USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1100, version 1.1

High-Resolution Seismic-Reflection and Marine Magnetic Data Along the Hosgri Fault Zone, Central California


  • Map with tracklines of the surveys plotted.Figure 1. (0.2 MB)

    Trackline location map of surveys S-6-08-SC (pink) and S-6-09-SC (blue), Central California. Approximate location of Hosgri Fault Zone (Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 1988) shown.

  • GraphFigure 2. (0.4 MB)

    Local-magnetic-base-station readings (red trace) versus readings at the regional magnetic observatory in Fresno, Calif. (gray trace), for the 2008 survey. Blue dashed line, time frame when marine magnetic data were being collected; pink dashed line, solar-quiet night reference level.

  • GraphFigure 3. (0.4 MB)

    Local-magnetic-base-station readings versus readings at the regional magnetic observatory in Fresno, Calif., for the 2009 survey. See figure 2 for explanation of lines.

  • Map with magnetics grid plotted.Figure 4. (0.4 MB)

    Magnetic-anomaly map of the 2008/2009 survey area, Central California. Black lines, 100-m bathymetric contours.

  • Map with magnetics grid plotted.Figure 5. (0.5 MB)

    Residual-magnetic-anomaly map of the 2008/2009 survey area, Central California. See Figure 4 for explanation of lines.

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Page Last Modified: 9 September 2010 (mfd)