Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah
HA 730-C
Denver Basin aquifer system
(figures 80-91)
Introduction (Click to view thumbnails
and download figures)
- Figure 80 Map showing
location of the Denver Basin aquifer system
Hydrogeologic Units (Click to view thumbnails and download figures)
- Figure 81 Cross
section showing the formations containing the Denver Basin aquifers
- Figure 82 Photograph
showing bedrock formations along the margin of the Denver Basin
west of Denver, Colorado
- Figure 83 Correlation
chart summarizing the geologic and hydrologic characteristics
of the Denver Basin aquifers
- Figure 84 Maps
showing the saturated thickness of water-yielding materials in
each of the four Denver Basin aquifers
Recharge and Discharge (Click to view thumbnails
and download figures)
- Figure 85 Diagram
showing recharge and discharge in the Denver Basin aquifer system
Water-level Conditions
(Click to view thumbnails and download figures)
- Figure 86 Diagram showing
the unconfined and confined conditions of the Denver Basin
- Figure 87
Maps showing potentiometric surfaces of the four Denver Basin
aquifers and water-level changes from 1958 to 1978
- Figure 88 Graph
showing water level changes in the Arapahoe aquifer from 1884
to present
Aquifer Characteristics
(Click to view thumbnails and download figures)
- Figure 89
Maps showing the transmissivity of the four Denver Basin aquifers
Ground-water Quality
(Click to view thumbnails and download figures)
- Figure 90
Maps showing the dissolved solids concentrations of water in
the four Denver Basin aquifers
- Figure 91 Pie
chart showing the usage of fresh ground-water withdrawals during