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Data Series 862

Disc Contents

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      data/ Folder containing comma-separated value files
Identifier 'HLY1202' indicates the second mission of 2012 on the USCGC Healy
            HLY1202_Discrete_Underway.csv Discrete Sample Data Analyzed Underway
            HLY1202_Discrete_Lab.csv Discrete Sample Data Analyzed at Shore-based Laboratory
            HLY1202_Isotopes.csv Discrete isotope data analyzed at USF Stable Isotope Laboratory
            HLY1202_Metals.csv Discrete trace metal data analyzed at USF Marine Science ICP-MS Laboratory
            HLY1202_MICA.csv MICA Data Taken Underway
            HLY1202_Nutrients.csv Discrete nutrient data analyzed at WHOI Laboratory
            HLY1202_Underway_Data.csv HLY1202 Shipboard Sensor Underway Data
      data/ctd_data/ Folder containing comma-separated value files for CTD casts
            HLY1202_Station.csv Stations 1 to 4 CTD, pH, and TA data
            HLY1202_Metals_Profile.csv Stations 1 to 4 trace metals data
            HLY1202_Nutrients_Profile.csv Stations 1 to 4 nutrients data
      html/ Folder containing HTML files for browsing dataset
            images/ Folder containing images used in HTML files
            acronyms.html HTML file containing a list of acronyms and abbreviations
            contents.html HTML file with directory of the report's content (this file)
            data.html HTML file with links to cruise data
            maps.html HTML file with links to map data
            metadata.html HTML file with links to metadata files
            methods.html HTML file with data collection and processing methods
      metadata/ Folder containing metadata for cruise and trackline data
            HLY1202_Discrete_Lab.xml XML metadata for Discrete Sample Data Analyzed on Land
            HLY1202_Discrete_Underway.xml XML metadata for Discrete Sample Data Analyzed Underway
            HLY1202_Isotopes.xml XML metadata for Isotopes Data
            HLY1202_Metals.xml XML metadata for Trace Metals Data
            HLY1202_MICA.xml XML metadata for MICA Data
            HLY1202_Nutrients.xml XML metadata for Nutrients Data
            HLY1202_Station.xml XML metadata for CTD, pH, and TA Station Data
            HLY1202_Underway_Data.xml XML metadata for Shipboard Sensor Data
      shp/ Parent folder for trackline shapefiles
            data/ Folder containing seawater chemistry shapefiles
         Compressed file containing shapefile of the Healy MICA Data
         Compressed file containing shapefile of the Discrete Sample Data
         Compressed file containing shapefile of the CTD Data
         Compressed file containing raster of the Arctic Ocean Bathymetry Data
            trackline/ Folder containing trackline shapefiles
         Compressed file containing shapefile of the Healy Trackline Data
      abstract.html Abstract HTML file
      index.html Index HTML file
      readme.txt Readme file

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