Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Discharge estimation using video recordings from small unoccupied aircraft systems, 2023, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (149) - 11
- Dynamic selection of exposure time for turbulent flow measurements, 2021, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (147) - 10
- Effectiveness of submerged vanes for stabilizing streamside bluffs, 2020, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (147) - 2
- Discussion of “Shallow water hydro-sediment-morphodynamic equations for fluvial processes” by Zhixian Cao, Chunchen Xia, Gareth Pender, and Qingquan Liu, 2018, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
- Daily reservoir sedimentation model: Case study from the Fena Valley Reservoir, Guam, 2017, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (143) - 9
- Modeling hydraulic and sediment transport processes in white sturgeon spawning habitat on the Kootenai River, Idaho, 2017, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (136) - 12
- Dimensionless erosion laws for cohesive sediment, 2016, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (142) - 2
- Validation of streamflow measurements made with M9 and RiverRay acoustic Doppler current profilers, 2015, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (142) - 2
- Mississippi River streamflow measurement techniques at St. Louis, Missouri, 2013, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (139) - 10
- Estimating discharge measurement uncertainty using the interpolated variance estimator, 2012, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (139) - 5
- Variance of discharge estimates sampled using acoustic Doppler current profilers from moving boats, 2012, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
- Discussion of Near-Transducer Errors in ADCP Measurements: Experimental Findings by Marian Muste, Dongsu Kim, and Juan A Gonzalez-Castro, 2011, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (137) - 8
- Finite volume model for two-dimensional shallow environmental flow, 2011, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (137) - 2
- Evaluation of ADCP apparent bed load velocity in a large sand-bed river: Moving versus stationary boat conditions, 2011, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (137) - 9
- Closure to "computing nonhydrostatic shallow-water flow over steep terrain" by Roger P. Denlinger and Daniel R. H. O'Connell, 2010, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (137) - 1
- Predictive modeling of transient storage and nutrient uptake: Implications for stream restoration, 2010, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (136) - 12
- Test of a method to calculate near-bank velocity and boundary shear stress, 2009, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (135) - 7
- Turbulent stresses and secondary currents in a tidal-forced channel with significant curvature and asymmetric bed forms, 2009, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (135) - 3
- Influence of wind and lake morphometry on the interaction between two rivers entering a stratified lake, 2008, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (134) - 11
- Computing nonhydrostatic shallow-water flow over steep terrain, 2008, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (134) - 11
- Validation of streamflow measurements made with acoustic doppler current profilers, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Application of acoustic doppler velocimeters for streamflow measurements, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Field assessment of alternative bed-load transport estimators, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Correcting acoustic Doppler current profiler discharge measurements biased by sediment transport, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Evaluation of mean velocity and turbulence measurements with ADCPs, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Evaluation of an experimental LiDAR for surveying a shallow, braided, sand-bedded river, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 7
- ADCP measurements of gravity currents in the Chicago River, Illinois, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Management of fluid mud in estuaries, bays, and lakes. II: Measurement, modeling, and management, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 1
- Call for collaboration in WMO project for the assessment of the performance of flow measurement instruments and techniques, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Errors in acoustic doppler profiler velocity measurements caused by flow disturbance, 2007, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (133) - 12
- Case study: Mapping tsunami hazards associated with debris flow into a reservoir, 2006, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (132) - 1
- Wash load and bed-material load transport in the Yellow River, 2005, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (131) - 5
- Streamflow properties from time series of surface velocity and stage, 2005, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (131) - 8
- Microforms in gravel bed rivers: Formation, disintegration, and effects on bedload transport, 2004, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (130) - 6
- Large scale clear-water local pier scour experiments, 2004, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (130) - 10
- Flow resistance and suspended load in sand-bed rivers: Simplified stratification model, 2004, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (130) - 8
- Density stratification effects in sand-bed rivers, 2004, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (130) - 8
- Bedload transport in alluvial channels, 2003, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (129) - 10
- Discharge rating equation and hydraulic characteristics of standard Denil fishways, 2003, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (129) - 5
