Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- A benchmark for computational analysis of animal behavior, using animal-borne tags, 2024, Movement Ecology (12) -
- Migratory strategies across an ecological barrier: Is the answer blowing in the wind?, 2024, Movement Ecology (12) - 1
- Deep vs shallow: GPS tags reveal a dichotomy in movement patterns of loggerhead turtles foraging in a coastal bay, 2024, Movement Ecology (12) -
- Hunting mode and habitat selection mediate the success of human hunters, 2024, Movement Ecology (12) -
- Rayleigh step-selection functions and connections to continuous-time mechanistic movement models, 2024, Movement Ecology (12) -
- Evaluating density-weighted connectivity of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Glacier National Park with spatial capture–recapture models, 2024, Movement Ecology (12) -
- Paradigm versus paradox on the prairie: Testing competing stream fish movement frameworks using an imperiled Great Plains minnow, 2024, Movement Ecology (10) -
- Site fidelity of migratory shorebirds facing habitat deterioration: Insights from satellite tracking and mark-resighting, 2023, Movement Ecology (11) -
- Change-point models for identifying behavioral transitions in wild animals, 2023, Movement Ecology (11) -
- Dispersal of juvenile Barrow’s goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) mirrors that of breeding adults, 2023, Movement Ecology (11) -
- Movement and behavioral states of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in response to a behavioral deterrent in a navigational lock, 2023, Movement Ecology (11) -
- Fall migration, oceanic movement, and site residency patterns of eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) on the mid-Atlantic Coast, 2023, Movement Ecology (11) - 35
- Environmental drivers of autumn migration departure decisions in midcontinental mallards, 2022, Movement Ecology (10) -
- Intrapopulation differences in polar bear movement and step selection patterns, 2022, Movement Ecology (10) -
- Machine learned daily life history classification using low frequency tracking data and automated modelling pipelines: Application to North American waterfowl, 2022, Movement Ecology (10) -
- Individual heterogeneity influences the effects of translocation on urban dispersal of an invasive reptile, 2022, Movement Ecology (10) -
- Dispersal distance is driven by habitat availability and reproductive success in Northern Great Plains piping plovers, 2021, Movement Ecology (9) -
- Individual and seasonal variation in the movement behavior of two tropical nectarivorous birds, 2021, Movement Ecology (9) -
- Diffusion modeling reveals effects of multiple release sites and human activity on a recolonizing apex predator, 2021, Movement Ecology (9) -
- Caution is warranted when using animal space-use and movement to infer behavioral states, 2021, Movement Ecology (9) -
- Identifying resting locations of a small elusive forest carnivore using a two-stage model accounting for GPS measurement error and hidden behavioral states, 2021, Movement Ecology (9) -
- Drivers of realized satellite tracking duration in marine turtles, 2021, Movement Ecology (9) -
- Using movement to inform conservation corridor design for Mojave desert tortoise, 2020, Movement Ecology (8) -
- Analysis of movement recursions to detect reproductive events and estimate their fate in central place foragers, 2020, Movement Ecology (8) -
- Movement-assisted localization from acoustic telemetry data, 2020, Movement Ecology (8) -
- Tropical cyclones alter short-term activity patterns of a coastal seabird, 2019, Movement Ecology (7) -
- Black bears alter movements in response to anthropogenic features with time of day and season, 2019, Movement Ecology (7) -
- GPS tracking data reveals daily spatio-temporal movement patterns of waterfowl, 2019, Movement Ecology (7) -
- Accounting for location uncertainty in azimuthaltelemetry data improves ecological inference, 2019, Movement Ecology (6) -
- Time-varying predatory behavior is primary predictor of fine-scale movement of wildland-urban cougars, 2018, Movement Ecology (6) -
- Quantifying animal movement for caching foragers: the path identification index (PII) and cougars, Puma concolor, 2017, Movement Ecology (5) -
- Population-level plasticity in foraging behavior of western gulls (Larus occidentalis), 2017, Movement Ecology (5) -
- Quantifying drivers of wild pig movement across multiple spatial and temporal scales, 2017, Movement Ecology (5) - 14
- Flexible characterization of animal movement pattern using net squared displacement and a latent state model, 2016, Movement Ecology (4) - 15
- Effects of geolocators on hatching success, return rates, breeding movements, and change in body mass in 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds, 2016, Movement Ecology (4) - 12
- Demographic outcomes of diverse migration strategies assessed in a metapopulation of tundra swans, 2016, Movement Ecology (4) - 10
- Metapopulation viability of an endangered shorebird depends on dispersal and human-created habitats: Piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) and prairie rivers, 2016, Movement Ecology (4) - 6
- Is there a single best estimator? selection of home range estimators using area- under- the-curve, 2015, Movement Ecology (3) - 10
- Mapping migratory flyways in Asia using dynamic Brownian bridge movement models, 2015, Movement Ecology (3) - 1
- When to be discrete: The importance of time formulation in understanding animal movement, 2014, Movement Ecology (2) - 21
- The environmental-data automated track annotation (Env-DATA) system: linking animal tracks with environmental data, 2013, Movement Ecology (1) - 3
- Flying with the wind: Scale dependency of speed and direction measurements in modelling wind support in avian flight, 2013, Movement Ecology (1) - 4