Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Thirteen years of turtle capture–mark–recapture in a small urban pond complex in Louisiana, USA, 2023, Journal of Herpetology (57) - 3
- Sexual dimorphism in endangered Jemez Mountains Salamanders (Plethodon neomexicanus), 2023, Journal of Herpetology (57) - 2
- Long-term effects of timber harvest on ephemeral pool and occupancy of Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) and Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 2023, Journal of Herpetology (57) - 2
- Range-wide population projections for Northern Red-Bellied Cooters (Pseudemys rubriventris), 2022, Journal of Herpetology (56) - 3
- Density estimation in terrestrial chelonian populations using spatial capture–recapture and search–encounter surveys, 2022, Journal of Herpetology (56) - 3
- Testing assumptions in the use of PIT tags to study movement of Plethodon salamanders, 2022, Journal of Herpetology (56) - 2
- Optimizing survey design for shasta salamanders (Hydromantes spp.) to estimate occurrence in little-studied portions of their range, 2022, Journal of Herpetology (56) - 2
- Late season movement and habitat use by Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) in a large reservoir in Oregon, USA, 2022, Journal of Herpetology (56) - 1
- Stage-specific environmental correlates of reproductive success in Boreal Toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas), 2022, Journal of Herpetology (56) - 1
- Genome-wide SNP analysis reveals multiple paternity in Burmese pythons invasive to the Greater Florida Everglades, 2021, Journal of Herpetology (55) - 4
- Abundance of Gulf Coast Waterdogs (Necturus beyeri) along Bayou Lacombe, Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana, 2021, Journal of Herpetology (55) - 2
- Influence of habitat structure and prey abundance on cccupancy and abundance of two anole ecomorphs, Anolis cristatellus and Anolis krugi, in secondary karst forests in northern Puerto Rico, 2020, Journal of Herpetology (54) - 1
- Factors facilitating co-occurrence at the Range Boundary of Shenandoah and Red-backed Salamanders, 2020, Journal of Herpetology (54) - 1
- Phylogeographic analysis of Mudpuppies (Necturus maculosus), 2020, Journal of Herpetology (54) - 1
- Estimating detection probability for Burmese Pythons with few detections and zero recapture events, 2020, Journal of Herpetology (54) - 1
- Interactive effects of food supplementation and snake fungal disease on pregnant Pygmy Rattlesnakes and their offspring, 2019, Journal of Herpetology (53) - 4
- Time-to-detection occupancy modeling: An efficient method for analyzing the occurrence of amphibians and reptiles, 2018, Journal of Herpetology (52) - 4
- Spatial and temporal variability in growth of giant gartersnakes: Plasticity, precipitation, and prey, 2018, Journal of Herpetology (52) - 1
- Population trends, survival, and sampling methodologies for a population of Rana draytonii, 2017, Journal of Herpetology (51) - 4
- Response of anurans to wetland restoration on a midwestern agriculture landscape, 2017, Journal of Herpetology (51) - 4
- Climate-mediated competition in a high-elevation salamander community, 2017, Journal of Herpetology (51) - 2
- Estimating occurrence and detection probabilities for stream-breeding salamanders in the Gulf Coastal Plain, 2017, Journal of Herpetology (51) - 1
- Extinction debt as a driver of amphibian declines: An example with imperiled flatwoods salamanders, 2017, Journal of Herpetology (51) - 1
- Using spatial capture–recapture to elucidate population processes and space-use in herpetological studies, 2016, Journal of Herpetology (50) - 4
- Hibernal habitat selection by Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in a northern New England montane landscape, 2016, Journal of Herpetology (50) - 4
- The relative influence of road characteristics and habitat on adjacent lizard populations in arid shrublands, 2016, Journal of Herpetology (50) - 1
- Detection rates of geckos in visual surveys: Turning confounding variables into useful knowledge, 2016, Journal of Herpetology (49) - 4
- Modeling habitat connectivity to inform reintroductions: a case study with the Chiricahua Leopard Frog, 2016, Journal of Herpetology (50) - 1
- Stability of detectability over 17 years at a single site and other lizard detection comparisons from Guam, 2015, Journal of Herpetology (49) - 4
- General herpetological collecting is size-biased for five Pacific lizards, 2015, Journal of Herpetology (49) - 4
- Factors affecting the thermal environment of Agassiz’s Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) cover sites in the Central Mojave Desert during periods of temperature extremes, 2015, Journal of Herpetology (49) - 3
- Effects of fragmentation on the spatial ecology of the California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae), 2015, Journal of Herpetology (49) - 3
- Monitoring Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) response to weather with the use of a passive integrated transponder (PIT) system, 2015, Journal of Herpetology (49) - 2
- Invasive Brown Treesnake movements at road edges indicate road-crossing avoidance, 2014, Journal of Herpetology (48) - 4
- Suppressing bullfrog larvae with carbon dioxide, 2014, Journal of Herpetology (48) - 1
- Stream water temperature limits occupancy of salamanders in mid-Atlantic protected areas, 2014, Journal of Herpetology (48) - 1
