During October 2000–November
2001, 10 runoff-event samples were collected among the three stations and analyzed for
the constituents listed in the table below. The EMCs by site and event are
listed in table 4 (at end of report).
Constituents analyzed in runoff samples, 2000–2001
[Y, sample collected and
analyzed; --, not collected or analyzed]
Sampling |
Date |
Nutrients, |
Trace |
Pesticides |
Bacteria |
Moody Creek watershed |
10/06/00 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
01/11/01 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
08/30/01 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
11/16/01 |
Y |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Watershed 1 |
10/06/00 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
01/11/01 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
08/30/01 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
11/16/01 |
Y |
Y |
-- |
-- |
Watershed 2 |
08/30/01 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
11/16/01 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Nutrients, Major Inorganic Ions, and Trace Elements
Concentrations of selected
nutrients, chloride, sulfate, and lead in runoff samples from the mixed
agricultural watershed were compared to concentrations of the same constituents
in runoff samples from the rangeland watersheds (fig.
5). Concentrations in
samples from the mixed agricultural watershed generally were greater than
concentrations in samples from the rangeland watersheds. The small number of
samples from the two types of watersheds precluded the application of a
statistical test (for example, Wilcoxon rank-sum) that could indicate whether
concentrations differ significantly between the two types of watersheds.
Summary statistics of EMCs for
nutrients, inorganic ions, and trace elements are listed in
table 5 (at end of
report). Because of the differences in land use and apparent differences in
concentrations in samples from watersheds 1 and 2 compared with those from the
Moody Creek watershed, statistics are presented for two groups of data. Data
from watersheds 1 and 2 combined are listed as rangeland, and data from Moody
Creek are listed as mixed agricultural. The median EMCs for most constituents
were larger in the mixed agricultural samples than in the rangeland samples.
Runoff samples were analyzed
for a suite of 50 pesticides (Zaugg and others, 1995), many of which are not
applied in the study area. Only three pesticides were detected in the samples—atrazine,
deethylatrazine (a breakdown product of atrazine), and trifluralin. These three
pesticides are not used on the wildlife refuge (watersheds 1 and 2) but are used
on cropland in the upper Moody Creek watershed (Leroy Wolff, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, oral commun., 2000).
Pesticides were detected in two of eight samples analyzed (Moody Creek and
watershed 1 samples collected Nov. 16, 2001, were not analyzed for pesticides).
Three detections of pesticides were at watershed 1, and two detections were at
Moody Creek. No pesticides were detected at watershed 2. Four of the five
detections were in the Jan. 11, 2001, runoff samples. All concentrations of
pesticides detected are listed in the following table:
of pesticides detected in runoff samples, 2000–2001
Pesticide |
Sampling |
Event |
Concentration |
Laboratory |
Atrazine |
Watershed 1 |
01/11/01 |
0.006 |
0.007 |
Watershed 1 |
08/30/01 |
.007 |
.007 |
Deethylatrazine |
Moody Creek watershed |
01/11/01 |
.01 |
.007 |
Trifluralin |
Moody Creek watershed |
01/11/01 |
.004 |
.009 |
Watershed 1 |
01/11/01 |
.003 |
.009 |
1 Some reported concentrations were less than the
laboratory minimum reporting level. In these instances, analytical results
confirm identification of the compound, and the reported concentrations are
considered estimates.
The largest reported pesticide
concentration was 0.01 microgram per liter of deethylatrazine from the Moody
Creek sample in January 2001. No guideline for protection of aquatic life has
been established for deethylatrazine in the Texas State Water Quality Standards
(TSWQS) (Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, 2002).
Results of bacteria analyses
in runoff samples are listed in table 6 (at end of report). The runoff samples
were collected as discrete grab samples and do not represent EMCs. Because the
number of samples is small and the concentrations are not EMCs, statistical
comparisons of concentrations among watersheds are not considered appropriate.
