DGPS accuracy is 1 to 3 meters (<http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/>). Error in horizontal position is introduced due to uncertainty in the measurement of layback of the seismic source. Overall horizontal accuracy is assumed to be on the order of 5 meters.
Sioseis 2008; Seismic Unix, 4.1; Proj 4.6.0
Geographix Discovery SeisVision R5000
Dynamic Graphics, Inc. EarthVision version 7
ArcGIS 9.2
Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
To utilize these data, the user must have a GIS software package capable of reading ESRI Binary grids or ASCII grids with ESRI headers, or be able to manipulate an ASCII matrix with a geospatial header. The ASCII raster files can be easily converted to ESRI grid format in either ArcView with Spatial Analyst extension (Import Data Source: ASCII Raster) or ArcGIS with Spatial Analyst extension (ASCII to Raster). The user should select floating point grid (as opposed to integer grid) when converting the data.