- Impact of valley fills on streamside salamanders in southern West Virginia, 2013, Journal of Herpetology (47) - 1
- Evidence of Hybridization between Common Gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) and Butler’s Gartersnakes (Thamnophis butleri) in Wisconsin (USA)., 2013, Journal of Herpetology (47) - 3
- Body condition of Morelet’s Crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii) from northern Belize, 2012, Journal of Herpetology (46) - 3
- Effects of the amphibian chytrid fungus and four insecticides on Pacific treefrogs (Pseudacris regilla), 2012, Journal of Herpetology (46) - 4
- Leptophis santamartensis (Serpentes, Colubridae), a junior synonym of Leptophis ahaetulla occidentalis, 2012, Journal of Herpetology (46) - 2
- Long-term growth of Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in a southern Nevada population, 2012, Journal of Herpetology (46) - 2
- Habitat use and movement of the endangered Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus) in coastal southern California, 2011, Journal of Herpetology (45) - 3
- Scented guide ropes as a method to enhance brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) trap capture success on Guam, 2011, Journal of Herpetology (45) - 3
- Habitat use and movement of the endangered Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus) in coastal southern California, 2011, Journal of Herpetology (45) - 3
- Low prevalence of chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in amphibians of U.S. headwater streams, 2010, Journal of Herpetology (44) - 2
- The effects of simulated solar UVB radiation on early developmental stages of the Northwestern Salamander (Ambystoma gracile) from three lakes, 2010, Journal of Herpetology (44) - 4
- Abundance and sexual size dimorphism of the giant gartersnake (Thamnophis gigas) in the Sacramento valley of California, 2010, Journal of Herpetology (44) - 1
- Reptile and amphibian responses to large-scale wildfires in southern California, 2010, Journal of Herpetology (44) - 3
- Behavioral response of the coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) to habitat fragment size and isolation in an urban landscape, 2009, Journal of Herpetology (43) - 4
- Short-term effect of cattle exclosures on Columbia Spotted Frog (Rana luteiventris) populations and habitat in northeastern Oregon, 2009, Journal of Herpetology (43) - 1
- Diets of three species of anurans from the cache creek watershed, California, USA, 2009, Journal of Herpetology (43) - 2
- Effects of habitat disturbance on survival rates of softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) in an urban stream, 2008, Journal of Herpetology (42) - 3
- Modeling the effect of toe clipping on treefrog survival: Beyond the return rate, 2008, Journal of Herpetology (42) - 3
- Effects of weather on survival in populations of boreal toads in Colorado, 2008, Journal of Herpetology (42) - 3
- Effects of predatory fish on survival and behavior of larval gopher frogs (Rana capito) and Southern Leopard Frogs (Rana sphenocephala), 2008, Journal of Herpetology (42) - 1
- Making great leaps forward: Accounting for detectability in herpetological field studies, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 4
- Influence of observers and stream flow on northern two-lined salamander (Eurycea bislineata bislineata) relative abundance estimates in Acadia and Shenandoah National Parks, USA, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 2
- Evaluation of the status of anurans on a refuge in suburban Maryland, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (14) - 1
- Occurrence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the Pacific Northwest, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 1
- Evaluation of the status of anurans on a refuge in suburban Maryland, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 1
- Body size affects the predatory interactions between introduced American Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) and native anurans in China: An experimental study, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 3
- Ecology and behavior of the Midget Faded Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus concolor) in Wyoming, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 1
- Occurrence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Pacific Northwestern USA, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 1
- Impacts of a gape limited Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, on larval Northwestern salamander, Ambystoma gracile, growth: A field enclosure experiment, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 2
- California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) movement and habitat use: Implications for conservation, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 2
- Amphibian populations in the terrestrial environment: Is there evidence of declines of terrestrial forest amphibians in northwestern California?, 2007, Journal of Herpetology (41) - 3
- Wetland and microhabitat use by nesting four-toed salamanders in Maine, 2006, Journal of Herpetology (40) - 4
- Sensitivity of two salamander (Ambystoma) species to ultraviolet radiation, 2006, Journal of Herpetology (40) - 1
- Survival and growth of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) hatchlings after artificial incubation and repatriation, 2006, Journal of Herpetology (40) - 4
