Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Ciencia, Sociedad, Soluciones: Una Introduccion al USGS, 2001, Fact Sheet 010-01
- Flooding in the Amargosa River Drainage Basin, February 23-24, 1998, Southern Nevada and Eastern California, including the Nevada Test Site, 2001, Fact Sheet 036-01
- Cooperative Water Program: A Partnership in the Nation's Water-Resources Program, 2001, Fact Sheet 128-01
- Real-time ground-water data for the nation, 2001, Fact Sheet 090-01
- MTBE and other volatile organic compounds: New findings and implications on the quality of source waters used for drinking-water supplies, 2001, Fact Sheet 105-01
- U.S. Geological Survey Ground-Water Resources Program, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 056-01
- An investigation of the interrelation of Florida Bay dynamics to ecosystem processes in South Florida, 2001, Fact Sheet 049-01
- Occurrence and distribution of volatile organic compounds in drinking water supplied by community water systems in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States, 1993-98, 2001, Fact Sheet 089-01
- Balancing Ground-Water Withdrawals and Streamflow in the Hunt-Annaquatucket-Pettaquamscutt Basin, Rhode Island, 2001, Fact Sheet 063-01
- Flooding in the Mississippi River Basin in Minnesota, spring 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 002-02
- Underwater microscope system, 2001, Fact Sheet 135-01
- The effects of large-scale pumping and diversion on the water resources of Dane County, Wisconsin, 2001, Fact Sheet 127-01
- Ground-water studies in Fairbanks, Alaska: A better understanding of some of the United States' highest natural arsenic concentrations, 2001, Fact Sheet 111-01
- Coal combustion products, 2001, Fact Sheet 076-01
- Sparta, New Jersey, flood of August 11-14, 2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 104-01
- Characterizing ground-water chemistry and hydraulic properties of fractured-rock aquifers using the multifunction Bedrock-Aquifer Transportable Testing Tool (BAT3), 2001, Fact Sheet 075-01
- What is the Ohio Gap Analysis Program (GAP)?, 2001, Fact Sheet 093-01
- New mapping techniques help assess the health of Hawaii's coral reefs, 2001, Fact Sheet 084-01
- National Atlas of the United States Maps, 2001, Fact Sheet 086-01
- Streamflow information for the Jacks Fork and Current River in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, south-central Missouri, 2001, Fact Sheet 092-01
- Monitoring for pesticides in ground water in Nevada, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 094-01
- Mercury in U.S. coal; abundance, distribution, and modes of occurrence, 2001, Fact Sheet 095-01
- Effects of artificial recharge on water quality in the Equus Beds Aquifer, south-central Kansas, 1995-2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 096-01
- Evaluating the effects of urbanization and land-use planning using ground-water and surface-water models, 2001, Fact Sheet 102-01
- Inventario mundial del petroleo USGS 2000 [USGS world petroleum inventory 2000], 2001, Fact Sheet 106-01
- Economic and environmental evaluations of extractable coal resources conducted by the U. S. Geological Survey, 2001, Fact Sheet 109-01
- Coal-bed gas resources of the Rocky Mountain region, 2001, Fact Sheet 110-01
- Improving water quality in Sweetwater Reservoir, San Diego County, California; sources and mitigation strategies for trihalomethane (THM)-forming carb, 2001, Fact Sheet 112-01
- The U. S. Geological Survey Chesapeake Bay Science Program, 2001, Fact Sheet 125-01
- GEODE (Geo-Data Explorer) - A U.S. Geological Survey Application for Data Retrieval, Display, and Analysis through the Internet, 2001, Fact Sheet 132-01
- Evaluacion de los recursos potenciales del petroleo y gas, en Centro y Suramerica [Evaluation of potential petroleum and gas resources in Central and South America], 2001, Fact Sheet 038-01
- Estimativas de possiveis recursos de petroleo e gas na America Central e na America do Sul [Estimates of possible petroleum and gas resources in Central American and South America], 2001, Fact Sheet 039-01
- National survey of MTBE and other VOCs in community drinking-water sources, 2001, Fact Sheet 064-01
- PCBs in tissue of fish from the Spokane River, Washington, 1999, 2001, Fact Sheet 067-01
- Reconnaissance for trace metals in bed sediment, Wright Patman Lake, near Texarkana, Texas, 2001, Fact Sheet 068-01
- Water-quality monitoring of Sweetwater Reservoir, 2001, Fact Sheet 070-01
- Effects of oil and gas production on Lake Meredith sediments, 1964-99, 2001, Fact Sheet 072-01
- Flooding in Delaware and the eastern shore of Maryland from Hurricane Floyd, September 1999, 2001, Fact Sheet 073-01
- Surface-water/ground-water interaction and implications for ground-water sustainability in the Dutch Flats area, western Nebraska, 2001, Fact Sheet 074-01
- The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid, 2001, Fact Sheet 077-01
- Cartographic Services Contract, 2001, Fact Sheet 078-01
