Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Migratory status determines resource selection by American Woodcock at an important fall stopover, Cape May, New Jersey, 2020, The Condor
- Annual adult survival drives trends in Arctic-breeding shorebirds but knowledge gaps in other vital rates remain, 2020, The Condor (1222) -
- At the end of the road: Lessons learned from comparing model- and design-based approaches to estimate population sizes of boreal birds in Alberta, Canada, 2020, The Condor (122) -
- Low renesting propensity and reproductive success make renesting unproductive for the threatened Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), 2020, The Condor (2) - 122
- Heterogeneity in migration strategies of the whooping crane, 2020, The Condor (122) - 1
- The relative importance of wetland area versus habitat heterogeneity for promoting species richness and abundance of wetland birds in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA, 2020, The Condor (122) - 1
- Global positioning system tracking devices can decrease Greater Sage-Grouse survival, 2019, The Condor (121) - 3
- Consistency counts: Modeling the effects of a change in protocol on Breeding Bird Survey counts, 2019, The Condor (121) - 2
- Shorebird subsistence harvest and indigenous knowledge in Alaska: Informing harvest assessment and management, and engaging users in shorebird conservation, 2019, The Condor (121) - 2
- Overlap of Pink-footed Shearwaters and central Chilean purse-seine fisheries: Implications for bycatch risk, 2019, The Condor (121) - 3
- Geographic variation in natal dispersal of Northern Spotted Owls over 28 years, 2019, The Condor (120) - 3
- Interisland genetic structure of two endangered Hawaiian waterbirds: The Hawaiian Coot and Hawaiian Gallinule, 2018, The Condor (120) - 4
- A new approach to automated incubation recess detection using temperature loggers, 2018, The Condor (120) - 4
- Reproductive response of Arizona Grasshopper Sparrows to weather patterns and habitat structure, 2018, The Condor (120) - 3
- Non-target effects on songbirds from habitat manipulation for Greater Sage-Grouse: Implications for the umbrella species concept, 2018, The Condor (120) - 2
- Demographic rates of two southeastern populations of Painted Bunting, 2007–2015, 2018, The Condor (120) - 2
- Opportunistically collected data reveal habitat selection by migrating Whooping Cranes in the U.S. Northern Plains, 2018, The Condor (120) - 2
- Flight response to spatial and temporal correlates informs risk from wind turbines to the California Condor, 2018, The Condor (120) - 2
- Response of beach-nesting American Oystercatchers to off-road vehicles: An experimental approach reveals physiological nuances and decreased nest attendance, 2018, The Condor (120) - 1
- Spatial patterns in occupancy and reproduction of Golden Eagles during drought: Prospects for conservation in changing environments, 2018, The Condor (120) - 1
- Environmental influences on the nesting phenology and productivity of Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis), 2017, The Condor (119) - 2
- Summer and winter space use and home range characteristics of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in eastern North America, 2017, The Condor (119) - 4
- Refined conservation strategies for Golden-winged Warblers in the West Virginia highlands with implications for the broader avian community, 2017, The Condor (119) - 4
- Applying citizen-science data and mark-recapture models to estimate numbers of migrant golden eagles in an important bird area in eastern North America, 2017, The Condor (119) - 4
- Evaluating and improving count-based population inference: A case study from 31 years of monitoring Sandhill Cranes, 2017, The Condor (119) - 2
- The first 50 years of the North American Breeding Bird Survey, 2017, The Condor (119) - 3
- Integrating Breeding Bird Survey and demographic data to estimate Wood Duck population size in the Atlantic Flyway, 2017, The Condor (119) - 3
- Use of North American Breeding Bird Survey data in avian conservation assessments, 2017, The Condor (119) - 3
- Territory and nest site selection patterns by Grasshopper Sparrows in southeastern Arizona, 2017, The Condor (119) - 3
