Regulations of the United States Geological Survey




The following regulation have been prepared for the guidance of officers and employees of the United States Geological Survey. They are derived in large part from statute law, from decisions of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, and from official circulars of the Department of the Interior. It is believed that close adherence to these directions will prove helpful to all members of the Geological Survey. This manual of "Regulations," approved by the Secretary, is intended to cover the more important matters relating to the general administrative work of the Survey. A separate series of "Instructions" is issued by the Director for the guidance of the various field assistants and party chiefs.

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Unnumbered Series
Title Regulations of the United States Geological Survey
DOI 10.3133/70159126
Edition 3rd
Year Published 1903
Language English
Publisher U.S. Government Printing Office
Publisher location Washington, D.C.
Description 52 p.
Online Only (Y/N) N
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
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