Chapter IN

By R.M. Flores and D.J. Nichols

in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A

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About 55 to 60 million years ago when the Fort Union and equivalent coal-forming peat accumulated, the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region was primarily continental (Brown, 1958). Marine and coastal-plain environments were restricted to areas near the Cannonball Sea in what is now North Dakota and South Dakota. Areas west and southwest of the Cannonball Sea, in what is now Montana and Wyoming, were in constant change as a result of continuing uplift of mountain ranges and formation of basins between these uplifts. After a few million years had elapsed, river systems and their associated floodplains, lakes, and swamps formed a network of waterways and wetlands in the basins.
Large river systems (fig. IN-13) in what is now Montana and Wyoming generally flowed eastward and northeastward toward the Cannonball Sea (fig. IN-13) in what is now North Dakota and South Dakota (Flores, 1986). Coal-forming swamps or mires formed between river channels near the headwaters and downstream parts of river systems. Along the coast of the Cannonball Sea, delta, barrier, and tidal deposits (fig. IN-13) were formed (Flores, 1998).
Some of the large river systems changed to short, high-gradient streams as mountain building (fig. IN-14) continued to reshape the landscape. Coal-forming mires along river channels and associated lakes were widespread from the headwaters of the rivers to the coastal plain. The Cannonball Sea retreated northeastward, followed by an encroaching coastal plain where mires formed on abandoned delta, barrier, and tidal deposits.
As mountain building continued, short, high-gradient drainage systems within developing basins were either ponded into lake systems (fig. IN-15) or flowed through the basins toward the seaway. Large coal-forming mires (fig. IN-15) developed in the basins between river channels and along lake margins. The extent and distribution of the swamps were controlled partly by the size and pattern of these networks of rivers and lakes, and partly by mountain-building activity. As a result, coal beds that formed from these swamps are generally discontinuous and lenticular. Many of the thick peat accumulations, which resulted in thick coal beds, developed in multiple, stacked, domed mires (fig. IN-15) that sheltered the peat from floods and burial by sediments. Coal beds in the Powder River Basin in excess of 200 ft thick reflect the repeated life cycle of swamp growth, demise, and rejuvenation over long periods of time within tectonically subsiding basins.
Depositional environments influence the thickness, shape or geometry, and distribution of Fort Union and equivalent coal. Generally, coal thickness depends on how long peat is permitted to accumulate within the swamp or mire. In this region, peat accumulation was primarily influenced by incursion of river sediments due to floods. Thus, how far the swamp was from river channels, how low or high was the topography of the mire, and
the chemical and biological conditions existing in the mire determined the nature and duration of peat accumulation. Thick peat formed in chemically highly reduced, raised mires removed from river channels, with plant growth sustained by high rate of rainfall. The shape and distribution of coal beds are reflected by the location of the peat-forming swamps in the depositional environments. For example, peat-forming swamps between river channels formed lenticular shapes. Furthermore, when these river channels are
abandoned, these discontinuous, lenticular, peat-forming swamps advanced and coalesced over channel deposits, forming a continuous bed.  The quality of coal (as demonstrated by sulfur, ash, and trace elements
contents) is directly related to the depositional environment. For example, peat that accumulated in coastal swamps that were transgressed by brackish and marine water commonly produces coal that has a high sulfur content.   Peat that accumulates in fluvial or continental areas far removed from marine influence produces coal that has a low sulfur content. Peat mires that are protected from sediment-carrying floods by raised topography produce coal that contains low amounts of ash or fine particulates. However, peat mires that are topographically low-lying and flooded by sediments produce coal high in ash and trace-element content.
  • Fort Union and equivalent Paleocene coal is considered clean, low contaminant-bearing, and compliant with the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.

  • Coal in the Powder River and Williston Basins contains less sulfur and ash than coal produced from other regions in the conterminous United States, as shown in table IN-1 (arithmetic means for the Powder River Basin based on 279 samples; arithmetic means for the Williston Basin based on 281 samples).

  • When sulfur values are compared on pounds of SO 2 per million Btu basis (table IN-2), Powder River Basin coal has the lowest mean content of SO 2 per million Btu of any coal in the conterminous United States.

  • The quantity of trace elements of environmental concern named in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, and uranium) is of increasing importance in meeting compliance standards.

  • Powder River Basin coal has among the lowest concentrations of most of these elements when compared to coal from other coal-producing regions in the conterminous United States (table IN-3) on a whole-coal, remnant-moisture basis.
    Chapter IN  - Introduction -  U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A