Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Skinks of Oceania, New Guinea, and Eastern Wallacea: An underexplored biodiversity hotspot, 2023, Pacific Conservation Biology (29) -
- Diet patterns of island foxes on San Nicolas Island relative to feral cat removal, 2017, Pacific Conservation Biology (23) - 2
- Changes in habitat use and distribution of mouflon in the Kahuku Unit of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park, 2016, Pacific Conservation Biology (22) - 4
- Book review: Restoring paradise: Rethinking and rebuilding nature in Hawaii, 2015, Pacific Conservation Biology (21) - 2
- Trends in conservation research and management in Hawai‘i over the past 20 years, 2014, Pacific Conservation Biology (20) - 1
- How much land is needed for feral pig hunting in Hawai'i?, 2014, Pacific Conservation Biology (30) - 1
- Videographic evidence of endangered species depredation by feral cat, 2012, Pacific Conservation Biology (18) - 4
- Can lowland dry forests represent a refuge from avian malaria for native Hawaiian birds?, 2010, Pacific Conservation Biology (16) - 3
- Effects of ungulate management on vegetation at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai'i Island, 2010, Pacific Conservation Biology (16) - 2
- An adaptive strategy for reducing feral cat predation on endangered Hawaiian birds, 2009, Pacific Conservation Biology (15) - 1
- Ground-based rodent control in a remote Hawaiian rainforest on Maui, 2008, Pacific Conservation Biology (14) - 3
- Home range and movements of feral cats on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, 2008, Pacific Conservation Biology (14) - 3
- Impact of the newly arrived seed-predating beetle Specularius impressithorax (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) in Hawai'i, 2008, Pacific Conservation Biology (14) - 1-2
- Diet of feral cats in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, 2007, Pacific Conservation Biology (13) - 4
- Diet composition of the invasive cane toad (Chaunus marinus) on Rota, Northern Mariana Islands, 2007, Pacific Conservation Biology (13) - 3
- Hematozoa of forest birds in American Samoa - Evidence for a diverse, indigenous parasite fauna from the South Pacific, 2006, Pacific Conservation Biology (12) - 3
- Seagrass responses to and recovery (?) from seven years of brown tide, 2000, Pacific Conservation Biology (5) - 4
- Application of a PCR-based approach to identify sex in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae), 2000, Pacific Conservation Biology (6) - 1
- Home range and diet of feral cats in Hawaii forests, 2000, Pacific Conservation Biology (6) - 3
- Characterizing Manatee habitat use and seagrass grazing in Florida and Puerto Rico: Implications for conservation and management, 2000, Pacific Conservation Biology (5) - 4
- A test of the variable circular-plot method where exact density of a bird population was known, 1999, Pacific Conservation Biology (5) - 2
- Status and management of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996, 1998, Pacific Conservation Biology (3) - 4
- Status and management of the PaliIa, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996, 1997, Pacific Conservation Biology (3) -
- Translocation of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1997, Pacific Conservation Biology (3) - 1