Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Aspects of the demography of a relict population of southwestern pond turtles (Actinemys pallida) in a West Mojave Desert stream in California, 2024, Northeastern Naturalist (31) - SP12
- An update of the ichthyofauna of West Virginia with notes on historic sportfish stockings, 2024, Northeastern Naturalist (31) - 24
- Ecology of an insular snake assemblage in coastal Maine, 2024, Northeastern Naturalist (31) - 1
- Activity patterns of Allegheny Woodrats (Neotoma magister) and two potential competitors in Virginia, 2023, Northeastern Naturalist (30) - 1
- Introduction: Climate change in the mountains of Maine and the Northeast, 2022, Northeastern Naturalist (28) - 11
- Ecology of an isolated muskrat population during regional population declines, 2021, Northeastern Naturalist (28) - 1
- An assessment of the thiamine status of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in the Susquehanna River watershed, 2020, Northeastern Naturalist (27) - 4
- Hypogeous, sequestrate fungi (genus Elaphomyces) found at small-mammal foraging sites in high-elevation conifer forests of West Virginia, 2020, Northeastern Naturalist (27) - 3
- Adult survival of common eiders in Maine, 2019, Northeastern Naturalist (26) - 3
- Eviction notice: Observation of a Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) usurping an active Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) Nest, 2019, Northeastern Naturalist (26) - 3
- The bee fauna of coastal Napatree Point and two inland sites in southern Rhode Island, 2019, Northeastern Naturalist (26) - 3
- Wild canid distribution and co-existence in a natural–urban matrix of the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, 2019, Northeastern Naturalist (26) - 2
- Age and growth of a native, lightly exploited population of Coregonus clupeaformis (Lake Whitefish) in a small natural lake in Maine, 2018, Northeastern Naturalist (25) - 4
- Changes in freshwater mussel communities linked to legacy pollution in the Lower Delaware River, 2018, Northeastern Naturalist (25) - 1
- Monitoring Least Bitterns (Ixobrychis exilis) in Vermont: Detection probability and occupancy modeling, 2018, Northeastern Naturalist (25) - 1
- Atypical feeding behavior of Long-tailed Ducks in the wake of a commercial fishing boat while clamming, 2017, Northeastern Naturalist (24) - 2
- Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) death by stick impalement, 2017, Northeastern Naturalist (24) - 2
- Microhabitat selection of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus Miller) in the central Appalachians, 2017, Northeastern Naturalist (24) - 2
- Who knew? First Myotis sodalis (Indiana Bat) maternity colony in the coastal plain of Virginia, 2017, Northeastern Naturalist (24) - 1
- A comparison of three macroinvertebrate sampling devices for use in conducting rapid-assessment procedures of Delmarva Peninsula wetlands, 2016, Northeastern Naturalist (23) - 2
- Changes in rates of capture and demographics of Myotis septentrionalis (Northern Long-eared Bat) in Western Virginia before and after onset of white-nose syndrome, 2016, Northeastern Naturalist (23) - 2
- Evidence for range contraction of snowshoe hare in Pennsylvania, 2016, Northeastern Naturalist (23) - 2
- Nest-site characteristics of Glyptemys muhlenbergii (Bog Turtle) in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 3
- Raccoon (Procyon lotor) diurnal den use within an intensively managed forest in central West Virginia, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 1
- Effects of population reduction on white-tailed deer home-range dynamics, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 2
- Reintroduction of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) into the St. Regis River, NY: Post-release assessment of habitat use and growth, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 4
- Evaluation of a formula that categorizes female gray wolf breeding status by nipple size, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 4
- Seasonal variation in habitat use of juvenile Steelhead in a tributary of Lake Ontario, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 4
- Fish assemblages in the Upper Esopus Creek, NY: Current status, variability, and controlling factors, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 2
- Loss of eelgrass in Casco Bay, Maine, linked to Green Crab disturbance, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 3
- Incidental captures of Eastern Spotted Skunk in a high-elevation Red Spruce forest in Virginia, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 2
- Distribution of native mussel (unionidae) assemblages in coastal areas of Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and connecting channels, twenty-five years after a dreissenid invasion, 2015, Northeastern Naturalist (22) - 1
- Comparison of radio-telemetric home range analysis and acoustic detection for Little Brown Bat habitat evaluation, 2014, Northeastern Naturalist (21) - 3
- A Common Loon incubates rocks as surrogates for eggs, 2013, Northeastern Naturalist (20) - 1
- First records of Nocomis biguttatus (Hornyhead Chub) from West Virginia discovered in museum voucher specimens, 2013, Northeastern Naturalist (20) - 4
- Diet of the eastern mudminnow (Umbra pygmaea DeKay) from two geographically distinct populations within the North American native range, 2013, Northeastern Naturalist (20) - 1
