Graphs and tables obtained from continuous records of surface-water temperature from five stations for the period july 1963 through December 1965 and of surface, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, tide-stage, wind data and bottom temperature from a single station are presented herein. Effects of powerplant cooling water on water temperature were obvious at a station near the plant's discharge point. Surface-water density at the Patuxent River Bridge varied from 1.0033 to 1.0127 with least change during the period May to September. Salinity ranged from 3 to 16.5 parts per thousand. Average salinity in the spring of 1965 was double that of spring 1964. Turbidity was high during the winter, and peak values were obtained during prolonged periods of high wind velocities. Dissolved oxygen values ranged from 386 to 15.0 parts per million, and percentage saturation of oxygen from 49 to 144 percent. The extreme tidal range was 5.7 feet; mean water levels were highest in summer and lowest in winter and spring.