- Modeling anuran detection and site occupancy on North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) routes in Maryland, 2005, Journal of Herpetology (39) - 4
- Critical literature review of the evidence for unpalatability of amphibian eggs and larvae, 2005, Journal of Herpetology (39) -
- Male Texas Horned Lizards increase daily movements and area covered in spring: A mate searching strategy?, 2005, Journal of Herpetology (39) - 1
- Juvenile frogs compensate for small metamorph size with terrestrial growth: Overcoming the effects of larval density and insecticide exposure, 2005, Journal of Herpetology (39) - 3
- Diet of introduced bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana): Predation on and diet overlap with native frogs on Daishan Island, China, 2005, Journal of Herpetology (39) - 4
- Differential predation on tadpoles influences the potential effects of hybridization between Hyla cinerea and Hyla gratiosa, 2005, Journal of Herpetology (39) - 4
- Large-scale habitat associations of four desert anurans in Big Bend National Park, Texas, 2004, Journal of Herpetology (38) - 4
- Phylogenetic relationships of the endangered Shenandoah salamander (Plethodon shenandoah) and other salamanders of the Plethodon cinereus group (Caudata: Plethodontidae), 2004, Journal of Herpetology (38) - 1
- Comparing population size estimators for plethodontid salamanders, 2004, Journal of Herpetology (38) - 3
- Habitat use and spatial structure of a barking frog (Eleutherodactylus augusti) population in southeastern Arizona, 2004, Journal of Herpetology (38) - 3
- Responses of Ambystoma gracile to the removal of introduced nonnative fish from a mountain lake, 2004, Journal of Herpetology (38) - 4
- Estimation of Flattened Musk Turtle (Sternotherus depressus) survival, recapture, and recovery rate during and after a disease outbreak, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 3
- Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) survival at two eastern Mojave Desert sites: Death by short-term drought?, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 1
- Behavioral responses of anuran larvae to chemical cues of native and introduced predators in the Pacific Northwestern United States, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 3
- Habitat segregation of Ambystoma gracile and Ambystoma macrodactylum in mountain ponds, Mount Rainer National Park, Washington, USA, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 1
- Predicted sex ratio of juvenile Hawksbill Seaturtles inhabiting Buck Island Reef national monument, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 2
- Chytridiomycosis in wild frogs from southern Costa Rica, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 1
- Uta stansburiana and Elgaria multicarinata on the California Channel Islands: Natural dispersal or artificial introduction?, 2003, Journal of Herpetology (37) - 3
- An evaluation of population index and estimation techniques for tadpoles in desert pools, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 3
- Evaluation of canoe surveys for anurans along the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, Texas, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 3
- Population dynamics of Eleutherodactylus coqui in cordillera forest reserves of Puerto Rico, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 2
- Evaluation of direct effects of an insecticide on gray treefrogs: Laboratory and field trials, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 4
- Natural history of a northern population of twin-spotted rattlesnakes, Crotalus pricei, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 4
- Diet of Crotalus lepidus klauberi (Banded Rock Rattlesnake), 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 4
- Tadpoles balance foraging and predator avoidance: Effects of predation, pond drying, and hunger, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 4
- A new species of Echinosaura (Gymnophthalmidae) from Ecuador and Colombia with comments on other members of the genus and Teuchocercus keyi, 2002, Journal of Herpetology (36) - 3
- Reproductive ecology of the ploughshare tortoise (Geochelone yniphora), 2001, Journal of Herpetology (35) - 1
- Diagnostic histological findings in Yosemite toads (Bufo canorus) from die-off in the 1970s, 2001, Journal of Herpetology (35) - 1
- Summer nesting of turtles in alligator nests in Florida, 2000, Journal of Herpetology (34) - 4
- Nest-site selection by the loggerhead sea turtle in Florida's Ten Thousand Islands, 2000, Journal of Herpetology (34) - 4
- Effects of a pesticide on tadpole activity and predator avoidance behavior, 1999, Journal of Herpetology (33) - 2
- Amphibian habitat preferences among artificial ponds in the Palouse region of northern Idaho, 1999, Journal of Herpetology (33) - 2
- Female-biased sex ratios of hatchling hawksbill sea turtles from a Caribbean nesting beach, 1999, Journal of Herpetology (33) - 1
- Genetic and morphometric assessment of an unusual tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) population in the Black Mountains of Arizona, 1999, Journal of Herpetology (33) - 1
- Size-sex variation in survival rates and abundance of pig frogs, Rana grylio, in northern Florida wetlands, 1998, Journal of Herpetology (32) - 4