- Nest success of grassland birds in oak barrens and dry prairies in west central Wisconsin, 2013, Northeastern Naturalist (20) - 1
- Distribution and abundance of anadromous Sea Lamprey Spawners in a fragmented stream: Current status and potential range expansion following barrier removal, 2012, Northeastern Naturalist (19) - 1
- Mercury bioaccumulation in wood frogs developing in seasonal pools, 2012, Northeastern Naturalist (19) - 4
- Age, Growth and Reproduction of the Eastern Mudminnow (Umbra pygmaea) at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey., 2012, Northeastern Naturalist (19) - 2
- Foraging behavior of Long-tailed Ducks in a ferry wake, 2012, Northeastern Naturalist (19) - 1
- Non-genetic data supporting genetic evidence for the eastern wolf, 2011, Northeastern Naturalist (18) - 4
- Minnesota wolf ear lengths as possible indicators of taxonomic differences, 2011, Northeastern Naturalist (18) - 3
- Least Bittern nesting record in Maine, 2011, Northeastern Naturalist (18) - 3
- Common loon nest defense against an American mink, 2011, Northeastern Naturalist (18) - 2
- Judging a brook by its cover: The relation between ecological condition of a stream and urban land cover in new England, 2010, Northeastern Naturalist (17) - 1
- Influences of acid mine drainage and thermal enrichment on stream fish reproduction and larval survival, 2010, Northeastern Naturalist (17) - 4
- West Virginia crayfishes (Decapoda: Cambaridae): observations on distribution, natural history, and conservation, 2009, Northeastern Naturalist (16) - 2
- Persistence of dragonfly exuviae on vegetation and rock substrates, 2009, Northeastern Naturalist (16) - 1
- Influences of high-flow events on a stream channel altered by construction of a highway bridge: A case study, 2009, Northeastern Naturalist (16) - 3
- Biology of the caddisfly oligostomis ocelligera (Trichoptera: Phryganeidae) inhabiting acidic mine drainage in Pennsylvania, 2009, Northeastern Naturalist (16) - 2
- Low PCB concentrations observed in American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in six Hudson River tributaries, 2008, Northeastern Naturalist (15) - 2
- Seasonal habitat use of brook trout and juvenile Atlantic Salmon in a Tributary of Lake Ontario, 2008, Northeastern Naturalist (15) - 3
- Natural communities in catch basins in southern Rhode Island, 2007, Northeastern Naturalist (14) - 2
- Habitat use of Etheostoma maculatum (Spotted Darter) in Elk River, West Virginia, 2007, Northeastern Naturalist (14) - 3
- Aquatic habitats of Canaan Valley, West Virginia: Diversity and environmental threats, 2006, Northeastern Naturalist (13) - 3
- The use of artificial impoundments by two amphibian species in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, 2006, Northeastern Naturalist (13) - 4
- A novel approach to fitting the von Bertalanffy relationship to a mixed stock of Atlantic sturgeon harvested off the New Jersey Coast, 2005, Northeastern Naturalist (12) - 2
- A curious pellet from a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), 2005, Northeastern Naturalist (12) - 2
- A Fall fur-hunt from Maine to New Brunswick, Canada: The 1858 journal of Manly Hardy, 2005, Northeastern Naturalist (12) - 4
- Bioassessment of fish communities of the upper Delaware River, 2005, Northeastern Naturalist (12) - 2
- Use of fish-otolith-length regressions to infer size of double-crested cormorant prey fish from recovered otoliths in Lake Ontario, 2005, Northeastern Naturalist (12) - 2
- Natural hybrids of the madtoms, Noturus flavus and Noturus insignis, from the Monongahela River drainage, West Virginia, 2004, Northeastern Naturalist (11) - 4
- Recent and historical distributions of Canada lynx in Maine and the Northeast, 2003, Northeastern Naturalist (10) - 4
- Species occurrence of marsh birds at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, 2002, Northeastern Naturalist (9) - 1
- Seasonal distribution and abundance of fishes and decapod crustaceans in a Cape Cod estuary, 2002, Northeastern Naturalist (9) - 3
- Northwestward range extension for Diacyclops harryi (Crustacea: Copepoda), 2002, Northeastern Naturalist (9) - 2
- Impact source determination with biomonitoring data in New York State: Concordance with environmental data, 2002, Northeastern Naturalist (9) - 2
- Changes in the nesting populations of colonial waterbirds in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, New York, 1974-1998, 2001, Northeastern Naturalist (8) - 3
- Status and habitat relationships of northern flying squirrels on Mount Desert Island, Maine, 2001, Northeastern Naturalist (8) - 2
- Freshwater fishes of Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine, 2001, Northeastern Naturalist (8) - 3
- Intertidal growth of larval and juvenile lumpfish in maine: A 20-year assessment, 2001, Northeastern Naturalist (8) - 3
- Appearance and possible homing of two species of sculpins in Maine tidepools, 2001, Northeastern Naturalist (8) - 2
- Availability of nest cavity trees for wood ducks (Aix sponsa) at Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Maine, 1999, Northeastern Naturalist (6) - 2
- Mortality of unionid bivalves (Mollusca) associated with Dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis) in Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie, 1999, Northeastern Naturalist (6) - 4
- Predaceous diving beetles in Maine: Faunal list and keys to subfamilies, 1998, Northeastern Naturalist (5) - 1
- Watershield use by ring-necked ducks, 1997, Northeastern Naturalist (4) - 3