U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1008
National Assessment of Shoreline Change: A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines and Associated Shoreline Change Data for the Pacific Northwest Coast
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Data in this report are available as downloadable files organized by state. The index maps (figs. 1 and 2) highlight areas of shoreline coverage in orange (long-term rate coverage) and brown (short-term rate coverage) for Washington and Oregon. All vector data are delivered as ESRI shapefiles in the geographic coordinate system (World Geodetic System datum of 1984) and distributed with extensible markup language (*.xml) format metadata generated by ArcCatalog and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata files. Tabular data are delivered as dBase IV (*.dbf) structured files which can be read with ArcGIS software as well as many other available spreadsheet programs. Metadata are also provided for all spatial and tabular data in FGDC text (*.txt) and FGDC Classic (*.html) format. ArcCatalog 9.x can also be used to examine the metadata in a variety of additional formats. This report includes all of the files necessary to analyze shoreline changes by using the DSAS software. Please refer to Thieler and others (2009) for information about the DSAS software application that was used to calculate the rates, which are discussed at length in the full report on the National Assessment of Shoreline Change for the Pacific Northwest Coast (Ruggiero and others, 2013). The following files are available for download for each state (see index map):
Data layers can be downloaded individually from the table below. Individual layers are provided as WinZip® files. If WinZip® is not currently installed on the local system, go to WinZip® (http://www.winzip.com) to download the latest version. Washington (index map)
Oregon (index map)