- California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) habitat use patterns in a burned landscape, 2017, The Condor (119) - 3
- Nest-site selection and nest success of an Arctic-breeding passerine, Smith's Longspur, in a changing climate, 2017, The Condor (119) - 1
- How do en route events around the Gulf of Mexico influence landbird populations, 2017, The Condor (119) - 2
- Female-biased sex ratio, polygyny, and persistence in the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), 2017, The Condor (119) - 1
- Book review: A chorus of cranes: The cranes of North America and the world, 2017, The Condor (119) - 1
- Range-wide connectivity of priority areas for Greater Sage-Grouse: Implications for long-term conservation from graph theory, 2017, The Condor (119) - 1
- Interactive effects between nest microclimate and nest vegetation structure confirm microclimate thresholds for Lesser Prairie-Chicken nest survival, 2016, The Condor (118) - 4
- Ancient DNA reveals substantial genetic diversity in the California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) prior to a population bottleneck, 2016, The Condor (118) - 4
- Biochemical and clinical responses of Common Eiders to implanted satellite transmitters, 2016, The Condor (118) - 3
- Comment on "No evidence of displacement due to wind turbines in breeding grassland songbirds", 2016, The Condor (118) - 3
- Using the North American Breeding Bird Survey to assess broad-scale response of the continent's most imperiled avian community, grassland birds, to weather variability, 2016, The Condor (118) - 3
- Shifts in the distribution of molting Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri) indicate ecosystem change in the Arctic, 2016, The Condor (118) - 3
- Reproductive success of Horned Lark and McCown's Longspur in relation to wind energy infrastructure, 2016, The Condor (118) - 2
- Wintering Sandhill Crane exposure to wind energy development in the central and southern Great Plains, USA, 2016, The Condor (118) - 2
- Available data support protection of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher under the Endangered Species Act, 2016, The Condor (118) - 2
- Avian response to fire in pine–oak forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park following decades of fire suppression, 2016, The Condor (118) - 1
- Breeding habitat associations and predicted distribution of an obligate tundra-breeding bird, Smith's Longspur, 2015, The Condor (117) - 1
- Wintering ecology of sympatric subspecies of Sandhill Crane: Correlations between body size, site fidelity, and movement patterns, 2015, The Condor (117) - 4
- Genetic structure, diversity, and interisland dispersal in the endangered Mariana Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus guami), 2015, The Condor (117) - 4
- Distribution and movements of Alaska-breeding Steller's Eiders in the nonbreeding period, 2015, The Condor (117) - 3
- High-tech or field techs: Radio-telemetry is a cost-effective method for reducing bias in songbird nest searching, 2015, The Condor (117) - 3
- Variables associated with detection probability, detection latency, and behavioral responses of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera), 2015, The Condor (117) - 3
- Repeated count surveys help standardize multi-agency estimates of American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) abundance, 2015, The Condor (117) - 3
- Minimizing marker mass and handling time when attaching radio-transmitters and geolocators to small songbirds, 2015, The Condor (117) - 2
- Geolocators on Golden-winged Warblers do not affect migratory ecology, 2015, The Condor (117) - 2
- Comparing models of Red Knot population dynamics, 2015, The Condor (117) - 4
- Genomic single-nucleotide polymorphisms confirm that Gunnison and Greater sage-grouse are genetically well differentiated and that the Bi-State population is distinct, 2015, The Condor (117) - 2
- Factors influencing nest survival and productivity of Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) in Alaska, 2014, The Condor (116) - 4
