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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1332

Title | Introduction | Methods | Aleutian Arc | Atlantic Coast | Bering Sea | Cayman Trough |
Gulf of Alaska | Gulf of Mexico | Hawaii I | Hawaii II | Hawaii III | Johnston Atoll | Kingman Palmyra |
Pacific Coast | Puerto Rico | Data Catalog | References | List of Figures | Contacts

GLORIA 6-hour pass after striped noise removal procedure.

Figure 11. A 6-hour-long GLORIA pass after the the striped noise removal procedure was applied. The correction involves combining two filtered components of the image. One image contains the high-frequency (high-pass filter) component of every line without the noise. The other image contains the low-frequency background brightness (low-pass filter) of a broader swath image without the noise. The high-pass and low-pass images are then combined to recreate an image similar to the original, but without the noise. Compare this improved image with the previous image (fig. 10) (Twichell, 1988).

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