Comparison of Temperature, Specific Conductance, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen at Selected Basic Fixed Sites in South-Central Texas, 1996–98
By Patricia B. Ging and Cassi L. Otero
U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 03–087
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2–5. Boxplots showing distribution of monthly mean:
2. Water temperature for all sites, January 1996–December 1998
3. Specific conductance for all sites, January 1996–December 1998
4. pH for all sites, January 1996–December 1998
5. Dissolved oxygen for all sites, January 1996–December 1998
6–11. Hydrographs showing daily mean water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and stream discharge for:
6. Frio River at Concan, Texas (08195000), January 1996–December 1998
7. Blanco River at Wimberley, Texas (08171000), January 1996–December 1998
8. Comal River at New Braunfels, Texas (08169000), January 1996–December 1998
9. Medina River at La Coste, Texas (08180640), January 1996–December 1998
10. Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio, Texas (08178800), January 1996–December 1998
11. San Antonio River near Elmendorf, Texas (08181800), January 1996–December 1998
1–6. Summary statistics by month for water temperature, specific conductance, pH, and dissolved oxygen at:
1. Frio River at Concan, Texas (08195000)
2. Blanco River at Wimberley, Texas (08171000)
3. Comal River at New Braunfels, Texas (08169000)
4. Medina River at La Coste, Texas (08180640)
5. Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio, Texas (08178800)