Ground-water geology of the Gonaives Plain, Haiti
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The Gonaives Plain lies in northern Haiti at the head of the Gulf of Gonaives. Ground water in the plain is used widely for domestic and stock purposes but only to limited extent for irrigation. The future agricultural development of the plain will depend in large measure on the proper utilization of available ground-water supplies for irrigation.
The rocks in the region of the Gonaives Plain belong to the upper (?) Cretaceous series of the Cretaceous system, the Nocene and Oligovene series of the Tertiary system, and the Pleistocene and Recent series of the Quarternary system. The structural depression occupied by the Gonaives Plain was formed in post-Miocene time by the dislocation of Oligocene and older rocks along normal faults and by the tilting of the adjacent crustal blocks. The lower parts of the depression contain a Pleistocene and Recent alluvial fill deposited by streams tributary to the plain.
The upper (?) Cretaceous rocks include aniesite and basalt lava flows locally intercalated with some beds of tuff and agglomerate. These rocks are generally dense and impervious but locally small springs rise from fractures and bedding planes or from weathered zones.
The Nocene rocks are hard, thin-bedded, cherty limestones with some beds of massive chalky limestone. Considerable ground water circulates through joints, bedding planes, and solution passages in these rocks giving rise to important springs such as Sources Madame Charles. These springs discharge at the rate of about 110 liters per second.
The Oligocene rocks include limestone, shely limestone, limy sandstone, marl, and shale. The limestone beds contain solution passages and other openings and these may afford capacity for the circulation of ground water. However, no wells or springs in Oligocene rocks were observed during the present study.
The alluvial fill of the plain is composed of interbedded lenses of clay, silt, sand, and gravel. These deposits contain a zone of saturation whose upper limit is marked by a water table. The depth to the water table beneath the alluvial lowland of the plain ranges from less than one meter to about 20 meters. In most places in the plain the depth to water is less that 15 meters. Where present in the zone of saturation the coarse, well-sorted sand and gravel beds of the alluvium will probably yield moderate to large supplies of water to wells and infiltration galleries. The individual yields of existing wells range from a few liters to about 60 liters per second.
The most favorable part of the plain for ground-water prospecting and development lies 5 to 10 kilometers northeast of Gonaives. In this area yields of 10 to 50 liters per second could be obtained from the alluvium in simple wells drilled to depths of about 35 to 45 meters. Additional information on the yield and physical character of aquifers in the alluvium would be provided by test wells drilled to depths of 40 to 60 meters.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Unnumbered Series |
Title | Ground-water geology of the Gonaives Plain, Haiti |
DOI | 10.3133/70114670 |
Volume | 45 |
Year Published | 1950 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Description | Report: 29 p.; 1 plate: 17.90 x 17.22 inches |
Country | Haiti |
Other Geospatial | Gonaives Plain |
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