- Biomass of an island population of florida box turtles (Terrapene carolina bauri), 1998, Journal of Herpetology (32) - 1
- Experimental analysis of trout effects on survival, growth, and habitat use of two species of western Ambystomatid salamanders, 1998, Journal of Herpetology (32) - 3
- Female reproductive dynamics in a Maryland population of ringneck snakes (Diadophis punctatus), 1997, Journal of Herpetology (31) - 4
- Basking by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) during the breeding season, 1997, Journal of Herpetology (31) - 3
- The proper name of the neotropical tree boa often referred to as Corallus enhydris (Serpentes: Boidae), 1996, Journal of Herpetology (30) - 3
- Observations of a grooved anterior fang in Psammodynastes pulverulentus: Does the mock viper resemble a protoelapid?, 1996, Journal of Herpetology (30) - 1
- Descriptions of Bufo tadpoles from the southwestern coast of Jalisco, Mexico, 1996, Journal of Herpetology (30) -
- Skeletochronological age estimates for the Red Hills salamander, Phaeognathus hubrichti, 1996, Journal of Herpetology (30) -
- Hibernaculum use by a population of desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the Sonoran Desert, 1995, Journal of Herpetology (29) -
- Bone layers associated with ecdysis in laboratory-reared Boiga irregularis (Colubridae), 1994, Journal of Herpetology (28) - 3
- Identification of sex in Boiga irregularis: Implications for population dynamics in Guam, 1994, Journal of Herpetology (28) - 3
- Symptoms and circumstances associated with bites by the brown tree snake (Colubridae: Boiga irregularis) on Guam, 1994, Journal of Herpetology (28) - 1
- Identification of sex in Boiga irregularis: implications for understanding population dynamics in Guam, 1994, Journal of Herpetology (28) - 3
- Ecologically correlated morphological variation in tadpoles of the leopard frog, Rana chiricahuensis, 1993, Journal of Herpetology (27) - 3
- The effects of toeclipping on sprint performance of the lizard Cnemidophorus sexlineatus, 1993, Journal of Herpetology (27) - 2
- The impact of the introduction of the colubrid snake Boiga irregularis on Guam's lizards, 1992, Journal of Herpetology (26) - 2
- Descriptive risk assessment of the effects of acidic deposition on Rocky Mountain amphibians, 1992, Journal of Herpetology (26) - 4
- Fossil sea turtles from the early Pliocene Bone Valley Formation, central Florida, 1992, Journal of Herpetology (26) - 1
- Drift fence-associated sampling bias of amphibians at a Florida sandhills temporary pond, 1991, Journal of Herpetology (25) - 3
- Female participation in courtship behavior of the turtle, Trachemys scripta scripta, 1990, Journal of Herpetology (24) -
- Trapping Boiga irregularis on Guam using bird odors, 1989, Journal of Herpetology (23) - 2
- Growth and morphometrics of the box turtle, Terrapene c. carolina, 1989, Journal of Herpetology (23) - 3
- Home range behavior among box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) of a bottomland forest in Maryland, 1989, Journal of Herpetology (23) - 1
- Reptiles on highways in north-central Alabama, USA, 1989, Journal of Herpetology (23) - 2
- Distribution, habitat, and future of Harter's water snake, Nerodia harteri, in Texas, 1989, Journal of Herpetology (23) -
- Hibernacula and summer den sites of pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) in the New Jersey pine barrens, 1988, Journal of Herpetology (22) -
- Cocoon formation in another hylid frog, Smilisca baudinii, 1987, Journal of Herpetology (21) - 4
- Impact of the curio trade for San Diego horned lizards (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii) in the Los Angeles Basin, California: 1885-1930, 1987, Journal of Herpetology (21) - 4
- Decline of ranid frog species in western North America: Are bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) responsible?, 1986, Journal of Herpetology (20) - 4
- Taxonomic status of the frog genus Centrolenella Noble (Anura: Centrolenidae), 1984, Journal of Herpetology (18) - 2
- Extinction of montane populations of the northern leopard frog (Rana pippins) in Colorado, 1984, Journal of Herpetology (18) - 2
- Distribution and ecology of marine turtles in waters off the southeastern United States, 1983, Journal of Herpetology (17) - 4
- Diurnal nesting of marine turtles in southern Brevard County, Florida, 1982, Journal of Herpetology (16) - 1
- Anarbylus switaki Murphy: An addition to the herpetofauna of the United States with comments on relationships with Coleonyx, 1982, Journal of Herpetology (16) - 1
- Marine turtles of the Galapagos Islands and adjacent areas of the eastern Pacific on the basis of observations made by J.R. Slevin 1905-1906, 1981, Journal of Herpetology (15) - 3
- The choice of perch dimensions by Anolis lizards, 1976, Journal of Herpetology (10) - 2
- Reproduction by Uta stansburiana in southern Nevada, 1976, Journal of Herpetology (10) - 2
- Additional records of lizards from the Tokelau Islands, Polynesia, 1975, Journal of Herpetology (9) - 4
- Effects of radiation on a fenced population of horned lizards (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) in southern Nevada, 1973, Journal of Herpetology (7) -
- First records of Plethodon dunni in California and new distributional data on Ascaphus truei, Rhyacotriton olympicus, and Hydromantes shastae, 1969, Journal of Herpetology (3) - 3-4