- Water budget for the Nueces Estuary, Texas, May-October 1998, 2001, Fact Sheet 081-01
- Discharge between San Antonio Bay and Aransas Bay, southern Gulf Coast, Texas, May-September 1999, 2001, Fact Sheet 082-01
- The National Water-Quality Assessment Program; entering a new decade of investigations, 2001, Fact Sheet 071-01
- Tenmile Creek, Montana; watershed of many uses, 2001, Fact Sheet 059-01
- Distribution of arsenic in water and streambed sediments, Cook Inlet basin, Alaska, 2001, Fact Sheet 083-01
- USGS Mineral Resources Program; national maps and datasets for research and land planning, 2001, Fact Sheet 079-01
- Wetland subsidence, fault reactivation, and hydrocarbon production in the U. S. Gulf Coast region, 2001, Fact Sheet 091-01
- SCIGN; new Southern California GPS network advances the study of earthquakes, 2001, Fact Sheet 069-01
- Does diazinon pose a threat to a neighborhood stream in Tallahassee, Florida?, 2001, Fact Sheet 143-00
- Obsolete computers, "gold mine", or high-tech trash? Resource recovery from recycling, 2001, Fact Sheet 060-01
- The Advanced National Seismic System; management and implementation, 2001, Fact Sheet 045-01
- A primer on water quality, 2001, Fact Sheet 027-01
- Water-quality assessment within a drainage control district in southeastern Florida, 2001, Fact Sheet 149-00
- Ambient water-quality monitoring in Missouri, 2001, Fact Sheet 062-01
- Geology of the Woods Hole area, Massachusetts; the story behind the landscape, 2001, Fact Sheet 066-01
- Habitat geology studies on and near Georges Bank, off New England, 2001, Fact Sheet 061-01
- Selected findings and current perspectives on urban and agricultural water quality by the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2001, Fact Sheet 047-01
- The environment and human health; USGS science for solutions, 2001, Fact Sheet 054-01
- Effects of water withdrawals on streamflow in the Ipswich River basin, Massachusetts, 2001, Fact Sheet 160-00
- United States Antarctic Resource Center (USARC), 2001, Fact Sheet 051-01
- Educational materials from the U.S. Geological Survey, 2001, Fact Sheet 044-01
- Nutrients in streams and rivers in the lower Tennessee River basin, 2001, Fact Sheet 025-01
- Assessment of microbiological contamination of the Jacks Fork within the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri—phase I, 2001, Fact Sheet 026-01
- Water-level changes in the High Plains Aquifer, 1980 to 1999, 2001, Fact Sheet 029-01
- U.S. Geological Survey World Wide Web Information, 2001, Fact Sheet 033-01
- U.S. Geological Survey Information Sources, 2001, Fact Sheet 034-01
- Finding Your Way with Map and Compass, 2001, Fact Sheet 035-01
- Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in Central and South America, 2001, Fact Sheet 037-01
- Malformed frogs in Minnesota: An update, 2001, Fact Sheet 043-01
- Floods in Cuyama Valley, California, February 1998, 2001, Fact Sheet 162-00
- USGS water programs in North Carolina; 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 046-01
- Innovative Partnerships, 2001, Fact Sheet 052-01
- National Water Quality Laboratory - A profile, 2001, Fact Sheet 053-01
- Availability Of Ground-Water Data For California, Water Year 2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 055-01
- Inventario mundial de la calidad del carbon mineral (WoCQI) [The world coal quality inventory (WoCQI)], 2001, Fact Sheet 058-01
- Developing landscape-indicator models for pesticides and nutrients in streams of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, 2001, Fact Sheet 157-00
- Ground-water resources of the Gallatin local water quality district, southwestern Montana, 2001, Fact Sheet 007-01
- The tides and inflows in the mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) interdisciplinary project of the South Florida Ecosystem Program, 2001, Fact Sheet 031-01
- Streamflow and water quality in Tarryall Creek downstream from Park Gulch, Park County, Colorado, April 1997-March 2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 145-00
- The 1951 floods in Kansas revisited, 2001, Fact Sheet 041-01
- Health effects of toxic organic compounds from coal; the case Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN), 2001, Fact Sheet 004-01
- Did you feel it? Community-made earthquake shaking maps, 2001, Fact Sheet 030-01
- Earthquakes and tsunamis in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, 2001, Fact Sheet 141-00
- Earthquakes in and near the Northeastern United States, 1638-1998, 2001, Fact Sheet 006-01
- Evaluation of missing gage-height record for streams and lakes in Kansas, 2001, Fact Sheet 009-01
- Natural gas hydrates; vast resource, uncertain future, 2001, Fact Sheet 021-01
- The San Francisco volcanic field, Arizona, 2001, Fact Sheet 017-01
- The National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPRA) data archive, 2001, Fact Sheet 024-01