- Landscape alterations influence differential habitat use of nesting buteos and ravens within sagebrush ecosystem: implications for transmission line development, 2014, The Condor (116) - 3
- Annual migratory patterns of long-billed curlews in the American west, 2014, The Condor (116) -
- Radar analysis of fall bird migration stopover sites in the northeastern U.S., 2014, The Condor (116) - 3
- The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle, 2014, The Condor (116) - 3
- A multiscale assessment of tree avoidance by prairie birds, 2014, The Condor (116) - 3
- Selection of anthropogenic features and vegetation characteristics by nesting Common Ravens in the sagebrush ecosystem, 2014, The Condor (116) - 1
- Minimal changes in heart rate of incubating American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in response to human activity, 2014, The Condor (116) - 3
- Survival estimates of wild and captive-bred released Puaiohi, an endangered Hawaiian thrush, 2014, The Condor (116) - 4
- Stable occupancy by breeding hawks (Buteo spp.) over 25 years on a privately managed bunchgrass prairie in northeastern Oregon, USA, 2014, The Condor (116) - 3
- Songbird use of floodplain and upland forests along the Upper Mississippi River corridor during spring migration, 2013, The Condor (115) - 1
- Intercontinental migratory connectivity and population structuring of Dunlins from western Alaska, 2013, The Condor (115) - 3
- Age-specific survival of tundra swans on the lower Alaska Peninsula, 2013, The Condor (115) - 2
- Survival of fledgling ovenbirds: Influences of habitat characteristics at multiple spatial scales, 2013, The Condor (115) - 2
- Genetic structure of the Common Eider in the western Aleutian Islands prior to fox eradication, 2013, The Condor (115) - 1
- Temporal analysis of mtDNA variation reveals decreased genetic diversity in least terns, 2012, The Condor (114) - 1
- Wetland selection by breeding and foraging black terns in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States, 2012, The Condor (114) - 1
- Factors affecting incubation patterns and sex roles of black oystercatchers in Alaska, 2012, The Condor (114) - 1
- Frequent vocalizing is negatively associated with brood parasitism in a host of the brown-headed cowbird, 2012, The Condor (114) - 1
- Evidence for population bottlenecks and subtle genetic structure in the yellow rail, 2012, The Condor (114) - 1
- Are Agrofuels a conservation threat or opportunity for grassland birds in the United States?, 2012, The Condor (114) - 4
- Bird-habitat relationships in interior Columbia Basin shrubsteppe, 2012, The Condor (114) - 1
- Migrating birds’ use of stopover habitat in the southwestern United States, 2012, The Condor (114) - 4
- Testing competing hypotheses for chronology and intensity of lesser scaup molt during winter and spring migration, 2011, The Condor (113) - 2
- Innate immunity is not related to the sex of adult Tree Swallows during the nestling period, 2011, The Condor (113) - 4
- Winter distribution of willow flycatcher subspecies, 2011, The Condor (113) - 3
- Nest predation and circulating corticosterone levels within and among species, 2011, The Condor (113) - 4
- Vagrant western red-shouldered hawks: origins, natal dispersal patterns, and survival, 2011, The Condor (113) - 3
- Tamarisk biocontrol using tamarisk beetles: Potential consequences for riparian birds in the southwestern United States, 2011, The Condor (113) - 2
- Migration patterns, use of stopover areas, and austral summer movements of Swainson's hawks, 2011, The Condor (113) - 1
- Intercontinental gene flow among western arctic populations of Lesser Snow Geese, 2011, The Condor (113) - 4
- Use of early-successional managed northern forest by mature-forest species during the post-fledging period, 2011, The Condor (113) - 4
- Migration And wintering areas Of Glaucous-winged Gulls From south-central Alaska, 2011, The Condor (113) - 2
- King eider foraging effort during the pre-breeding period in Alaska, 2011, The Condor (113) - 1
- Residence time and movements of postbreeding shorebirds on the northern coast of Alaska, 2011, The Condor (113) - 4
- Local weather, regional climate, and annual survival of the northern spotted owl, 2011, The Condor (113) - 1
