Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Bibliography of hydrology of the United States and Canada, 1964, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1864
- Ground-water levels in the United States, 1962-66, north-central states, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1976
- Quality of surface waters for irrigation, Western states, 1964, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1960
- Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1964, Parts 1 and 2, North Atlantic slope basins and South Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1954
- Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1964, Parts 9-11, Colorado River basin to Pacific slope basins in California, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1958
- Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65: Part 8, western Gulf of Mexico basins: Volume 1, basins from Mermentau River to Colorado River, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1922
- Estuarine studies in upper Grays Harbor, Washington, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1873 B
- Geohydrology and water utilization in the Willcox Basin, Graham and Cochise Counties, Arizona, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1859 F
- Selected techniques in water resources investigations, 1966-67, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1892
- Evaluation and control of corrosion and encrustation in tube wells of the Indus Plains, West Pakistan, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1608 L
- Hydrologic effects of the 1962-66 drought on Long Island, New York, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1879 F
- Water resources of the Salmon Falls Creek basin, Idaho-Nevada, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1879 D
- Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65: Part 6. Missouri River basin: Volume 1. Missouri River basin above Williston, North Dakota, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1916
- Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65: Part 6, Missouri River basin: Volume 3. Missouri River basin from Sioux City, Iowa to Nebraska City, Nebraska, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1918
- Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65: Part 6. Missouri River basin: Volume 4. Missouri River basin below Nebraska City, Nebraska, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1919
- A ground-water reconnaissance of the Republic of Ghana, with a description of geohydrologic provinces, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1757 K
- Stage-discharge characteristics of a Weir in a sand-channel stream, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1898 A
- Variations in low-water streambed elevations at selected stream-gaging stations in northwestern California, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1879 E
- Sedimentation in upper Stony Creek basin, eastern flank of the Coast Ranges of northern California, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1798 F
- Water resources of Randolph and Lawrence Counties, Arkansas, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1879 B
- Water load of uranium radium, and gross beta activity at selected gaging stations, water year 1960-61, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1535 O
- Sediment transport by streams in the Walla Walla River basin, Washington and Oregon, July 1962 - June 1965, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1868
- Floods of June 1965 in South Platte River basin, Colorado, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1850 B
- Water quality and discharge of streams in the Lehigh River Basin, Pennsylvania, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1879 H
- Ground-water resources of the Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1576 I
- Floods of April 28, 1966 in the northern part of Dallas, Texas, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1870 B
- Hydrogeology of the Scioto River Valley near Piketon, south-central Ohio, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1872
- Water resources of Clark, Cleveland, and Dallas Counties, Arkansas, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1879 A
- Solubility of aluminum in the presence of hydroxide, fluoride, and sulfate, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1827 C
- Ground-water resources of the Lambayeque Valley, Department of Lambayeque, northern Peru, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1663 F
- Feasibility study of the use of the acoustic velocity meter for measurement of net outflow from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1877
- Water in the Kahuku area, Oahu, Hawaii, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1874
- Water resources of Windward Oahu, Hawaii, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1894
- Water resources of the Sycamore Creek watershed, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1861
- Occurrence and distribution of molybdenum in the surface water of Colorado, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1535 N
- Factors initiating phytoplankton blooms and resulting effects on dissolved oxygen in Duwamish River estuary, Seattle, Washington, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1873 A
- Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1964, Parts 3 and 4, Ohio River basin and St. Lawrence River basin, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1955
- Surface water supply of the United States, 1961-65: Part 1. North Atlantic slope basins: Volume 1. Basins from Maine to Connecticut, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1901
- Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65: Part 6, Missouri River basin: Volume 2. Missouri River basin from Williston, North Dakota to Sioux City, Iowa, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1917
- Surface water supply of the United States, 1961-65, Part 7. Lower Mississippi River basin, Volume 1. Lower Mississippi River basin except Arkansas River basin, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1920
- Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65: Part 7. Lower Mississippi River basin: Volume 2, Arkansas River basin, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1921
- Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1964, Parts 5 and 6, Hudson Bay and upper Mississippi River basins and Missouri River basin, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1956
- Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1964, Parts 7 and 8, lower Mississippi River basin and western Gulf of Mexico basins, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1957
- Quality of surface waters for irrigation, Western states, 1965, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1967
- Considerations involved in evaluating mathematical modeling of urban hydrologic systems, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1591 D
- Sediment movement in an area of suburban highway construction, Scott Run Basin, Fairfax County Virginia, 1961-64, 1969, Water Supply Paper 1591 E