Directory Structure
Top level directory:
index.htm - This file is
intended to be the starting point for accessing this DVD-ROM. Once opened,
users may browse the contents of the DVD-ROM as they would pages from
the World Wide Web (WWW).
Directory data/res_data
- What follows is a brief description of the data contained in the underlying
- 2004-
contains all the raw and processed Continuous Resistivity Profiling
(CRP) data from Cape Cod National Seashore collected in 2004. The subdirectories
indicate the type of data (for example, processed, raw, RES2DINV). These
directories are then further broken down by date of data collection.
Below is an example directory structure, showing survey date only for
May 17. In addition to May 17, folders for May 19 and May 20 are available.
- proc_resis
- results of CRP data processed with Advanced Geosciences, Inc.
(AGI) EarthImager 2D software version 1.7.8.
- may17
- contains the minimum essential files output from EarthImager,
using a default water resistivity value in the DEP file. These
files include the linearized STG file, the DEP file (edited
where appropriate to remove spurious bathymetric values), the
ASCII XYZ file (where X is distance along line in meters, Y
is depth in meters, and Z is resistivity value in ohm-meters),
the parameters-initialization file, and the resultant JPEG CRP
profile with bathymetry shown as a white line. These EarthImager
JPEG images have an X-axis that is distance along line in meters,
a function of the version of the processing software used.
- matlabimages
- JPEG images plotting the XYZ data with the superimposed
DEP bathymetry profile shown as a black line. All Matlab
images use a common color scale, with similar vertical and
horizontal scales (software limited). The X-axis is distance
along line in meters, with the Y-axis represesenting depth
in meters.
- trimxyz
- modified XYZ files that omit values in the water column.
An extrapolated resistivity value is calculated at the sediment/water
interface at the location determined by the extrapolated
DEP water depth location.
- raw_resis
- may17
- contains the raw STG and GPS files. In rare cases, one or
both of the files needed to be edited to remove spurious data
values that prevented processing. In those cases, the modified
files are available. Fathometer data were collected as separate
files, and the text file, as well as the file merged with the
GPS data, are also available. The merged GPS/fathometer file
was the one used for processing.
- res2dinv_format
- may17
- contains the RES2DINV format DAT file. This file is the result
of running a Visual Basic 6 program that reads the linearized
STG file and the DEP file and reformats them to the RES2DINV
format. Because no water resistivity value is available in the
DEP file, a default value of 0.2 was used.
- 2006
- contains all the raw and processed CRP data from Cape Cod National
Seashore collected in 2006. The subdirectories indicate the type of
data (for example, processed, raw, RES2DINV). These directories are
then further broken down by date of data collection. Below is an example
directory structure, showing data for the only survey date, February
- proc_resis
- results of CRP data processed with Advanced Geosciences, Inc.
(AGI) EarthImager 2D software version 2.0.1.
- feb28
- contains the minimum essential files output from EarthImager,
using a measured water resistivity value in the DEP file. These
files include the linearized STG file, the DEP file (edited
where appropriate to remove spurious bathymetric values), the
ASCII XYZ file (where X is distance along line in meters, Y
is depth in meters, and Z is resistivity value in ohm-meters),
the parameters-initialization file, and the resultant JPEG CRP
profiles with bathymetry shown as a white line. In these JPEG
images, the X-axis is labeled with latitude and longitude values,
a function of the version of the processing software.
- matlabimages
- JPEG images plotting the XYZ data with the superimposed
DEP bathymetry profile shown as a black line. All Matlab
images use a common color scale, with similar vertical and
horizontal scales (software limited). The X-axis is distance
along line in meters, with the Y-axis represesenting depth
in meters.
- trimxyz
- modified XYZ files that omit values in the water column.
An extrapolated resistivity value is calculated at the sediment/water
interface at the location determined by the extrapolated
DEP water-depth location.
- raw_resis
- feb28
- contains the raw STG and GPS files. In rare cases, one or
both of the files needed to be edited to remove spurious data
values that prevented processing. In those cases, the modified
files are available.
- res2dinv_format
- feb28
- contains the RES2DINV format DAT file. This file is the result
of running a Visual Basic 6 program that reads the linearized
STG file and the DEP file and reformats them to the RES2DINV
Directory data/gis
- contains all the files appropriate for use in a GIS that pertain to
this data set. Included are the following subdirectories:
- basemap - contains
polygon shapefiles of the outline of Massachusetts and Cape Cod National
Seashore, as well as a color shaded-relief image of a portion of Cape
Cod and the surrounding area. Also included is a georeferenced orthophoto
of the Salt Pond/Nauset Marsh area in TIFF format.
- cores - contains
the point shapefile of the 2006 coring locations, JPEG images of these
cores, and comma-delimited text files of the core descriptions and pore-water
analytical data that can be used as relate tables with the shapefile
within ArcGIS.
- geoprobe - contains
the point shapefile of the 2005 electrical conductance (EC) profile
locations, and a comma-delimited text file of the EC measurement results
that can be used as a relate table with the shapefile within ArcGIS.
- piezometer -
contains the point shapefile of the 2005 ground-water sampling locations,
and a comma-delimited text file of the ground-water quality measurements
that can be used as a relate table with the shapefile within ArcGIS.
- resistivity
- contains point and polyline shapefiles related to the continuous resistivity
profile (CRP) data collected in 2004 and 2006 including polyline tracklines,
point shapefiles of the resistivity data, and point shapefiles with
points at evenly spaced distances along tracklines used to relate the
resistivity profile images to the trackline locations.
Directory data/tables -
contains the Excel spreadsheets used to create tables 5, 6, 7, and 8 within
the text of the report. The Excel spreadsheet associated with table 5
contains multiple worksheets. These additional worksheets are available
within the spreadsheet and also as separate PDF files.
Directory htmldocs
- contains the HTML pages accessed within this report. This directory
contains the following subdirectories:
- 2004images_sm
- contains JPEG images of the 2004 CRP profiles. This includes downsampled
versions of the images generated by EarthImager, as well as the full-resolution
Matlab-generated images utilized in the HTML documents. All of the full-resolution
images are available from the appropriate location under the data directory.
- thumbs
- contains thumbnail images of all of the images in the 2004images_sm
- 2006images_sm
- contains JPEG images of the 2006 CRP profiles. This includes downsampled
versions of the images generated by EarthImager, as well as the full-resolution
Matlab-generated images utilized in the HTML documents. All of the full-resolution
images are available form the appropriate location under the data directory.
- thumbs
- contains thumbnail images of all of the images in the 2006images_sm
- icons - contains
miscellaneous images and icons used in the creation of the HTML pages.