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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1180

Digital single-channel seismic-reflection data from western Santa Monica Basin

 Data Acquisition Method

Data collection during the cruise in Santa Monica Basin focused on the proximal region of Hueneme submarine fan. Trackline grid spacings were 0.5-3 km over the upper and middle fan areas (see Normark et al., 1998). For conventional seismic-reflection profiling, a Texas Instruments 40 in3 (650 cm3) sleeve gun was fired every 3 sec at 1300 psi. Signals were recorded using a Seismic Engineering (SE) 30-m hydrophone array. The 30-m SE100 streamer provided good data typically to depths of 1.2 sec with reflector resolution of about 50 ms roundtrip travel time (approx 35 m). In addition, a higher frequency record was produced using a Nova Scotia Research Foundation (NSRF) Mark 5a 6-m hydrophone array. The shorter NSRF array obtained useful data to about 0.4 sec but with a higher frequency bandwidth that provided resolution of about 30 ms (approx 20 m). Nominal resolution of the sleeve gun is 5 m.

This cruise marked the first time that all of the seismic-reflection data obtained with the SE100 and NSRF streamers was digitally recorded.

Positioning for the survey was based on GPS data and tracklines are accurate to +-30 m.

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U.S. Department of the Interior     U.S. Geological Survey
For more information, contact: Ray Sliter
maintained by Michael Diggles
last modified July 10, 2006 (mfd)