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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1180

Digital single-channel seismic-reflection data from western Santa Monica Basin


The USGS authors thank the Geological Survey of Canada for the use of the seismic-reflection data in support of earthquake hazard research under the CABRILLO project and for letting the USGS make the data publically available along with the other data sets obtained for the project. We thank the captain and crew of the CSS Parizeau for their support of the only science mission conducted during the transfer of the vessel from Sidney, British Columbia to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The manuscript was improved as a result of reviews by C. Campbell (GSC) and P. Hart (USGS).

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U.S. Department of the Interior     U.S. Geological Survey
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maintained by Michael Diggles
last modified July 10, 2006 (mfd)