Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Hypoxia and anoxia tolerance in diploid and triploid eastern oysters at high temperature, 2023, Journal of Shellfish Research (42) - 1
- Distribution and transport of Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida, larvae in northern Puget Sound, Washington, USA, 2020, Journal of Shellfish Research (39) - 2
- Dietary patterns in black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii Leach, 1814) as indicated by observation of drift algal and seagrass capture at San Nicolas Island, California USA, 1982‒2019, 2020, Journal of Shellfish Research (39) - 1
- Differential effects of temperature and salinity on growth and mortality of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Barataria Bay and Breton Sound, Louisiana, 2019, Journal of Shellfish Research (38) - 2
- The effects of seasonal temperature and photoperiod manipulation on reproduction in the eastern elliptio Elliptio complanata, 2019, Journal of Shellfish Research (38) - 2
- Interactive effects of water temperature and salinity on growth and mortality of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica: A meta-analysis using 40 years of monitoring data, 2017, Journal of Shellfish Research (36) - 3
- Endozoicomonas dominates the gill and intestinal content microbiomes of Mytilus edulis from Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, 2017, Journal of Shellfish Research (36) - 2
- Suitability of oyster restoration sites along the Louisiana coast: Examining site and stock × site interaction, 2017, Journal of Shellfish Research (36) - 2
- Physiology of the invasive apple snail Pomacea maculata: tolerance to low temperatures, 2016, Journal of Shellfish Research (35) - 1
- Increased temperatures combined with lowered salinities differentially impact oyster size class growth and mortality, 2016, Journal of Shellfish Research (35) - 1
- Effects of geoduck (Panopea generosa) aquaculture on resident and transient macrofauna communities of Puget Sound, Washington, USA, 2015, Journal of Shellfish Research
- Distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of a large bivalve (Panopea generosa) in a eutrophic, fjord estuary, 2015, Journal of Shellfish Research (34) - 1
- Preliminary characterization of digestive enzymes in freshwater mussels, 2015, Journal of Shellfish Research (34) - 2
- Ecological effects of the harvest phase of geoduck clam (Panopea generosa Gould, 1850) aquaculture on infaunal communities in southern Puget Sound, Washington USA., 2015, Journal of Shellfish Research (34) - 1
- Predicting the effects of proposed Mississippi River diversions on oyster habitat quality; application of an oyster habitat suitability index model, 2013, Journal of Shellfish Research (32) - 3
- Bibliography of Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussels) and Dreissena rostriformis Bugensis (QUAGGA mussels): 1989 to 2011, 2012, Journal of Shellfish Research (31) - 4
- Development of a real-time PCR assay for detection of planktonic red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius 1815)) larvae, 2012, Journal of Shellfish Research (31) - 4
- A shell-neutral modeling approach yields sustainable oyster harvest estimates: a retrospective analysis of the Louisiana state primary seed grounds, 2012, Journal of Shellfish Research (31) - 4
- Predominant bacteria isolated from moribund Fusconaia ebena ebonyshells experiencing die-offs in Pickwick Reservoir, Tennessee River, Alabama, 2011, Journal of Shellfish Research (30) - 2
- Proximate causes of sexual size dimorphism in horseshoe crabs (Limulus Polyphemus) of the Delaware Bay, 2009, Journal of Shellfish Research (28) - 2
- Recovery of a fish pathogenic bacterium, Aeromonas salmonicida, from ebonyshell mussels Fusconaia ebena using nondestructive sample collection procedures, 2008, Journal of Shellfish Research (27) - 4
- Age and growth of the knobbed whelk Busycon carica (Gmelin 1791) in South Carolina subtidal waters, 2008, Journal of Shellfish Research (27) - 2
- A survey of the indigenous microbiota (bacteria) in three species of mussels from the Clinch and Holston Rivers, Virginia, 2008, Journal of Shellfish Research (27) - 5
- Genetic management guidelines for captive propagation of freshwater mussels (unionoidea), 2006, Journal of Shellfish Research (25) - 2
- Non-invasive method to obtain DNA from freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae), 2006, Journal of Shellfish Research (25) - 3
- Cryopreservation of sperm of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), 2005, Journal of Shellfish Research (24) - 2
- Manganese concentration in lobster (Homarus americanus) gills as an index of exposure to reducing conditions in western Long Island Sound, 2005, Journal of Shellfish Research (24) - 3
- Acute toxicity of resmethrin, malathion and methoprene to larval and juvenile American lobsters (Homarus amemcanus) and analysis of pesticide levels in surface waters after Scourge™, Anvil™ and Altsoid™ application, 2005, Journal of Shellfish Research (24) - 3
- Quarantine of Aeromonas salmonicida-harboring ebonyshell mussels (Fusconaia ebena) prevents transmission of the pathogen to brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), 2005, Journal of Shellfish Research (24) - 2
- Manganese concentration in lobster (Homarus americansus) gills as an index of exposure to reducing conditions in Western Long Island Sound, 2005, Journal of Shellfish Research (24) - 3
- Review of techniques to prevent introduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) during native mussel (Unionoidea) conservation activities, 2003, Journal of Shellfish Research (22) - 1
- Evaluation of substitute diets for live algae in the captive maintenance of adult and subadult unionidae, 2002, Journal of Shellfish Research (21) - 2
- Seasonal variation in physiological condition of Amblema plicata in the Upper Mississippi River, 2001, Journal of Shellfish Research (20) - 3
- Establishment of the green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus 1758) (Mollusca: Mytilidae) on the West Coast of Florida, 2001, Journal of Shellfish Research (20) - 1
- Lack of surface-associated microorganisms in a mixed species community of freshwater Unionidae, 2001, Journal of Shellfish Research (20) - 1
- Emersion and thermal tolerances of three species of unionid mussels: Survival and behavioral effects, 2000, Journal of Shellfish Research (19) - 1
- Bacterial pathogens contagion studies among freshwater bivalves and salmonid fishes, 2000, Journal of Shellfish Research (19) - 1
- Evaluation of tag types and adhesives for marking freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae), 2000, Journal of Shellfish Research (19) - 1
- Evaluation of potential anesthetics for the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata, 2000, Journal of Shellfish Research (19) - 2
- Influence of diet on survival, growth, and physiological condition of fingernail clams Musculium transversum, 2000, Journal of Shellfish Research (19) - 1
- Ecological and evolutionary concerns in freshwater bivalve relocation programs, 1998, Journal of Shellfish Research (17) - 5
- Gene conservation: management and evolutionary units freshwater bivalve management-introduction to the proceedings, 1998, Journal of Shellfish Research (17) - 5
- Oyster resource zones of the Barataria and Terrebonne estuaries of Louisiana, 1998, Journal of Shellfish Research (17) - 4
- A bibliography of "Dreissena polymorpha in European and Russian waters: 1964-1993", 1994, Journal of Shellfish Research (13) - 1
- Detection of fish pathogens, 1993, Journal of Shellfish Research (12) -
- Evaluation of the effects of candidate molluscicides on two nontarget bivalves, 1992, Journal of Shellfish Research (11) - 1
- Infestation of unionids by Dreissena polymorpha in a power plant canal in Lake Erie, 1991, Journal of Shellfish Research (10) - 2