USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2006-1373

High-resolution boomer seismic-reflection profiles of the shelf off southern California from cruise A-1-00-SC: Santa Monica Bay to San Diego

Data Table And Data Download

The Geopulse data were recorded by one of two systems. There is a table for each system below. The Delph was the primary recording system, used for most of the lines. The data lost in the hard-disk crash we were able to recover from that recorded by the Geometrics seismic controller. See Data Acquisition section.

To download navigation in ASCII or ArcInfo format for the data presented in this report, start here

Download JPEG or PDF images of the data, or the SEG-Y formatted data, by clicking on the links in the following tables.

Trackline Large JPEG (Mb) Full-Size PDF (Mb) SEG-Y (Mb)
28X 3.6 31.0 63.9
29X 0.7 6.0 13.0
29XD 1.9 17.7 41.5
29XV 1.0 9.2 19.7
29Z 2.5 23.2 59.5
31X 0.4 3.8 8.2
31XA 0.1 1.0 1.6
31XB 0.4 3.0 5.7
32X 0.9 7.3 17.8
32XD 0.5 5.0 10.6
33X 0.7 5.8 12.7
33XD 0.3 2.5 4.7
34X 1.5 11.8 25.9
34XD 0.7 6.9 15.4
35X 1.6 13.5 29.4
35XD 0.2 2.0 5.6
37X 1.9 17.7 39.8
41X 2.7 24.9 49.1
41XD 1.3 12.6 24.9
43X 2.3 21.9 46.2
43XD 1.7 16.4 35.0
45X 2.9 26.8 56.5
45XD 1.3 12.9 26.6
49X 4.5 39.4 76.1
49XD 1.4 13.0 27.6
51X 0.4 3.9 7.8
51XA 3.9 34.3 66.3
51XD 0.7 6.0 14.8
53X 3.4 29.7 68.4
53XD 0.6 5.6 11.7
54X 0.9 8.0 18.1
64X 1.9 72.4 150.5
65X 2.3 20.7 42.2
66X 0.7 6.5 13.7
66XA 1.1 19.6 24.4
67X 2.3 19.0 44.9
68X 1.8 15.6 35.0
74X 1.4 10.9 42.3
76X 1.8 15.2 31.8
81X 1.8 15.9 30.6
82X 1.5 13.0 28.4
84X 2.8 26.3 58.6
84XD 0.7 6.6 14.2
101X 2.2 20.5 42.9
105X 0.8 6.7 17.0
105XD 0.7 6.2 13.5
109X 1.1 8.8 28.6
109XD 0.6 5.9 13.1
110X 1.2 10.6 27.0
110XD 0.4 3.7 7.1
111X 1.8 15.2 34.7
111XD 0.8 7.3 16.4
112X 2.5 20.0 46.1
112XD 2.0 17.7 36.2
121 0.1 1.2 3.0
122DL 1.7 15.7 53.4
122X 1.2 11.3 24.2
122Y 1.9 17.7 40.4
122YD 0.9 8.4 15.6
123X 1.5 12.4 27.8
125X 1.1 9.4 23.1
125XD 0.8 6.9 14.3
126X 1.5 23.8 25.8
126XD 0.2 1.9 4.4
127X 1.0 8.7 20.1
127XA 0.4 3.2 8.1
127XD 0.7 5.9 12.7
128XD 0.5 3.9 8.1
131X 1.6 13.3 28.1
131XD 0.8 7.3 13.9
165X 3.2 26.8 58.1
200X 5.3 50.0 110.6
201 7.4 64.7 135.1
201A 1.8 15.8 43.0
201B 1.9 17.5 37.3
202X 3.4 14.8 43.2
203X 0.9 7.6 21.1
203XA 1.0 9.7 23.7
205X 2.4 20.5 44.6
205XD 0.5 5.1 10.8
206X 2.7 22.9 58.9
206XD 1.1 20.2 21.9
207 2.2 19.9 43.2
220X 3.8 32.5 72.3
233X 1.8 16.0 39.5
235X 2.1 19.2 41.5
237X 2.0 17.8 39.4
237XA 0.3 3.4 8.1
237XD 1.8 15.6 34.1
239X 2.0 17.2 40.0
239XD 0.8 7.4 15.8
241X 2.1 19.5 48.8
241XD 0.6 6.0 12.9
242X 2.6 24.0 53.4
242XD 0.5 5.0 12.1
243X 2.8 26.2 65.8
243XD 1.4 12.8 27.7
245X 2.6 24.3 55.8
247X 1.3 12.6 32.9
247XD 1.2 11.4 26.0
248X 1.7 16.2 47.6
249X 2.1 19.3 45.9
249XD 0.4 3.5 7.8
250X 5.3 47.8 117.5
250XD 1.2 11.0 24.4
250Y 0.8 6.9 24.0
252 5.5 48.2 99.7
252X 4.4 40.1 89.0
403X 2.1 19.5 43.5
600 0.1 1.4 3.3
600A 2.0 17.3 34.4
601 2.3 21.1 46.0
602 5.3 46.5 95.8
602DL 0.3 2.8 5.8
800 5.1 48.3 111.0
802 4.0 37.9 132.2
806 6.0 56.2 127.5
812A 5.7 54.2 120.2
816 1.6 14.7 32.4
817 2.2 20.6 46.9
818 1.6 14.2 32.7
821 1.5 13.8 30.7
828A 3.6 34.1 78.1
829A 3.7 34.6 77.8
834 1.2 11.8 26.5
835 2.7 24.6 54.6
902 1.9 17.6 38.8
902A 0.4 7.9 10.3
903X 0.4 3.2 6.6
903XA 0.9 8.2 19.0
903XB 0.4 3.5 8.9
H800A 0.9 8.0 17.6
H801A 1.1 11.0 23.5
H802 2.1 20.2 44.6
H803A 1.4 12.9 28.2
H809 1.7 15.6 34.5
H810 1.1 10.4 22.5
H811 2.6 24.1 53.5
H815 2.9 27.8 60.5
H817A 0.5 5.5 11.4
H817E 0.2 1.8 3.5
H819 0.6 5.5 29.7
H819A 0.5 5.2 10.9
H820 0.4 3.3 27.7
H820A 0.6 5.8 12.3
H821A 0.8 7.8 16.5
H821E 0.8 6.9 17.2
H822 2.1 19.7 42.4
H823 1.1 10.3 23.2
H823A 0.3 2.8 6.8
H824 0.8 7.4 16.5
H825 0.4 4.0 8.1
H826 0.5 5.3 99.2
H836 1.9 18.6 39.8
H837 0.3 2.6 5.2
H838 0.6 5.7 11.9
H899A 1.9 17.6 39.4
P601 1.7 15.6 33.7
TEST3 3.7 35.8 83.1

