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Some Books and Maps on the Geology and Natural History of Cape CodChamberlain, B. B., 1964, These fragile outposts: Doubleday. Reprinted, Parnassus Imprints (1981), Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, 327 p. Finch, Robert, undated, Cape Cod , its natural and cultural history: U.S. National Park Service Handbook 148, 111 p. O'Brien, Greg, ed., 1990, A guide to nature on Cape Cod and the Islands: Viking Penquin, New York, 240 p. Oldale, R. N., 1981, Geologic history of Cape Cod, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Popular Publication, 23 p. Oldale, R. N., 1992, Cape Cod and the Islands, the geologic story: Parnassus Imprints, East Orleans, Massachusetts, 208 p. Oldale, R. N., and Barlow, R. A., 1986, reprinted 1995, Geologic map of Cape Cod and the Islands, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigation Map I-763, scale 1/100,000. Strahler, A. N., 1966, A geologist's view of Cape Cod: Doubleday. Reprinted Parnassus Imprints (1988), Orleans, Massachusetts, 115 p.