A 1:250,000-scale geologic map and report covering the Detrital, Hualapai, and Sacramento valleys in northwest Arizona is presented for the purpose of improving understanding of the geology and geohydrology of the basins beneath those valleys. The map was compiled from existing geologic mapping, augmented by digital photogeologic reconnaissance mapping. The most recent geologic map for the area, and the only digital one, is the 1:1,000,000-scale Geologic Map of Arizona. The larger scale map presented here includes significantly more detailed geology than the Geologic Map of Arizona in terms of accuracy of geologic unit contacts, number of faults, fault type, fault location, and details of Neogene and Quaternary deposits. Many sources were used to compile the geology; the accompanying geodatabase includes a source field in the polygon feature class that lists source references for polygon features. The citations for the source field are included in the reference section.
- Readme TXT (4 kB)
- Metadata TXT (12 kB)
- GIS database Zipped package of files necessary to create an ArcMap Personal Geodatabase project (22.7 MB ZIP file that opens into a 62.2 MB directory).
- Shapefiles Zipped package of feature classes converted to shapefiles to facilitate use of the data in ArcMap and other applications (7.8 MB ZIP file that opens into a 12.4 MB directory).
This report is available only on the Web.
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