- Population trends of forest birds at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai'i, 2010, The Condor (112) - 2
- Seasonal movements, winter range use, and migratory connectivity of the Black Oystercatcher, 2010, The Condor (112) - 4
- Isotopic characterization of flight feathers in two pelagic seabirds: Sampling strategies for ecological studies, 2010, The Condor (112) - 2
- Regional Variation in mtDNA of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken, 2010, The Condor (112) - 1
- Accuracy of egg flotation throughout incubation to determine embryo age and incubation day in waterbird nests, 2010, The Condor (112) - 3
- Nest and chick survival and colony-site dynamics of least terns in the U.S. Virgin Islands, 2010, The Condor (112) - 1
- Home range, habitat selection, and movements of California Black Rails at tidal marshes at San Francisco Bay, California, 2009, The Condor (111) - 4
- Landbird migration in the American West: Recent progress and future research directions, 2009, The Condor (111) - 2
- Effects of environmental factors on incubation patterns of Greater Sage-Grouse, 2008, The Condor (110) - 4
- Genetic characterization of Common Eiders breeding in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2007, The Condor (109) - 4
- Willow Flycatcher nonbreeding territory defense behavior in Costa Rica, 2007, The Condor (109) - 2
- Correlated growth and survival of juvenile spectacled eiders: Evidence of habitat limitation?, 2006, The Condor (108) - 4
- Territoriality, site fidelity, and survivorship of willow flycatchers wintering in Costa Rica, 2006, The Condor (108) - 3
- Prevalence of pox-like lesions and malaria in forest bird communitites on leeward Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii, 2005, The Condor (107) - 3
- Ecology and physiology of en route nearctic-neotropical migratory birds: A call for collaboration, 2005, The Condor (107) - 2
- Population genetic analysis of Mountain Plover using mitochondrial DNA sequence data, 2005, The Condor (107) - 2
- The relationship between habitat characteristics and demographic performance of northern spotted owls in southern Oregon, 2005, The Condor (107) - 4
- Geography of spring landbird migration through riparian habitats in southwestern North America, 2005, The Condor (107) - 2
- Crossing the ultimate ecological barrier: Evidence for an 11,000-km-long non-stop flight from Alaska to New Zealand and Eastern Australia by Bar-tailed Godwits, 2005, The Condor (107) - 1
- Common raven juvenile survival in a human-augmented landscape, 2004, The Condor (106) - 3
- Nest survival estimation: A review of alternatives to the Mayfield estimator, 2004, The Condor (106) - 3
- Diets of insectivorous birds along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2004, The Condor (106) - 1
- Estimating survival probabilities of unmarked dependent young when detection is imperfect, 2004, The Condor (106) - 4
- Spatiotemporal predictability of schooling and nonschooling prey of Pigeon Guillemots, 2004, The Condor (106) - 2
- Seasonal movement and home range of the Mariana Common Moorhen, 2004, The Condor (106) - 3
- Winter philopatry of harlequin ducks in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2004, The Condor (106) - 3
- Estimating population trends with a linear model, 2003, The Condor (105) - 2
- The high-elevation population of Mountain Plovers in Colorado, 2003, The Condor (105) - 4
- Teetering on the edge or too late? Conservation and research issues for avifauna of sagebrush habitats, 2003, The Condor (105) - 4
- Gyrfalcon diet in central west Greenland during the nestling period, 2003, The Condor (105) - 3
- Coexistence in a multispecies assemblage of eagles in central Asia, 2003, The Condor (105) - 3
- American white pelican soaring flight times and altitudes relative to changes in thermal depth and intensity, 2002, The Condor (104) - 3
- Influence of military activities on raptor abundance and behavior, 2001, The Condor (103) - 3
- Movements and survival of lark bunting fledglings, 2001, The Condor (103) - 3
- Does habitat fragmentation influence nest predation in the shortgrass prairie?, 2001, The Condor (103) - 3
