USGS - science for a changing world

Open-file Report 95-839

K1-95-HW: Cruise Report 1995 - Preliminary results.

Phase III: Sediment Chemistry and Biological Sampling Survey

M.E. Torresan, M.A. Hampton, J.H. Barber, Jr., and F.L. Wong

U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 95-839


This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the USGS.

Study Area
Previous Studies
  Monitoring 1, 2
  Subsampling 1, 2
Acknowledgments References 1, 2

1 Location
2 Box corer

1 Stations
2 Samples
3 Analyses
4 Bioassay

1 Box Cores
2 Custody: Quanterra
3 Custody: Batelle

Mamala Bay is the embayment situated between Diamond Head on the east and Barbers Point on the west, along the south coast of the island of Oahu, Hawaii (Figure 1). The disposal sites are located in the north portion of Mamala Bay, about 5 km south of Honolulu International Airport, in the north-central reaches of a broad, gently sloping trough that slopes to the southeast (Figure 1). The trough is bounded on the west by submerged reefs and banks, and on the east by an escarpment that defines the seaward edge of the narrow and shallow (< 50 m) insular shelf that hugs the south Oahu coast. The bay is floored primarily by a tan to beige colored, medium to fine grained carbonate sand. Water depths at the sites range from 300 m to nearly 600 m. The South Oahu disposal site has a mean water depth of about 450 m. For a detailed review of the seafloor geology and sonar mosaic consult Torresan and others (1995), and the references cited therein.


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