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Open-File Report 2015-1033

Coastal Change Processes Project Data Report for Oceanographic Observations Near Fire Island, New York, February Through May 2014

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Time-Series Plots

Time-series plots of selected data from all sites are provided below as an overview of the observations. Plots show the measured data unfiltered. Most plots contain the time series of significant wave height along the top panel for intercomparison. Because the instrumentation among sites was not identical, some plots do not contain data from every site. In plots where there are multiple platforms at one site, an “s” indicates surface buoy, an “m” stands for micropod or minipod, and an “f” indicates Flobee.

Plot Types

Meteorological observations: Wind speed (meters per second), wind direction (degrees clockwise from true north), air temperature (degrees Celsius[°C]), and barometric pressure (hectopascals) from the USGS Meteorological Buoys at site 1, 4 and 8 are shown.

USGS meterological buoys

Salinity and temperature observations: Sea-water temperature (°C), conductivity (siemens per meter [S/m]), and salinity (practical salinity units [psu]) are shown at all sites. Surface-buoy observations were collected at the surface. Tripod observations were made near the bottom.

Salinity and Temperature: All Sites

Water-flow observations: Unfiltered water-flow observations (cm/s) at individual sites are shown at the surface and at the bottom. Observations are from TRDI's Workhorse ADCPs. At all sites, the surface is the upper-most bin at which measurements were not greatly affected by waves or tides.

Current speed and direction at the surface and bottom East and north velocity at the surface and bottom

Pressure observations: Unfiltered pressure observations are shown at individual sites. Pressure (pascal [Pa]) measured by an ADCP is shown in panel 2. Pressure measured by an AWAC or Seagauge is shown in panel 3. Pressure measured by a Paros pressure sensor that was attached to an ADV or PCADP is shown in panel 4. The offset at site 2 was caused by the tripod tipping over in the February 14 storm, changing the sensor elevation. Significant wave height from each site is shown in panel 1 to provide an indication of wave energy.

Unfiltered Pressure: All Sites

Surface-wave observations: Water level (m), significant wave height (m), peak wave period (s), maximum wave height (m), mean wave period (seconds [s]), and peak wave direction from which waves are propagating, measured clockwise from true north, are shown at individual sites.

Waves: All Sites
Waves: Site 1
Waves: Site 2
Waves: Site 3
Waves: Site 6
Waves: Site 7
Waves: Site 8
Waves: Site 9

Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) observations: Unfiltered distance from the sea floor (m), waterflow (cm/s), and the standard deviation of waterflow (cm/s) near the sea floor is shown. All observations are from Sontek ADVs.

ADV Observations: Sites 2 & 3

Pulse-Coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PCADP): Unfiltered distance from the sea floor (m), water flow (cm/s), and the standard deviation of water flow (cm/s) near the sea floor is shown. Site 2 observations are from a Sontek PCADP and site 3 observations are from a Nortek AquadoppHR.

PCADP Observations: Site 2
AquadoppHR Observations: Site 3

Acoustic Backscatter Sensor (ABS) observations: Burst-mean statistics calculated from ABS data at sites 2 and 3. Statistics include the burst-mean for the three ABS transducers. For the ABS data, both PDF and PNG versions are provided. (Please note that because these figures are complex, the PDF version may load slowly.)

Site All transducers
Site 2
Site 3

Animation of Sonar Data: The changing condition of the sediment bed at the site 2 minipod can be viewed as animation by using a media player that supports audio video interleave (.avi) format files. In the top panel of the animation, backscatter intensity of the sediment bed is shown in the grayscale image. The orientation of the cyan arrow indicates the wave direction, whereas the magnitude of the cyan arrow indicates the estimate of sea-floor ripple wavelength. This magnitude has been multiplied by five for visual purposes. The bottom panel shows significant wave height at the site 2 minipod. The red dot in this panel coincides with the time provided in the image in the top panel.

Site 2 Minipoddeployment