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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2015-1143

Biological and Geochemical Data along Indian Point, Vermilion Bay, Louisiana

Citation Page
Field Data Collection
Laboratory Methods and Analysis
Data Downloads
References Cited

Physical Parameters, Radiochemistry, And Foraminiferal Data


Downcore bulk density, organic matter, and radiochemical inventory graphs can be viewed for each of the three sampling sites below, and they can be downloaded collectively as a zipped Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) file from the table below. Map documents and shapefiles provided in this report were created in ESRI ArcGIS 10.0.2 and can be downloaded from the table below. To open this folder in ESRI ArcGIS, right-click and choose "Save As". The shapefiles provided may also be viewed using other versions of ArcView, ArcGIS, or ArcExplorer software available for download ( Spreadsheets and documents in this report were created in Microsoft Office 2010.  Portable Document Format (PDF) files can be viewed using the free software Adobe Acrobat Reader (


Data Downloads

Sediment Core Data

Preview File Description File Format Download File Metadata
Thumbnail image showing downloadable core site locationon two maps, one showing the islands landmass prior to Hurricane Isaac and one showing the landmass extent after Hurricane Isaac.
Core location GIS

Core location maps image
ESRI shapefile

Not applicable
Thumbnail image showing downloadable sediment core location table.
Marsh core locations
Microsoft Excel
Thumbnail image showing selected core data from core 13CCT01-541-M03.
Sediment core data plots
Not applicable
Thumbnail image showing downloadable physical parameter data tables.
Physical parameter data
Microsoft Excel
Thumbnail image showing downloadable radiochemistry data.
Radiochemistry data
Microsoft Excel
Thumbnail image showing downloadable foraminiferal data.
Foraminiferal data
Microsoft Excel


Supplemental Information

Preview File Description File Format Download File Metadata
Thumbnail image showing downloadable list of foraminifers
List of foraminifers
Microsoft Word
Not applicable



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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2016 21:43:51 EST