The contributions of many individuals who assisted in various parts of
this project are greatly appreciated. Mark Avakian, Len Perry, and Robert
Reynolds (TG&B Marine Services, Inc., Bourne, MA) provided and operated
the drilling barge and vibracoring system; Eric White (USGS-WRD-CT), and
Emile Bergeron and Charles Worley (USGS-GD-MA) operated CRP equipment
during surveys; David Foster and Barry Irwin (USGS-GD-MA) operated boats
during CRP surveys; Andrew Massey (USGS-WRD-MA/RI) operated the USGS ATV-mounted
drilling rig; Denis LeBlanc (USGS-WRD-MA/RI) assisted with planning and
coordination of the drilling operation; Dirk Koopmans (ETI Professionals
Inc.) assisted with ground-water sampling; Max Nepstad (USGS-GD-MA) performed
sediment sampling during coring; Dann Blackwood (USGS-GD-MA) photographed
field operations and core sections during coring; Sarah Kelsey (ETI Professionals
Inc.) performed pore-water extraction on sediments; Michael Casso (USGS-GD-MA)
and Sandy Baldwin (ETI Professionals Inc.) performed diving operations
to recover drilling pipe in Salt Pond; Adrian Green (USGS-GD-MA) assisted
with data compilation; Krista Lee (NPS-CACO-MA) performed nutrient analyses
of water samples; John Portnoy (NPS-CACO-MA) provided input during planning
stages of the project; and Henry Lind and Pat Connors (Town of Eastham,
Department of Natural Resources) providing assistance with planning and
boat operations.
Operations described in this document correspond to Woods Hole Science
Center Field Activity Numbers 04014 and 06007 (resistivity surveying),
05035 (barge drilling), and 06027 (vibracoring). The work was supported
by the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program, the USGS MA-RI Water Science
Center, and the National Park Service.