Review and photogeologic evaluation of some selected anticlines in the Maybe Creek area

Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 27



The following report presents in tabulated form the location, structure, and stratigraphy of various anticlines in the Maybe Creek area which are presently considered to be reasonably favorable drilling sites, References to mere complete sources of information for each anticline are listed.

The accompanying diagram (Fig. 1) presents a generalized stratigraphic picture of the section that would be penetrated by a hole located on the crest of each of these structures. The zonal thicknesses, as shown in this diagram, are average figures and they probably vary from anticline to anticline within this area as they do elsewhere on the North Slope. The thickness of postulated favorable sands and also the stratigraphic horizon reached by each of the proposed 1,500-foot holes may be further affected by the postulated prezone F unconformity. It seems probable that zone E is essentially absent at Umiat. At the Weasel Creek anticline a total of approximately 1,700 feet of zone E sediments appear to be present. This is probably the complete zone E section. Thus the thickness of zone E sediments m4y vary considerably from place to place within the area west of Umiat covered by this report, and these possible variations are not shown in the diagram (Fig. 1). Interpretations of depth and thickness of favorable sands are based on the facies studies of T. G. Payne1/.

Discussions presented are limited to Nanushuk Group rocks and no reference is made nor inference intended as to possible favorable stratigaphic or structural conditions in the older sedimentary rocks.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Unnumbered Series
Title Review and photogeologic evaluation of some selected anticlines in the Maybe Creek area
Series title Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska
Series number 27
Subseries Special Report
DOI 10.3133/70210464
Year Published 1950
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description Report: 6 p.; 2 Figures: 18.18 x 14.35 inches and 18.54 x 14.34 inches
Country United States
State Alaska
Other Geospatial Maybe Creek area
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