Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Greater plasticity in CTmax with increased climate variability among populations of tailed frogs, 2024, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (291) - 2034
- Season of death, pathogen persistence and wildlife behaviour alter number of anthrax secondary infections from environmental reservoirs, 2024, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (291) - 2016
- High-resolution recording of foraging behaviour over multiple annual cycles shows decline in old Adélie penguins’ performance, 2023, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (290) - 1996
- Declines in body size of sockeye salmon associated with increased competition in the ocean, 2023, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (290) -
- High dispersal rates in hybrids drive expansion of maladaptive hybridization, 2022, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (289) -
- Avian influenza antibody prevalence increases with mercury contamination in wild waterfowl, 2022, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (289) - 1982
- An invasive prey provides long-lasting silver spoon effects for an endangered predator, 2022, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (289) - 1977
- Global tropical reef fish richness could decline by around half if corals are lost, 2021, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (288) - 1953
- Broadening the ecology of fear: Non-lethal effects arise from diverse responses to predation and parasitism, 2021, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (288) -
- Concurrent assessment of epidemiological and operational uncertainties for optimal outbreak control: Ebola as a case study, 2019, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (286) - 1905
- Restricted access Giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, increases faunal diversity through physical engineering, 2018, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (285) - 1874
- Foraging and fasting can influence contaminant concentrations in animals: an example with mercury contamination in a free-ranging marine mammal, 2018, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (285) - 1872
- Stress hormones predict a host superspreader phenotype in the West Nile virus system, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (284) - 1859
- A cosmopolitan late Ediacaran biotic assemblage: new fossils from Nevada and Namibia support a global biostratigraphic link, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (284) - 1858
- Historical baselines and the future of shell calcification for a foundation species in a changing ocean, 2016, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (283) - 1832
- Body size distributions signal a regime shift in a lake ecosystem, 2016, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (283) - 1833
- Multiple rod–cone and cone–rod photoreceptor transmutations in snakes: Evidence from visual opsin gene expression, 2016, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (283) - 1823
- Marsh rabbit mortalities tie pythons to the precipitous decline of mammals in the Everglades, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (282) - 1805
- Dispersal and selection mediate hybridization between a native and invasive species, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (282) -
- Costs and benefits of group living with disease: a case study of pneumonia in bighorn lambs (Ovis canadensis), 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (281) - 1797
- Ocean warming and acidification have complex interactive effects on the dynamics of a marine fungal disease, 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (281) - 1778
- Evidence for a receiver bias underlying female preference for a male mating pheromone in sea lamprey, 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (280) - 1771
- A comparison of bats and rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses: are bats special?, 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (280) - 1756
- The paradox of extreme high-altitude migration in bar-headed geese Anser indicus, 2012, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (280) - 1750
- Host mating system and the prevalence of a disease in a plant population, 2006, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (273) - 1595
- Evolutionary stability of mutualism: interspecific population regulation as an evolutionarily stable strategy, 2004, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (271) - 1550