Trackline Large JPEG (Mb) Full-Size PDF (Mb) SEG-Y (Mb)
71X 4.9 16.7 30.1
76XD 0.4 1.6 4.2
128X 4.0 13.4 29.0
136X 4.2 14.2 25.1
138X 3.0 10.7 28.6
138XD 2.1 7.5 18.4
139X 2.5 9.0 21.5
141X 6.0 20.1 110.7
141XD 0.5 1.7 5.6
143X 4.0 14.3 34.5
143XD 1.3 4.9 11.3
145X 6.3 20.7 36.7
145XD 2.3 7.9 12.1
147X 2.2 8.1 18.4
149X 2.9 10.1 22.9
150X 3.6 12.4 19.8
151X 1.5 5.4 12.4
151Y 3.0 9.9 17.1
152X 2.1 7.7 16.3
154X 4.1 13.9 21.6
156X 0.6 2.1 4.6
156Y 4.8 16.4 25.4
158X 4.3 14.6 23.6
160X 4.6 15.4 26.1
162X 5.2 17.7 29.6
210A 2.5 9.0 67.7
211X 4.6 16.3 39.3
213X 3.6 12.7 30.5
215X 3.4 11.8 27.7
217X 4.0 14.1 33.5
219X 1.9 6.7 23.3
219XA 0.4 1.9 3.8
219XB 2.3 8.3 19.5
221X 5.6 18.9 30.2
223X 5.8 20.1 31.2
225X 4.2 14.3 22.8
227X 5.1 17.4 29.3
229X 4.9 16.5 27.8
229XD 0.7 2.5 3.5
230X 6.4 21.4 36.2
230XD 0.7 2.4 6.1
232X 4.1 14.1 23.6
901 6.7 22.2 38.0

For more information contact: Ray Sliter

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Take Pride in America logo FirstGov logo U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: Michael Diggles
Page Last Modified: 19 December 2006 (mfd)