Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Physicochemical coastal groundwater dynamics between Kauhakō Crater lake and Kalaupapa settlement, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i, 2023, Marine Pollution Bulletin (187) -
- Rebounds, regresses, and recovery: A 15-year study of the coral reef community at Pila‘a, Kaua‘i after decades of natural and anthropogenic stress events, 2021, Marine Pollution Bulletin (171) -
- Legacy and current-use toxic contaminants in Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) from Puget Sound, Washington, 2020, Marine Pollution Bulletin (158) -
- Monitoring chemical contaminants in the Gulf of Maine, using sediments and mussels (Mytilus edulis): An evaluation, 2020, Marine Pollution Bulletin (153) -
- Petroleum hydrocarbons in semipermeable membrane devices deployed in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Florida keys following the Deepwater Horizon incident, 2020, Marine Pollution Bulletin (150) -
- What nutrient sources support anomalous growth and the recent sargassum mass stranding on Caribbean beaches? A review, 2019, Marine Pollution Bulletin (145) -
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in plasma of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), 2019, Marine Pollution Bulletin (140) -
- Movement patterns of California brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis californicus) following oiling and rehabilitation, 2018, Marine Pollution Bulletin (131) - Part A
- Spatial distribution and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in coastal surface sediments in the Hebei Province offshore area, Bohai Sea, China, 2018, Marine Pollution Bulletin (131) - A
- Mercury concentrations in multiple tissues of Kittlitz's murrelets (Brachyramphus brevirostris), 2018, Marine Pollution Bulletin (129) - 2
- Mapping elemental contamination on Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 2018, Marine Pollution Bulletin (128) -
- Validation of ATR FT-IR to identify polymers of plastic marine debris, including those ingested by marine organisms, 2018, Marine Pollution Bulletin (127) -
- Ecosystem features determine seagrass community response to sea otter foraging, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin (134) -
- Investigation of plastic debris ingestion by four species of sea turtles collected as bycatch in pelagic Pacific longline fisheries, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin (120) - 1-2
- Sources, composition and spatial distribution of marine debris along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin (114) - 2
- Spatial variation in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure in Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) in coastal British Columbia, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin (118) - 1-2
- Geographic and temporal patterns of variation in total mercury concentrations in blood of harlequin ducks and blue mussels from Alaska, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin (117) - 1-2
- Baseline aquatic contamination and endocrine status in a resident fish of Biscayne National Park, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin (115) - 1-2
- Environmental implications of the use of sulfidic back-bay sediments for dune reconstruction — Lessons learned post Hurricane Sandy, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- A-DROP: A predictive model for the formation of oil particle aggregates (OPAs), 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (106) - 1-2
- Significance of groundwater discharge along the coast of Poland as a source of dissolved metals to the southern Baltic Sea, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (109) - 1
- Damage and recovery assessment of the Philippines' mangroves following Super Typhoon Haiyan, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (109) - 2
- Blood selenium concentrations in female Pacific black brant molting in Arctic Alaska: Relationships with age and habitat salinity, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (111) - 1-2
- The impact of onsite wastewater disposal systems on groundwater in areas inundated by Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- Comparison of wastewater-associated contaminants in the bed sediment of Hempstead Bay, New York, before and after Hurricane Sandy, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- Regional variability in bed-sediment concentrations of wastewater compounds, hormones and PAHs for portions of coastal New York and New Jersey impacted by hurricane Sandy, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- The new Landsat 8 potential for remote sensing of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- An assessment of mercury in estuarine sediment and tissue in Southern New Jersey using public domain data, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 1
- Resetting the bar: Establishing baselines for persistent contaminants after Hurricane Sandy in the coastal environments of New Jersey and New York, USA, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- Regional assessment of persistent organic pollutants in resident mussels from New Jersey and New York estuaries following Hurricane Sandy, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- Sediment chemistry and toxicity in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: Pre- and post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012–13, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- Young of the year bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) as a bioindicator of estuarine health: Establishing a new baseline for persistent organic pollutants after Hurricane Sandy for selected estuaries in New Jersey and New York, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (107) - 2