Concentrations from all three watersheds were grouped together, and summary
statistics were computed (table 7, at end of report).
Table 7 also lists TSWQS
for the tidal reach of the Aransas River, which is the receiving water body for
runoff from the study area watersheds.
All fecal coliform densities
and most E. coli densities were greater than the recommended TSWQS for
freshwater and saltwater receiving waters. The receiving waters (tidal segment
of the Aransas River and Copano Bay) for the study area watersheds are
saltwater. The primary indicator bacteria for saltwater is enterococcus, which
was not analyzed in any of the samples.
TSWQS for bacteria are
appropriate for actual receiving waters and do not apply strictly to samples
collected at locations above the point where runoff enters the receiving water
body (as in this study). Also, because runoff and associated large bacteria
densities represent a very brief and infrequent condition, the effect on
downstream waters is not known. However, the relatively large bacteria densities
(compared to TSWQS) indicate that runoff from these watersheds is a potential
source of bacteria to receiving streams and bays.
Bacteria densities in samples
from the agricultural and rangeland watersheds also were compared to bacteria
densities from an area of urban land uses. As part of the Corpus Christi
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit application (City of
Corpus Christi, 1993), 30 stormwater-runoff samples were collected from five
locations (residential, commercial, and industrial watersheds) during November
1992–April 1993. Grab samples were collected and analyzed for fecal coliform
and fecal streptococcus bacteria. Mean and median bacteria densities were 40,100
and 30,500 colonies per 100 milliliters for fecal coliforms and 4,200,000 and
125,000 colonies per 100 milliliters for fecal streptococci. Mean and median
bacteria densities for the urban watersheds were substantially larger than those
for the agricultural and rangeland watersheds.
The load of a constituent in
runoff is the mass of the given constituent transported past a site during a
specified time. Daily runoff loads were computed for selected constituents for
each watershed from runoff and concentration data. For runoff events that were
sampled and for which EMCs were determined, the daily constituent load at a
particular site is
Ln = EMC x RV x Cf,
= constituent load, in pounds per day at site n;
EMC = event-mean concentration during runoff event,
in milligrams per liter;
= runoff volume, in acre-feet per day; and
Cf = conversion factor, 2.719
for EMCs in milligrams per liter.
For unsampled events, median
EMCs for samples collected during the study were used in equation 3 to compute
daily loads. Daily loads were summed to compute monthly and annual loads.
Monthly and annual loads, by watershed, for selected constituents are shown in
table 8 (at end of report).
Constituent yield, a measure
of the load-producing characteristics of a watershed, is computed by dividing
the load by the drainage area of the watershed:
Y = L/DA,
Y = constituent yield, in
pounds per acre per month (or year);
L = constituent load exiting
the watershed in pounds per month (or year); and
DA = contributing area of the watershed, in
The average annual yields of
selected constituents, by watershed, are listed in the following table.
annual yields of selected constituents in runoff
from study area watersheds, 2000–2001
[In pounds per acre per
Constituent |
Watershed |
Watershed |
Total, |
Mixed |
Nitrogen, nitrite + nitrate, dissolved |
0.047 |
0.015 |
0.022 |
0.090 |
Nitrogen, total |
.39 |
.16 |
.21 |
.57 |
Phosphorus, total |
.036 |
.019 |
.023 |
.076 |
Suspended solids |
17 |
32 |
28 |
76 |
Runoff yields generally were
greater at watershed 1 than at watershed 2. Runoff yields from Moody Creek
(agricultural watershed) were greater than the total yields from the rangeland
watersheds. The 2000–2001 average annual yields of total nitrogen in runoff
exiting the agricultural watershed (0.57 pound per acre) and exiting the
rangeland watersheds (0.21 pound per acre) were less than the 2000–2001
average annual rainfall deposition of total nitrogen (1.3 pounds per acre)
listed in the table in the section “Rainfall Deposition of Nitrogen.”
and yields were not computed for bacteria because bacteria densities do not
represent EMCs. Loads and yields also were not computed for pesticides because
pesticides were not detected in most samples, and those pesticides detected
were at very small concentrations.
