Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Effects of feeding and habitat on resting metabolic rates of the Pacific walrus, 2024, Marine Mammal Science (40) - 1
- Genetic variation in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) from the North Pacific with relevance to the threatened Southwest Alaska Distinct Population Segment, 2022, Marine Mammal Science (38) - 3
- Translocations maintain genetic diversity and increase connectivity in sea otters, Enhydra lutris, 2021, Marine Mammal Science (37) - 4
- DNA metabarcoding of feces to infer summer diet of Pacific walruses, 2020, Marine Mammal Science (36) - 4
- Drift and beaching patterns of sea otter carcasses and car tire dummies, 2019, Marine Mammal Science
- Energetic costs of aquatic locomotion in a subadult polar bear, 2019, Marine Mammal Science (35) - 2
- Demography of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in a changing Arctic, 2018, Marine Mammal Science (34) - 1
- An evaluation of behavior inferences from Bayesian state-space models: A case study with the Pacific walrus, 2016, Marine Mammal Science (32) - 4
- Characterization of the putatively introduced red alga Acrochaetium secundatum (Acrochaetiales, Rhodophyta) growing epizoically on the pelage of southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis), 2016, Marine Mammal Science (32) - 2
- Dramatic increase in sea otter mortality from white sharks in California, 2016, Marine Mammal Science (32) - 1
- Age-specific vibrissae growth rates: a tool for determining the timing of ecologically important events in Steller sea lions, 2015, Marine Mammal Science (31) - 3
- Identifying a reliable blubber measurement site to assess body condition in a marine mammal with topographically variable blubber, the Pacific walrus, 2015, Marine Mammal Science (31) - 2
- Foraging habits in a generalist predator: sex and age influence habitat selection and resource use among bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), 2015, Marine Mammal Science (31) - 1
- Demography of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens): 1974-2006, 2015, Marine Mammal Science (31) - 1
- Effects of wildfire on sea otter (Enhydra lutris) gene transcript profiles, 2015, Marine Mammal Science (31) - 1
- Remote biopsy darting and marking of polar bears, 2014, Marine Mammal Science (30) - 1
- Retrospective analysis of bottlenose dolphin foraging: a legacy of anthropogenic ecosystem disturbance, 2013, Marine Mammal Science (29) - 4
- Movement patterns of Antillean manatees in Chetumal Bay (Mexico) and coastal Belize: A challenge for regional conservation, 2013, Marine Mammal Science (29) - 2
- Patterns of social association in the franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei, 2013, Marine Mammal Science (29) - 4
- Results and evaluation of a survey to estimate Pacific walrus population size, 2006, 2011, Marine Mammal Science (27) - 3
- Behavioral response of manatees to variations in environmental sound levels, 2011, Marine Mammal Science (27) - 1
- Stable isotopes differentiate bottlenose dolphins off west-central Florida, 2010, Marine Mammal Science (26) - 2
- Stress-related hormones and genetic diversity in sea otters (Enhydra lutris), 2009, Marine Mammal Science (25) - 2
- Estimation of walrus populations on sea ice with infrared imagery and aerial photography, 2008, Marine Mammal Science (24) - 1
- Killer whales and marine mammal trends in the North Pacific - A re-examination of evidence for sequential megafauna collapse and the prey-switching hypothesis, 2007, Marine Mammal Science (23) - 4
- Abundance of ringed seals (Pusa hispida) in the fjords of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, during the peak molting period, 2006, Marine Mammal Science (22) - 2
- A comparison of biofouling communities associated with free-ranging and captive Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus), 2006, Marine Mammal Science (22) - 4
- Comparison of remotely deployed satellite radio transmitters on walruses, 2006, Marine Mammal Science (22) - 1
- Nonlinear dynamics in manatee vocalizations, 2006, Marine Mammal Science (22) - 3
- Continuing sea otter population declines in the aleutian archipelago, 2005, Marine Mammal Science (21) - 1
- Observer variability in pinniped counts: Ground-based enumeration of walruses at haul-out sites, 2005, Marine Mammal Science (21) - 1
