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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1332

Title | Introduction | Methods | Aleutian Arc | Atlantic Coast | Bering Sea | Cayman Trough |
Gulf of Alaska | Gulf of Mexico | Hawaii I | Hawaii II | Hawaii III | Johnston Atoll | Kingman Palmyra |
Pacific Coast | Puerto Rico | Data Catalog | References | List of Figures | Contacts

GLORIA 6-hour pass slant-range corrected.

Figure 9. Slant-range corrected 6-hour-long GLORIA pass. This processing step corrects slant-range to ground-range and removes the water-column gap in the image. The water-column offset is the distance the sonar vehicle is above the seafloor. Slant-range error is mislocation of pixels in the across-track direction compared to their proper location on a map because the sensor is measuring range distance from a point above the seafloor rather than horizontal distances to the seafloor. After the slant-range correction has been made, the across-track location of targets is accurate (Twichell, 1988).

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