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Open-File Report 2008-1181

Skip past contents informationTitle | Introduction | Geologic Setting | Data Acquisition/Processing | Bathymetry | Seismic-Reflection Data | Sidescan-Sonar Imagery | Environments | Sea-Floor Geology | Summary | GIS Data Catalog | Acknowledgments | References Cited | Figures | Contacts

Figure 9. Interpretation of sidescan-sonar imagery of study area including low, moderate, and high backscatter; sand waves; sand-wave and megaripple axis orientation; scarps; erosional outliers; boulders; trawl marks; and dredge spoils. Location of study area shown in figure 1.

Figure 9. Interpretation of sidescan-sonar imagery of study area including low, moderate, and high backscatter; sand waves; sand-wave and megaripple axis orientation; scarps; erosional outliers; boulders; trawl marks; and dredge spoils. Location of study area shown in figure 1.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 26-Aug-2022 08:34:20 EDT