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Open-File Report 01–104: Metadata Directory

Click on file name to view html metadata document
coal_pt.shp Coal data points. This shapefile is linked in the ArcView project with coal quality data compiled by Vernadsky State Geological Museum
coal_dep.shp Coal deposit data. This shape file is linked in the ArcView project with coal mark data from the Survey Map of Coal Basins and Deposits of the U.S.S.R. by Tyzhnov and Molchanov (1976) 
basins.shp Coal basins of the Former Soviet Union 
terr.shp Coal-bearing basins and areas of the Former Soviet Union 
deposit.shp Coal deposits of the Former Soviet Union 
coalbnd.shp Boundaries of coal-bearing territories and basins of the Former Soviet Union 
fsu_geol.shp Generalized surface geology of the Former Soviet Union from Persits, Ulmishek, and Steinshouer (1998) 
cis.shp Generalized political boundaries of the countries comprising the Former Soviet Union 
roads.shp Roads of the Former Soviet Union 
rail.shp Railroads of the Former Soviet Union 
rivers.shp Rivers of the Former Soviet Union 
lakes.shp Lakes of the Former Soviet Union 

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