- Stress in mangrove forests: early detection and preemptive rehabilitation are essential for future successful worldwide mangrove forest management, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (109) - 2
- Oil slick morphology derived from AVIRIS measurements of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for spatial resolution requirements of remote sensors, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin (103) - 1-2
- Synthetic ultraviolet light filtering chemical contamination of coastal waters of Virgin Islands National Park, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2015, Marine Pollution Bulletin (101) - 1
- Nearshore dynamics of artificial sand and oil agglomerates, 2015, Marine Pollution Bulletin (96) - 1-2
- Dietary mercury exposure to endangered California Clapper Rails in San Francisco Bay, 2015, Marine Pollution Bulletin (86) - 1-2
- Oil source-fingerprinting in support of polarimetric radar mapping of Macondo-252 oil in Gulf Coast marshes, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (89) - 1-2
- Selenium and mercury concentrations in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from central California: Health implications in an urbanized estuary, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (83) - 1
- Mercury concentrations in breast feathers of three upper trophic level marine predators from the western Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (82) - 1-2
- Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern along the California coast (2009-10) using passive sampling devices, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (81) - 2
- Assessing mobility and redistribution patterns of sand and oil agglomerates in the surf zone, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (80) - 1-2
- Total mercury concentrations in lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, USA, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (78) - 1-2
- The Mussel Watch California pilot study on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): synthesis and next steps, 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (81) - 2
- Refocusing Mussel Watch on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): the California pilot study (2009-10), 2014, Marine Pollution Bulletin (81) - 2
- Environmental fate of fungicides and other current-use pesticides in a central California estuary, 2013, Marine Pollution Bulletin (73) - 1
- Contaminants assessment in the coral reefs of Virgin Islands National Park and Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument, 2013, Marine Pollution Bulletin (70) - 1-2
- Post-release survival of surf scoters following an oil spill: an experimental approach to evaluating rehabilitation success, 2013, Marine Pollution Bulletin (67) - 1-2
- Baseline for beached marine debris on Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 2012, Marine Pollution Bulletin (64) - 8
- Metals in sediments and fish from Sea Lots and Point Lisas harbors, Trinidad and Tobago, 2012, Marine Pollution Bulletin (64) - 1
- Trends in Marine Debris along the U.S. Pacific Coast and Hawai’i 1998-2007, 2012, Marine Pollution Bulletin (64) - 5
- Identifying fluorescent pulp mill effluent in the Gulf of Maine and its watershed, 2012, Marine Pollution Bulletin (64) - 8
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in harbor sediments from Sea Lots, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2011, Marine Pollution Bulletin (62) - 6
- Coastal habitat degradation and green sea turtle diets in Southeastern Brazil, 2011, Marine Pollution Bulletin (62) - 6
- Evaluation of sewage source and fate on southeast Florida coastal reefs, 2011, Marine Pollution Bulletin (62) - 11
- Cytochrome P4501A biomarker indication of the timeline of chronic exposure of Barrow’s goldeneyes to residual Exxon Valdez oil, 2011, Marine Pollution Bulletin (62) - 3
- PCB exposure in sea otters and harlequin ducks in relation to history of contamination by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2010, Marine Pollution Bulletin (60) - 6
- Coral Ba/Ca records of sediment input to the fringing reef of the southshore of Moloka'i, Hawai'i over the last several decades, 2010, Marine Pollution Bulletin (60) - 10
- Trends and drivers of marine debris on the Atlantic coast of the United States 1997-2007, 2010, Marine Pollution Bulletin (60) - 8
- Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in harbor sediments from Sea Lots, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2009, Marine Pollution Bulletin (58) - 6
- Foraminiferal assemblages in Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA: Responses to urban and agricultural influence in a subtropical estuary, 2009, Marine Pollution Bulletin (59) - 8-12
- Concentrations of trace elements in blood and skin of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris), 2008, Marine Pollution Bulletin (56) - 6
- Contamination status and accumulation profiles of organotins in sea otters (Enhydra lutris) found dead along the coasts of California, Washington, Alaska (USA), and Kamchatka (Russia), 2008, Marine Pollution Bulletin (56) - 4
- Identifying nutrient sources to three lagoons at Ofu and Olosega, American Samoa using δ15N of benthic macroalgae, 2007, Marine Pollution Bulletin (54) - 11
- Analysis of multiple enteric viral targets as sewage markers in coral reefs, 2007, Marine Pollution Bulletin (54) - 12
- Persistence of 10-year old Exxon Valdez oil on Gulf of Alaska beaches: The importance of boulder-armoring, 2006, Marine Pollution Bulletin (52) - 9
- Quantity, composition, and source of sediment collected in sediment traps along the fringing coral reef off Molokai, Hawaii, 2006, Marine Pollution Bulletin (52) - 9
- Influence of a Brazilian sewage outfall on the toxicity and contamination of adjacent sediments, 2005, Marine Pollution Bulletin (50) - 8
- Elevated mercury concentrations in failed eggs of Snowy Plovers at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2005, Marine Pollution Bulletin (50) - 11
