Contaminated Sediments Database for Long Island Sound and the New York Bight, USGS Open-File Report 03-241
Content OverviewDatabase StructureThe Contaminated Sediments Database is contained in one Microsoft Excel 2000 workbook made up of six datasheets of sample information and analyses. The six datasheets are: Station, Inorganics, Organics (3), and Texture. The data and parameters contained in each sheet are defined in the Data Dictionary. The references used in the construction and population of the database are contained in the Data Sources files.
The specific data in each of the separate data sheets are linked using the unique sample identification number (Unique ID#). These identification numbers were assigned to aid in the arrangement of data sources as data were compiled, validated and edited. After validation, the Unique ID numbers were not always sequential. TerminologyThe database tables are further supported by both a data dictionary and a glossary which can be found in the Database Files and Displays section. These files contain explanations and definitions for abbreviations, methods, devices used, and other parameters in the database. Data SourcesSource documents of the compiled data have short-name citations for each sample under the field name "Source of Information or Reference" which appears in each data table. Full bibliographic citations for each of these are listed in the Database Bibliography. FGDC-compliant MetadataMetadata describe the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data. Metadata for the Long Island Sound and New York Bight Contaminated Sediments database are presented as Questions and Answers, Parseable Text and in FGDC Outline format. In all instances within this database a quantified value represents a positive concentration. A blank cell indicates that there were no data available for that sample. (Users should be aware that some computer applications - e.g. database and GIS - will replace blank cells with zeros.) The value 0.0001 was inserted where a concentration was below the detection limit of the analysis, To view files in PDF format, download free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. | |
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