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Open-File Report 2015-1143

Biological and Geochemical Data along Indian Point, Vermilion Bay, Louisiana

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Field Data Collection
Laboratory Methods and Analysis
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Field Data Collection

A transect of surface samples and marsh cores was collected from a mainland marsh in the Vermilion Bay region of southwest Louisiana (fig. 1).The transect is proximal to the State of Louisiana Coastal Reference Monitoring Station 541 (  and within the Rainey State Wildlife Sanctuary.  The transect consists of three peat augers, three manual push cores, and six surface samples (although only the latter two datasets are part of this report).  Each push core was collected using a 10.2 centimeter- (cm-) diameter transparent polycarbonate tube. Corresponding surface samples were collected proximate to coring sites. Core lengths varied from 48 to 68 cm and compaction was less than 10 cm in all cores. Cores were stored cold and upright and returned to the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center where they were sub-sectioned.  Cores were sectioned at 1-cm intervals over the entire length of the core; sections were homogenized and sub-divided for textural, radiochemical, and micropaleontological, analysis. Major lithological changes were noted during sectioning, and descriptive lithologies were obtained during laboratory preparation. Subsamples were stored and refrigerated until further processing.



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