4-7. Color reflectance  [K. Kubo]         
Color reflectance was measured by using the Minolta Photospectrometer CM-2002. This is a compact and hand-held instrument, and can measure the spectral reflectance of surface sediment with a scope of 8 mm in diameter. High-speed and accuracy measurements of spectral reflectance in the range from 400-700 nm can be obtained by ultracompact spectral sensors, hybrid IC analog circuitry, and a 32-bit, 16MHz microcomputer. The color of archive half core was measured on every 2-cm through crystal clear polyethylene wrap. The color reflectance data are indicated as color parameters of L*, a*, and b* (L*: black and white, a*: red and green, b*: yellow and blue). Additionally, the Munsell colors (H: hue, V: value, C: chroma) and spectral data were also obtained. Spectral data can be used to estimate the abundance of certain compounds.

Figure pc4. Color reflectance profile of core PC7 through 15
