior to and following White-nose Syndrome occurrence, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- Spring migration of mallards from Arkansas as determined by satellite telemetry, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- An adaptive decision framework for the conservation of a threatened plant, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- Adaptive management of bull trout populations in the Lemhi Basin, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 2
- Demography of the San Francisco gartersnake in coastal San Mateo County, California, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 1
- A geospatial approach to identify water quality issues for National Wildlife Refuges in Oregon and Washington, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 1
- Secretive marsh aird species co-eccurrences and habitat associations across the midwest, USA, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 1
- Genetic analysis of scats reveals minimum number and sex of recently documented mountain lions, 2011, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (2) - 1
- The aquatic turtle assemblage inhabiting a highly altered landscape in southeast Missouri, 2010, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (1) - 2
- Woodpecker densities in the big woods of Arkansas, 2010, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (1) - 2
- Structured decision-making and rapid prototyping to plan a management response to an invasive species, 2010, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (1) - 1
- Red-shouldered hawk nesting habitat preference in south Texas, 2010, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (1) - 1