Faults in Parts
of North-Central and Western
Houston Metropolitan Area, Texas
By Earl R. Verbeek, Karl W. Ratzlaff, and Uel S. Clanton
U.S. Geological Survey
Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 1136
Mapping Technique and Limitations
Discussion of Faults in Houston Area
Environmental Aspects of Faulting
Rates of Fault Displacement in the Houston Metropolitan Area
Relation Between Subsurface Faults and Scarps at Land Surface
History of Fau1ts in the Houston Area and Causes of Current Fault Movement
Side 1. | Map of the Clodine fault and Renn scarp, Houston
metropolitan area, Texas zipped jpeg (135 KB) (15.5 in. X 8.75 in.) htm version |
Side 2. | zipped jpeg (963 KB) (42 in. X 15.5 in) htm version |
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