During 2000–2001, rainfall
and runoff were monitored at a NOAA weather station and at three
streamflow-gaging and water-quality sampling stations in agricultural and
rangeland areas in San Patricio County in the Coastal Bend area of South Texas.
Five rainfall samples were collected and analyzed for selected nutrients, and 10
runoff-event composited samples were collected at the streamflow stations during
runoff events and analyzed for selected nutrients, major ions, trace elements,
and pesticides. Grab samples also were collected during runoff events and
analyzed for bacteria.
Rainfall and runoff data and
water-quality analyses were used primarily to estimate rainfall total nitrogen
loads to the study area watersheds, to compare runoff concentrations from one
mixed agricultural watershed and two rangeland watersheds, and to compute runoff
loads and yields of selected constituents entering the receiving bays and
estuaries from these watersheds.
Study area rainfall during
2000 and 2001 was 33.27 and 28.20 inches, respectively, less than the long-term
average annual of 36.31 inches. Rainfall in the study area was below average for
16 of the 24 months. Because of the combination of soils, vegetation, mild land
surface slopes, and frequent dry periods, runoff from the study area occurred
only after heavy rains. Nine runoff events occurred, producing relatively small
runoff volumes. To illustrate how the hydrology of the area is dominated by
extreme events, the three largest runoff events resulted in 29 percent of the
total rainfall and produced 86 percent of the total runoff for 2000–2001.
Total runoff from the study area watersheds during 2000–2001 was 2.46 inches
(2,800 acre-feet); the regional average is about 2 inches per year.
Runoff from the larger mixed
agricultural watershed generally had larger concentrations of selected
nutrients, major ions, and trace elements, compared with runoff from the
rangeland watersheds. Also, the 2000–2001 average annual yields (pounds per
acre) of selected constituents in runoff exiting the mixed agricultural
watershed were larger than yields exiting the rangeland watersheds. For example,
total phosphorus yield from the mixed agricultural watershed was 0.072 pound per
acre per year compared with 0.023 pound per acre per year from the rangeland
watersheds. The suspended solids yield from the rangeland watersheds averaged 28
pounds per acre per year, which was much smaller than the 76 pounds per acre per
year from the mixed agricultural watershed.
Rainfall deposition is a major
source of nitrogen delivered to the study area. Rainfall nitrogen (mostly
ammonia and nitrate) exceeded the runoff yield. The average annual rainfall
deposition of total nitrogen on the study area watersheds was 1.3 pounds per
acre. In contrast, an average annual yield of 0.57 and 0.21 pound per acre of
total nitrogen in runoff exited the mixed agricultural watershed and the
rangeland watersheds, respectively.
Pesticides were detected in
two of eight runoff samples (two runoff samples were not analyzed for
pesticides). All of the detections occurred at Moody Creek and watershed 1.
Three pesticides (atrazine, deethylatrazine, and trifluralin) were detected in
very small concentrations. All but one pesticide detection was reported at or
below the laboratory minimum reporting level. The largest measured pesticide
concentration was 0.01 microgram per liter of deethylatrazine (a breakdown
product of atrazine) at Moody Creek during the January 2001 runoff event.
Bacteria in runoff is a
potential water-quality concern. Although bacteria densities in the study area
watersheds are much smaller than concentrations in urban runoff, all densities
of fecal coliform and E. coli from the agricultural watershed and the
rangeland watersheds exceeded recommended TSWQS for receiving waters. Also,
because runoff and associated large bacteria densities represent a very brief
and infrequent condition, the effect on downstream waters is not known. However,
the relatively large bacteria densities (compared to TSWQS), indicate that
runoff from these watersheds is a potential source of bacteria to receiving
streams and bays.
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| Contents |