- Price current-meter standard rating development by the U.S. geological survey, 2001, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (127) - 4
- Predicting river travel time from hydraulic characteristics, 2001, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (127) - 11
- 1D numerical model of muddy subaqueous and subaerial debris flows, 2001, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (127) - 11
- Predicting boundary shear stress and sediment transport over bed forms, 1999, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (125) - 7
- Discussion and closure: Slope instability from ground-water seepage, 1997, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (123) - 10
- Comment on Verification of vertically rotating flume using non-Newtonian fluids, 1997, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (123) - 3
- Simulation of ground-water level fluctuations using recharge estimated by field infiltrometer measurements, 1997, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (123) - 10
- Measurement of flow under ice covers in North America, 1997, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (123) - 11
- Predicting travel time and dispersion in rivers and streams, 1997, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (123) - 11
- Potential effects of translatory waves on estimation of peak flows, 1997, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (123) - 6
- Verification of vertically rotating flume using non-newtonian fluids, 1996, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (122) - 8
- Stream-aquifer interaction model with diffusive wave routing, 1996, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (122) - 4
- Numerical simulation of widening and bed deformation of straight sand-bed rivers. II: Model evaluation, 1996, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (122) - 4
- Friction-term response to boundary-condition type in flow models, 1996, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (122) - 2
- Criteria for incipient motion of spherical sediment particles, 1995, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (121) - 6
- Free-surface stability criterion as affected by velocity distribution, 1995, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (121) - 10
- Spatial trends in Pearson Type III statistical parameters, 1995, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (121) - 9
- Algorithm for resistance to flow and transport in sand-bed channels, 1995, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (121) - 8
- Closure to “Momentum and Energy Coefficients Based on Power‐Law Velocity Profile” by Cheng‐lung Chen (November, 1992, Vol. 118, No. 11), 1994, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (120) - 5
- Methods for measuring discharge under ice cover, 1994, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (120) - 11
- Multicomponent-flow analyses by multimode method of characteristics, 1994, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (120) - 3
- Unique laminar-flow stability limit based shallow-water theory, 1993, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (119) - 7
- Momentum and energy coefficients based on power-law velocity profile, 1992, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (118) - 11
- New look at regional flood-frequency relations for arid lands, 1992, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (118) - 6
- Leaks in pipe networks, 1992, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (118) - 7
- Unified theory on power laws for flow resistance, 1991, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (117) - 3
- Accuracy of selected techniques for estimating ice-affected streamflow, 1991, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (117) - 6
- Uncertainty in suspended sediment transport curves: discussion, 1990, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (116) - 5
- Discussion of: "Uncertainty in suspended sediment transport curves" by E. A. McBean and S. Al-Nassri, 1990, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (116) - 5
- Comparison: US P-61 and Delft sediment samplers, 1989, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (115) - 12
- Mass conservation: 1-D open channel flow equations, 1989, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (115) - 2
- Bias in groundwater samples caused by wellbore flow, 1989, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (115) - 2
- Groundwater velocity magnitude in radionuclide transport calculations, 1988, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (114) - 8
- Two-dimensional Lagrangian simulation of suspended sediment, 1988, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (114) - 10
- General solutions For viscoplastic debris flow, 1988, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (114) - 3
- General two‐point method for Determining velocity in open channel, 1988, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (114) - 7
- Comprehensive method of characteristics models for flow simulation, 1988, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (114) - 9
- Generalized viscoplastic modeling of debris flow, 1988, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (114) - 3
- Discussion of:"'Hydraulics of high gradient streams" by R. D. Jarrett, 1987, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (113) - 7
- New approach to calibrating bed load samplers, 1985, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (111) - 4
- Potential flow through channel constriction., 1984, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (110) - 4
- Flash flood in Tangue Verde Creek, Tucson, Arizona., 1984, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (110) - 12
- Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency formulas., 1983, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (109) - 12
- Mixed-station extension of monthly streamflow records., 1983, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (109) - 10