Data Series 989
References CitedBernier, J.C., Zaremba, N.J., Wheaton, C.J., Ellis, A.M., Marot, M.E., and Smith, C.G., 2016, Sedimentologic characteristics of recent overwash deposits from Assateague Island, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 999, accessed May 11, 2016, at Blake, E.S., Kimberlain, T.B., Berg, R.J., Cangialosi, J.P., and Beven, J.L., II, 2013, Tropical cyclone report—Hurricane Sandy: Miami, Fla., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Hurricane Center, Report AL182012, 157 p. accessed February 10, 2015, at Buxton, H.T., Andersen, M.E., Focazio, M.J., Haines, J.W., Hainly, R.A., Hippe, D.J., and Sugarbaker, L.J., 2013, Meeting the science needs of the Nation in the wake of Hurricane Sandy—A U.S. Geological Survey science plan for support of restoration and recovery: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1390, 26 p., accessed January 7, 2015, at Culver, S.J., Ames D.V., Corbett, R.D., Mallinson, D.J., Riggs S.R., Smith, C.G., Vance D.J., 2004, Foraminiferal and sedimentary record of Late Holocene barrier island evolution, Pea Island, North Carolina: The role of storm overwash, inlet processes, and anthropogenic modification: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 22, no. 4, p., 836–846, accessed April 10, 2015, at Ellis, A.M., Marot, M.E., Wheaton, C.J., Bernier, J.C., and Smith, C.G., 2015, A seasonal comparison of surface sediment characteristics in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia, USA: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1219, accessed August 18, 2015, at Guy, K.K., 2015, Back-island and open-ocean shorelines, and sand areas of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, April 12, 1989, to September 5, 2013: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 928, accessed October 1, 2015, at Morton, R.A. and Barras, J.A., 2011, Hurricane impacts on coastal wetlands—A half-century record of storm generated features from Southern Louisiana: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 27, no. 6A, p. 27–43, accessed February 5, 2015, at Plant, N.G. and Stockdon, H.F., 2012, Probabilistic prediction of barrier-island response to hurricanes: Journal of Geophysical Research—Earth Surface, v. 117, no. F3; 17 p., accessed January 9, 2015, at Seminack, C.T., and Buynevich, I.V., 2013, Sedimentological and Geophysical signatures of a Relict tidal inlet complex along a wave-dominated barrier—Assateague Island, Maryland, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 83, no. 2, p. 132–144, accessed September 7, 2015, at Smith, C.G., Culver, S.J., Riggs S.R., Ames, Dorothea, Corbett, D.R., Mallinson, David, 2009, Geospatial analysis of barrier island width of two segments of the Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA—Anthropogenic curtailment of natural self-sustaining processes: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 24, no. 1, p. 70–83, accessed August 21, 2015, at Smith, C. G., Osterman, L.E. and Poore, R. Z., 2013, An examination of historical inorganic sedimentation and organic matter accumulation in several marsh types within Mobile Bay and Mobile-Tensaw River Delta region: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue v. 63, p. 68–83, accessed August 8, 2015, at Smith, C.G., Marot, M.E., Ellis, A.M., Wheaton, C.J., Bernier, J.C., and Adams, C.S., 2015, Sedimentological and radiochemical characteristics of marsh deposits from Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia, following Hurricane Sandy: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015–1169, accessed October 4, 2015, at Sopkin, K.L., Stockdon, H.F., Doran, K.S., Plant, N.G., Morgan, K.L.M., Guy, K.K., and Smith, K.E.L., 2014, Hurricane Sandy—Observations and analysis of coastal change: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014–1088, 54 p., accessed September 8, 2015, at Stockdon, H.F., Doran, K.J., Thompson, D.M., Sopkin, K.L. and Plant, N.G., 2013, National Assessment of hurricane induced coastal erosion hazards—Southeast Atlantic Coast: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1130, 28 p., accessed February 10, 2015, at |