- Size characteristics of stones ingested by common loons, 2001, The Condor (103) - 1
- [Book Review] Diseases of Wild Waterfowl, by Gary A. Wobeser, 2001, The Condor (103) - 3
- Fall migration routes, timing, and wintering sites of North American ospreys as determined by satellite telemetry, 2001, The Condor (103) - 4
- Intraspecific variation in nutrient reserve use during clutch formation by Lesser Scaup, 2001, The Condor
- Activity patterns of marbled murrelets in Douglas-fir old-growth forests of the Oregon Coast Range, 2000, The Condor (102) - 2
- Post-release survival of hand-reared and parent-reared Mississippi sandhill cranes, 2000, The Condor (102) - 1
- Molecular genetic status of Aleutian Canada Geese from Buldir and the Semidi Islands, Alaska, 2000, The Condor (102) - 1
- Winter ecology of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler, 1999, The Condor (101) - 4
- Survival and physiologic response of common Amakihi and Japanese white-eyes during simulated translocation, 1999, The Condor (101) - 1
- Reproductive characteristics of migratory golden eagles in Denali National Park, Alaska, 1999, The Condor (101) - 1
- Long-term prairie falcon population changes in relation to prey abundance, weather, land uses, and habitat conditions, 1999, The Condor (101) - 1
- Monitoring species richness and abundance of shorebirds in the western Great Basin, 1998, The Condor (100) - 4
- Selection of forage-fish schools by Murrelets and Tufted Puffins in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1998, The Condor (100) - 2
- Review of 'The golden eagle' by Jeff Watson , 1998, The Condor (100) - 4
- Evaluation of radio-tracking and strip transect methods for determining foraging ranges of Black-Legged Kittiwakes, 1998, The Condor (100) - 4
- The influence of habitat, prey abundance, sex, and breeding success on the ranging behavior of Prairie Falcons, 1997, The Condor (99) - 3
- Behavior of Cackling Canada Geese during brood rearing, 1997, The Condor (99) - 2
- Variation in incubation periods and egg metabolism in mallards: Intrinsic mechanisms to promote hatch synchrony, 1997, The Condor (99) -
- Characteristics of nesting areas used by San Clemente Island Sage Sparrows, 1997, The Condor (99) - 1
- Black brant from Alaska staging and wintering in Japan, 1996, The Condor (98) -
- Survival of northern pintail ducklings on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1996, The Condor (98) - 1
- Complete migration cycle of golden eagles breeding in northern Quebec, 1996, The Condor (98) - 2
- Renesting ecology of northern pintails on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1996, The Condor (98) - 4
- Evidence from cytochrome b sequences and allozymes for a new species of alcid: The long-billed murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix), 1996, The Condor (98) - 4
- Effects of silvicultultural modifications of temperate rainforest on breeding and wintering bird communities, Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska, 1996, The Condor (98) - 4
- Nesting success of Northern Pintails on the coastal Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1996, The Condor (98) - 1
- Variation in egg size of the northern pintail, 1996, The Condor (98) - 1
- Use of implanted satellite transmitters to locate Spectacled Eiders at-sea, 1995, The Condor (97) - 1
- Ecology and breeding biology of the Hawaii elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis bryani), 1995, The Condor (97) - 2
- Metabolizability and partitioning of energy and protein in green plants by yearling lesser snow geese, 1995, The Condor (97) - 1
- Variation in brood behavior of Black Brant, 1995, The Condor (97) - 1
- Residency patterns of migrating sandpipers at a midcontinental stopover, 1994, The Condor (96) - 4
- Geographic variation in Yellow-headed Blackbirds from the northern Great Plains, 1994, The Condor (96) - 4
- The role of nutrient reserves for clutch formation by Northern Pintails in Alaska, 1994, The Condor (96) - 2
- Age, habitat and tide effects on feeding activity of Emperor Geese during Autumn migration, 1994, The Condor (96) - 1
- Estimation of lipids and lean mass of migrating sandpipers, 1993, The Condor (95) - 4