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 area, petroleum assessment, 1998, including economic analysis, 2001, Fact Sheet 028-01
- Energy Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 2001, Fact Sheet 032-01
- Federally owned coal, federal lands, and coal quality in the Colorado Plateau Region, 2001, Fact Sheet 011-01
- Some Facts About Asbestos, 2001, Fact Sheet 012-01
- The U.S. Geological Survey National Coal Resource Assessment, 2001, Fact Sheet 020-01
- The World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI), 2001, Fact Sheet 155-00
- Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information, 2001, Fact Sheet 003-01
- A data management life-cycle, 2001, Fact Sheet 163-00
- Science, Society, Solutions: An Introduction to the USGS, 2001, Fact Sheet 010-01
- Wollastonite : a versatile industrial mineral, 2001, Fact Sheet 002-01
- Forces Shaping Future U.S. Coal Production and Use, 2001, Fact Sheet 158-00
- Earthquake shaking — Finding the "hot spots", 2001, Fact Sheet 001-01
- Sediment delivery by ungaged tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, 2001, Fact Sheet 018-01
- The National Map - Washington-Idaho Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 114-01
- The National Map: Topographic Maps for the 21st Century, 2001, Fact Sheet 101-01
- Water Supply in the Mojave River Ground-Water Basin, 1931-99, and the Benefits of Artificial Recharge, 2001, Fact Sheet 122-01
- Pesticides in Ground Water - Sheridan County, Wyoming, 1999-2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 123-01
- Pesticides in Ground Water - Big Horn County, Wyoming, 1999-2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 124-01
- National Streamflow Information Program implementation plan and progress report, 2001, Fact Sheet 048-01
- USGS GeoData Digital Raster Graphics, 2001, Fact Sheet 088-01
- Number and size of black bass reflect water quality in the lower Mississippi River Delta, 2001, Fact Sheet 080-01
- Status of shallow-aquifer mapping in the Northern Front Range Area, Colorado, 2001, Fact Sheet 069-00
- Selenium concentrations and loads in the Yampa River basin, northwestern Colorado, 1997-98, 2001, Fact Sheet 097-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in Rural Areas in Louisiana, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 099-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in the Rural Areas in Maryland, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 098-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in Rural Areas in Virginia, 2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 023-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency for Natural Basins in Texas, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 022-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in Washington, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 016-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in Rural and Urban Areas in Missouri, 2000, 2001, Fact Sheet 015-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in Connecticut, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 014-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency for Non-tidal Streams in Delaware, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 013-01
- The National Flood-Frequency Program -- Methods for Estimating Flood Magnitude and Frequency in Rural and Urban Areas in Oklahoma, 2001, 2001, Fact Sheet 008-01
- Ciencia, Sociedad, Soluciones: Una Introduccion al USGS, 2001, Fact Sheet 107-01
- Map Separates, 2001, Fact Sheet 042-01
- Water quality in the Yukon River basin, 2001, Fact Sheet 050-01
- Biological Soil Crusts: Webs of Life in the Desert, 2001, Fact Sheet 065-01
- How to Select and Order NAPP and NHAP Photographs, 2001, Fact Sheet 087-01
- Understanding Color-Infrared Photographs, 2001, Fact Sheet 129-01
- USGS GeoData Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles, 2001, Fact Sheet 057-01
- Topographic Maps from a Kiosk, 2001, Fact Sheet 085-01
- Map Indexes Available from the U.S. Geological Survey, 2001, Fact Sheet 134-01
- The National Map - Missouri Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 115-01
- National Streamflow Information Program: implementation plan and progress report, 2001, Fact Sheet 005-01
- The National Map - Delaware Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 116-01
- The National Map - Lake Tahoe Area Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 117-01
- The National Map - Utah Transportation Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 118-01
- The National Map - Texas Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 119-01
- The National Map - Pennsylvania Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 120-01
- The National Map - Florida Pilot Project, 2001, Fact Sheet 121-01
- Monitoring of coarse sediment inputs to the Colorado River In Grand Canyon, 2001, Fact Sheet 019-01
- Monitoring Of Ecosystem Dynamics In The Mojave Desert: The Beatley Permanent Plots, 2001, Fact Sheet 040-01