Sediment investigations of the Platte River near Overton, Nebraska
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This report contains results of sediment-transport investigations on the Platte River near Overton,. Nebr. from January 1950 to September 1953. The basic data of suspended-sediment studies, results of bed-material analyses, and determinations of water-surface slopes from staff readings are given.
The data indicate that a reliable determination of suspended sediment, hence total load, is difficult. Because of the nature of the river at the station and the limited scope of the investigations, the suspended-sediment data may not be representative.
The Platte River is characterized by a wide braided channel, a small hydraulic radius, low banks, and a wide flood plain. (See figs. 1 and 2.,) The river bed is composed of coarse to fine sands.
Near Overton, natural flow of the river is controlled or modified by diversions, storage reservoirs, power development, return flow from irrigation, and withdrawals of ground water. A temporary jetty was extended into the river below the bridge during the summer of 1952 as part of commercial sand pumping operations. Beavers carry on active construction in the narrows and shallows, particularly upstream from the sampling section.
Daily fluctuations in water discharge at the gaging station at the bridge are caused by regulation of the flow, mainly from the generation of power by release of water from a reservoir The water discharge at the station begins increasing about 9:30 a.m., reaches a crest about 2:00 p.m and then immediately recede. Weekly water-discharge measurements of alternate high and low stages indicate a daily variation from 200 to more than 1,000 cfs. During spring summer, and fall increases in water dis charge are also caused by thunderstorm activity in the area.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Unnumbered Series |
Title | Sediment investigations of the Platte River near Overton, Nebraska |
DOI | 10.3133/70047728 |
Year Published | 1955 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources |
Contributing office(s) | Water Resources Division |
Description | 37 p. |
Time Range Start | 1950-01-01 |
Time Range End | 1953-09-30 |
Country | United States |
State | Nebraska |
Other Geospatial | Platte River |
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