- Survival and pre-fledging body mass in juvenile emperor geese, 1993, The Condor (95) - 1
- Distribution and abundance of Marbled Murrelets in Alaska, 1993, The Condor (95) - 3
- Behavioral ecology of black-legged kittiwakes during chick rearing in a failing colony, 1993, The Condor (95) - 2
- Describing Willow Flycatcher habitats: scale perspectives and gender differences, 1992, The Condor (94) - 3
- Density of loons in central Alaska, 1992, The Condor (94) - 1
- Time allocation by Greater White-fronted Geese: Influence of diet, energy reserves and predation, 1992, The Condor (94) - 4
- Reproductive ecology of Emperor Geese: Survival of adult females, 1992, The Condor (94) - 2
- Geographic and temporal variation in the diet of Yellow-headed Blackbirds, 1991, The Condor (93) - 4
- The loss of avian cavities by injury compartmentalization, 1991, The Condor (93) - 3
- Growth and development of thermoregulation in nestling San Miguel Island Song Sparrows, 1991, The Condor (93) - 3
- Evidence for color phase effects on the breeding and life history of Northern Fulmars, 1991, The Condor (93) - 2
- Mortality of seabirds in the Japanese land-based gillnet fishery for salmon, 1991, The Condor (93) - 2
- Flight performance energetics and water turnovers of Tippler Pigeons with a harness and doorsal load, 1991, The Condor (93) - 3
- Water-vapor pressure in nests of the San Miguel Island Song Sparrow, 1990, The Condor (92) - 3
- Colony attendance and population monitoring of Least and Crested auklets on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, 1990, The Condor (92) - 1
- The importance of subarctic intertidal habitats to shorebirds: A study of the central Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1990, The Condor (92) - 3
- Extra-pair copulations in Black Brant, 1990, The Condor (92) - 1
- Lead hazards within the range of the California condor, 1990, The Condor (92) - 4
- Nest success, cause-specific nest failure, and hatchability of aquatic birds at selenium-contaminated Kesterson Reservoir and a reference site, 1989, The Condor (91) - 4
- Regionwide polygyny in willow flycatchers, 1989, The Condor (91) - 2
- Seasonal changes in bird communities of the chaparral and blue-oak woodlands in central California, 1989, The Condor (91) - 2
- Foods and dietary strategies of prairie-nesting ruddy ducks and redheads, 1989, The Condor (91) - 2
- Reproductive performance of Rio Grande wild turkeys, 1989, The Condor (91) - 3
- Extra-pair copulation in the greater white-fronted goose, 1989, The Condor (91) - 4
- A high incidence of brown-headed cowbird parasitism of willow flycatchers, 1988, The Condor (90) - 1
- Colony attendance and population monitoring of Black-legged Kittiwakes on the Semidi Islands, Alaska, 1988, The Condor (90) - 3
- Seasonal occurrence of migrant whimbrels and bristle-thighed curlews on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 1988, The Condor (90) - 4
- Littoral foraging by red phalaropes during spring in the northern Bering Sea, 1988, The Condor (90) - 3
- Latent population responses of summer birds to a catastrophic, climatological event, 1987, The Condor (89) - 4
- Aggressive encounters between tundra swans and greater white-fronted geese during brood rearing, 1987, The Condor (89) - 2
- Winter diets of common murres and marbled murrelets in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, 1987, The Condor (89) - 2
- Adult survival and productivity of Northern Fulmars in Alaska, 1987, The Condor (89) - 4
- Organochlorine-induced mortality and residues in long-billed curlews from Oregon, 1985, The Condor (87) - 4
- Seabirds between Alaska and Hawaii, 1983, The Condor (85) - 3
- Observations of emperor geese feeding at Nelson Lagoon, Alaska, 1983, The Condor (85) - 3
- Populations, feeding ecology and molt of Steller's Eiders, 1981, The Condor (83) - 3
- Observations on distribution, diet, and breeding of the Hawaiian thrush, 1979, The Condor (81) - 1
- Yolk formation in some Charadriiform birds, 1979, The Condor (81) - 3
- Seasonal trends in summer diet of the lapland longspur near Barrow Alaska USA, 1978, The Condor (80) - 3
- Ticks as a factor in nest desertion of California brown pelicans, 1977, The Condor (79) - 4