- The mixed value of environmental regulations: do acroporid corals deserve endangered species status?, 2004, Marine Pollution Bulletin (49) - 7-8
- Presence, infectivity, and stability of enteric viruses in seawater: Relationship to marine water quality in the Florida Keys, 2004, Marine Pollution Bulletin (48) - 7-8
- Contaminants in molting long-tailed ducks and nesting common eiders in the Beaufort Sea, 2004, Marine Pollution Bulletin (48) - 5-6
- Evidence of chromosomal damage in common eiders (Somateria mollissima) from the Baltic Sea, 2004, Marine Pollution Bulletin (49) - 11-12
- Trace metals in ribbed mussels from Arthur Kill, New York/New Jersey, USA, 2003, Marine Pollution Bulletin (46) - 1
- Mercury in feathers from Chilean birds: Influence of location, feeding strategy and taxonomic affiliation, 2002, Marine Pollution Bulletin (44) -
- The effect of the new Massachusetts Bay sewage outfall on the concentrations of metals and bacterial spores in nearby bottom and suspended sediments, 2002, Marine Pollution Bulletin (44) - 10
- Toxicological and chemical assessment of ordnance compounds in marine sediments and porewaters, 2002, Marine Pollution Bulletin (44) - 8
- Mercury in feathers from Chilean birds: Influence of location, feeding strategy, and taxonomic affiliation, 2002, Marine Pollution Bulletin (44) - 4
- South China Sea, 2001, Marine Pollution Bulletin (42) - 12
- Cytochrome P450 1A induction in sea ducks inhabiting nearshore areas of Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2000, Marine Pollution Bulletin (40) - 5
- Comparison of pigeon guillemot, Cepphus columba, blood parameters from oiled and unoiled areas of Alaska eight years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2000, Marine Pollution Bulletin (40) - 2
- Benthic marine debris, with an emphasis on fishery-related items, surrounding Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1994-1996, 1999, Marine Pollution Bulletin (38) - 10
- Multi-year persistence of oil mousse on high energy beaches distant from the Exxon Valdez spill origin, 1999, Marine Pollution Bulletin (38) - 7
- Accumulation of butyltins in sediments and lipid tissues of the Asian clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, near Mare Island Naval Shipyard, San Francisco Bay, 1999, Marine Pollution Bulletin (38) - 11
- A drift experiment to assess the influence of wind on recovery of oiled seabirds on St Paul Island, Alaska, 1998, Marine Pollution Bulletin (36) - 2
- Chemical gradients in sediment cores from an EPA reference site off the Farallon Islands - Assessing chemical indicators of dredged material disposal in the deep sea, 1998, Marine Pollution Bulletin (36) - 6
- Use of indicator items to monitor marine debris on a New Jersey beach from 1991 to 1996, 1998, Marine Pollution Bulletin (36) - 11
- Toxicological and chemical screening of Antarctica sediments: Use of whole sediment toxicity tests, microtox, mutatox and semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), 1997, Marine Pollution Bulletin (34) - 3
- Mass-mortality of guillemots (Uria aalge) in the Gulf of Alaska in 1993, 1997, Marine Pollution Bulletin (34) - 8
- Organochlorines in sea otters and bald eagles from the Aleutian Archipelago, 1997, Marine Pollution Bulletin (34) -
- Persistence rates and detection probabilities of oiled king eider carcasses on St Paul Island, Alaska, 1997, Marine Pollution Bulletin (34) - 7
- A survey of recent results in passive sampling of water and air by semipermeable membrane devices, 1995, Marine Pollution Bulletin (31) - 4-12
- Increasing frequency of plastic particles ingested by seabirds in the subarctic North Pacific, 1995, Marine Pollution Bulletin (30) - 2
- Fate, bioavailability and toxicity of silver in estuarine environments, 1995, Marine Pollution Bulletin (31) - 1-3
- Deposition and persistence of beachcast seabird carcasses, 1995, Marine Pollution Bulletin (30) - 12
- Metals in diet of Bering Sea walrus: Mya sp. as a possible transmitter of elevated cadmium and other metals, 1994, Marine Pollution Bulletin (28) - 7
- Occurrence and distribution of organochlorine compounds in sediment and livers of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, 1994, Marine Pollution Bulletin (28) - 7
- Hydrocarbons in oil residues on beaches of islands of Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1993, Marine Pollution Bulletin (26) - 1
- Use of geochemical biomarkers in bottom sediment to track oil from a spill, San Francisco Bay, California, 1992, Marine Pollution Bulletin (24) - 1
- Bioaccumulation of hydrocarbons derived from terrestrial and anthropogenic sources in the Asian clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, in San Francisco Bay estuary, 1992, Marine Pollution Bulletin (24) - 2
- The impact of debris on the Florida manatee, 1991, Marine Pollution Bulletin (22) - 10
- Birds and environmental contaminants in San Francisco and Chesapeake Bays, 1988, Marine Pollution Bulletin (19) - 9
- Unsubstituted polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments, clams, and clam worms from Chesapeake Bay, 1988, Marine Pollution Bulletin (19) - 9
- Distribution, variability, and impacts of trace elements in San Francisco Bay, 1988, Marine Pollution Bulletin (19) - 9
- Ingestion of plastic debris by Laysan albatrosses and wedge-tailed shearwaters in the Hawaiian Islands, 1987, Marine Pollution Bulletin (18) - 6
- Incidental catch of marine birds and mammals in fishing nets off Newfoundland, Canada, 1987, Marine Pollution Bulletin (18) - 6, Supplement B
- Mortality of seabirds and fish in a lost salmon driftnet, 1980, Marine Pollution Bulletin (11) - 11
- Effects of oil transferred from incubating gulls to their eggs, 1979, Marine Pollution Bulletin (10) - 11
- Effects of No. 2 fuel oil on common eider eggs, 1978, Marine Pollution Bulletin (9) - 5
- Pollution of estuaries, 1970, Marine Pollution Bulletin (1) - 6