1. To prepare and update a seismic hazard map for PR and the VI. 2. To prepare a 5-year plan for USGS activity toward hazard assessment and mitigation 3. To foster cooperative projects among government agencies, academic institutions, and private consultants. Note to speakers: Please offer quantitative estimates of slip and recurrence rates of faults, whenever possible. AGENDA March 23, 1999 8:30-8:40 - Welcome and review of workshop goals- Arthur Frankel and William Dillon, USGS 8:40-9:00 - Opening remarks - Rafael Rodriguez, USGS, and, Epifanio Jimenez, Director of Puerto Rico Civil Defense 9:00-9:20 Review of plate tectonics of the Caribbean, emphasis northeast - James Pindell, Oxford U. 9:20-9:30 Inferred plate interactions in PR/VI - William Dillon, USGS 9:30-9:40 Recent GPS results - Glen Mattioli, U. Puerto Rico BREAK State of Knowledge 10:00-10:15 Recent marine seismic data - Nancy Grindlay, U. North Carolina, Wilmington 10:15-10:25 Recent marine seismic data - Elazar Uchupi, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 10:25-10:35 Shallow marine seismic data around PR and VI -Kathryn Scanlon, USGS 10:35-10:50 Active faults on land - James Joyce, U. of Puerto Rico 10:50-11:05 Relationship between geology and tectonics of the DR and PR - Paul Mann, U. of Texas 11:05-11:30 Seismicity and paleoseismicity in PR/VI - William McCann, Earth Scientific Consultants 11:30-11:45 Historical tsunamis and paleoseismicity - Juan Carlos Moya, Consultant 11:45-11:55 Paleoseismology - Carol Prentice, USGS 11:55-12:05 Tsunami events in PR/VI - James Lander, University of Colorado/CIRES LUNCH Seismic hazard maps 1:30-2:30 Straw man seismic hazard map for PR /VI - Arthur Frankel, USGS 2:30-3:30 Other hazard maps and economic loss assessments for PR - Chesley Williams, Risk Management Solutions Inc.; C.B. Crouse, Dames and Moore Inc.; William McCann, Earth Scientific Consultants. BREAK Study approaches 3:45-4:00 Strong motion and earthquake engineering - Jose Cruzado, U. Puerto Rico 4:00-4:15 PR seismic network and emergency response - Christa von Hillebrandt, U. Puerto Rico 4:15-4:25 Ground motion attenuation - Gail Atkinson, Carleton U. 4:25-4:35 Laser altimetry mapping of faults - Samuel Johnson, USGS 4:35-4:45 Marine seismology and gravity - Uri ten Brink, USGS 4:45-4:55 High resolution seismic reflection - Thomas Pratt, U. of Washington 4:55-5:05 Chirp, side scan, and sampling - Neal Driscoll, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 5:05-5:15 Tsunami modeling in PR - Aurelio Mercado, U. Puerto Rico 5:15-6:00 Organize working groups, split and initiate discussion Marine geology/geophysics - Leaders: N. Driscoll (WHOI) and K. Scanlon (USGS) Paleoseismology and active faults - Leaders: C. Prentice, USGS and J.C. Moya, Consultant Tsunamis - Leaders: E. Geist, USGS and A. Mercado, UPR Earthquake seismology - Leaders: C. Mueller, USGS and C. von Hillebrandt-Andrade, UPR Engineering - Leaders: E. V. Leyendecker, USGS and J. M. Cruzado, UPR Societal concerns - Leaders: Mariano Vargas, Director Natural Hazards Mitigation Program, PR Civil Defense, Elizabeth Hyman, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico March 24, 1999 8:30-10:00 Report writing by different working groups 10:00-10:30 Presentation of interim results by working groups 10:30-12:30 Report writing by different working groups continues LUNCH 1:30-2:30 Presentation of reports by working group leaders. 2:30-2:45 Summary 2:30-4:00 - Informal planning of future cooperative projects among interested parties. Back to Top of Page Workshop Home Page
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