- A stage-based model of manatee population dynamics, 2004, Marine Mammal Science (20) - 3
- Capture-recapture analysis for estimating manatee reproductive rates, 2004, Marine Mammal Science (20) - 3
- Foraging depths of sea otters and implications to coastal marine communities, 2004, Marine Mammal Science (20) - 2
- Survival estimates for Florida manatees from the photo-identification of individuals, 2004, Marine Mammal Science (20) - 3
- Causes of mortality in California sea otters during periods of population growth and decline, 2003, Marine Mammal Science (19) - 1
- Immobilization of free-ranging male pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) with carfentanil citrate and naltrexone hydrochloride, 2003, Marine Mammal Science (19) - 4
- An estimation of carrying capacity for sea otters along the California coast, 2001, Marine Mammal Science (17) - 2
- Comparison of methods used to estimate numbers of walruses on sea ice, 2001, Marine Mammal Science (17) - 3
- Summer diving behavior of male walruses in Bristol Bay, Alaska, 2001, Marine Mammal Science (17) - 3
- Stock structure of sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Alaska, 2001, Marine Mammal Science (17) - 3
- Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) occurs in Nicaragua, 800 km north of its previously known range, 2000, Marine Mammal Science (16) - 2
- Attendance patterns of California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) females and pups during the non-breeding season at San Miguel Island, 2000, Marine Mammal Science (16) - 1
- Age- and sex-specific mortality and population structure in sea otters, 2000, Marine Mammal Science (16) - 1
- Interactions between northern elephant seals and vehicles near Point Piedras Blancas, California, 1999, Marine Mammal Science (15) - 2
- Comparison of the capabilities of dugongs and West Indian manatees to masticate seagrasses, 1999, Marine Mammal Science (15) - 1
- Attacks on sea otters by killer whales, 1998, Marine Mammal Science (14) - 4
- Generic names of northern and southern fur seals (Mammalia: Otariidae), 1998, Marine Mammal Science (14) - 3
- The diet of the manatee (Trichechus Manatus) in Puerto Rico, 1998, Marine Mammal Science (14) - 2
- Response of Pacific walruses to disturbances from capture and handling activities at a haul-out in Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1998, Marine Mammal Science (14) - 4
- Sea otter mortality from the Exxon Valdez spill: Evaluation of an estimate from boat-based surveys, 1997, Marine Mammal Science (13) - 2
- Status of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in Mexico, 1997, Marine Mammal Science (13) - 2
- Investigating trophic relationships of pinnipeds in Alaska and Washington using stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon, 1997, Marine Mammal Science (13) - 1
- Age determination in manatees using growth-layer-group counts in bone, 1996, Marine Mammal Science (12) - 1
- Detection of sea otters in boat-based surveys of Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1995, Marine Mammal Science (11) - 1
- Atypical interactions between male southern sea otters and pinnipeds, 1994, Marine Mammal Science (10) - 1
- Experimental recovery of sea otter carcasses at Kodiak Island, Alaska, following the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 1994, Marine Mammal Science (10) - 4
- Reproductive characteristics of female sea otters, 1993, Marine Mammal Science (9) - 2
- [Book review] Manatees and Dugongs by John E. Reynolds III, Daniel K. Odell, 1993, Marine Mammal Science (9) - 1
- An epizootic of Florida manatees associated with a dinoflagellate bloom, 1991, Marine Mammal Science (7) - 2
- Distribution patterns of individually identifiable West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) in Florida, 1991, Marine Mammal Science (7) - 2
- Distribution and status of manatees (Trichechus manatus) in Panama, 1990, Marine Mammal Science (6) - 3
- Movements, home range, and territories of male sea otters off central California, 1989, Marine Mammal Science (5) - 2
- Status of dugongs in waters around Palau, 1988, Marine Mammal Science (4) - 3
- Fixed-wing airplane versus helicopter surveys of manatees (Trichechus manatus), 1988, Marine Mammal Science (4) - 1
- An incidence of twinning in the sea otter (Enhydra lutris), 1986, Marine Mammal Science (2) - 4